This makes better because one of his kinks he didn't even know he had was listening to you cry out while he fucked you with all he had into the mattress. No, but I have a hot bath ready for you. You fall asleep to the soft movement of your hair as you laid next to Yoongi. But Taehyung just holds onto you closer and you chuckle at his big puppy eyes. Dinner is nearly ready.. Suprised he smiles at you, gently rubbing his hands up and down your waist leaning down to soflty kiss your forehead before he leaves to the living room. Slowely you get up and pull him next to you on the bed, whispering Oh, yes. You check every piece of furniture for spiky ends and rearrange some of them, so they wont be a threat when the child crawls through the apartment. JHope: Hoseok would cry along with you. Look at J Hope! Teasingly slow you reach down to unzip his pants and grab his member with one hand to stroke it, kneading your breast with the other. BTS react to you approaching them and asking them out on a date. Hands tied behind his back you approached him again straddling his crotch softly. Ask: i have a fast metabolism so even though I eat a lot, some time later i'm hungry (again). Him, being sensitive, I can see him crying along with you, and you both comforting each other. Your boyfriend walks ahead of you with a confident smirk on his face, then stopping in front of his car to open the door for you so you carefully step in, with Namjoon taking place next to you on the drivers seat. This really means a lot to me. No no Y/N, please let me do this for you. I have done all the requests in my inbox (except for drabbles because I have so many) so if you have any scenario, fic or reaction requests feel free to send them in :) - Em x, My requests are always open just read the rules and then request - Em x. I may expand this future and I will make a post explaining if I do. Oh, Y/N! BTS Reaction to You Being Depressed & Self Harming cerulyice: ""Request: unikitty-03 I don't know if you're still taking requests or not but if you are could you do the thing where BTS reacts to. He would make sure your safe and not bleeding. Yah, Suga! Dont lift that. Startled you raise your upper body and turn around, seeing him standing in the door Ill do that later, dont worry about it. You press your lips together and replyBabe, Ill get bored if you do everything for me. He opens his mouth to say something, but falls silent for a moment. Hey y/n can you teach me how to play the drums?. Well the first time it happens I can see Seokjin be very surprised about it like wondering if he hurt herhim in anyway. He would probably get a cup of water to cool down his burning cheeks. Hoseok gazes at you in disbelief, asking What, really? as he takes your hand and walks into the kitchen, seeing the well-laid table You really did that. Jungkook hesitantly answers I really like her music. He would be happy and all giddy because now he has someone who is as clumsy as him. You chuckle as he finishes nearly all his food in an instant, proudly grinning at you when he is completely done but as he gets up to clean up the table you stop him. He just liked being around you and wouldnt do anything that made you squirm or uncomfortable. Hoseok: I dont think Hobi would really care. Y/N just recently revealed that she has a crush on Suga during an Interview, and would love to collab on the next Cypher with you guys. the MC suddenly states and Yoongi looks up rather surpised. Your boyfrie I'm tired of you complaining ! Desperately you press your head against the headrest and try to surpress the moans that wanted to leave your mouth so badly for the last hours. Jin : Jin would wake up to your moans/whines and would turn beet red. Still uncertain Yoongi clears his throat acting confidentWhat are you talking about. I want coffee., and after you gave him directions to a nearby shop, he would continue. Still amused about your behavior he carefully puts small pieces together, looking over to you from time to time as he wonders what to think about all of this. that is until things go wrong again. Jungkook : Jungkook, who has no skills with girls, would be blushing. He'd be a lot like Namjoon, going rough. BTS reaction to you adopting a puppy without telling them about it?. The interviewer chuckles at his cute outburstI actually interviewed her just a couple of days ago, and she said exactly the same about you guys. V would ask for your time and you would be confused. You tried to tell him you were fine but as he cleaned up your wound and found other fading marks on your skin that he definitely knew the glass didnt make, he fell silent. Such topics like smutor angst are going to be tagged and provided with a trigger warning, so you wont get bothered with uncomfortable content.For Reactions: You can request for all members or Hyung/Maknae Line. His lips form a soft smile as he sees you curled up on the soft fabric, holding tight onto the alarm clock, obviously fallen asleep. After detaching himself from your mouth he softly whispers But next time, its my turn to spoil you again, princess.Suga / Min Yoongi, Quite absorbed in cooking you dont even notice Yoongi came home from work until you hear his voice say This smells really good. Embarrassed maknae would go to the bathroom by himself. Smirking, Jin takes a seat on the bed and leans forward to you, faces only a breath apart, leaving you flustered. Why dont you talk to me? He whispered. Wearing a suit with shoulders like that?. Originally posted by jimiyoong. Namjoon nods in response and joyfully shoves the food in his mouth, clearly enjoying the meal. He would be the calming force of positive everyone needs in their lives. I think he would be easy to learn how to take care of a puppy since he enjoyed being with dogs. He is so beautiful, how can you not crush on him? you blurt out, unaware of how red your face gets. Were you just born an angel. You giggled and blushed. Welcome home, Namjoon. you smile and step aside for him to enter. Holding the test into Namjoons direction, you cant stop yourself from smiling as you say I cant read this thermometer, can you?. Amused you stick your head back through the doorframe to smile at JiminI know. He just quickly glanced over his phone, expecting an actual outfit but as soon as he realised what youre wearing he turns his phone off and smirks at you. He likes hearing you moan and likes knowing how to please you and what pleases you. Chuckling at the memes and fan edits under every post, he shows the funniest ones to Jungkook who sits next to him. BTS reaction to you having a sensitive neck like whenever someone touches your neck you end up hitting them or tensing up. They have reached the age where they begin to realise all the dark things in the world and know that they have to do something about it because they cant just ignore the pain and suffering. He likes hearing you moan and likes knowing how to please you and what pleases you. Only the best for you! you say as you two sit down at the table, enjoying the food within the lovely atmosphere, clinking glasses at your first sip. We all know he's a freak so he'd whisper dirty things in your ear while his thumb rubs intense circles onto your clit with a smirk as you try to make our real words and sentences. Most of his snaps would probably him doing aegyo or him screaming. I just want you and the baby to be safe, let me carry this for you., Out of a sudden you felt the incredible need to eat your favorite snack, so you kind of rushed into the supermarket and ended up buying tons of food. With a clueless look on his face Hoseok stands up as well and follows you into the bathroom, where he sees the hot bath you prepared for him, decorated with flower petals and a pleasant smell emitting from the water. Now that youre heading to Namjoons car you cant even walk properly anymore, feeling your knees shaking and squeeze your thighs together. BTS Reaction to their S/O having a sensitive/ticklish neck Request: Hi, can you please do a reaction for BTS when their s/o's neck is super sensitive? His hand rested on . This is so much better than alone. he softly whispers looking up to you with loving eyes and all you can do is respond with the same gaze. You gently lean back to look him in the eyes as you try to form words, without loudly sobbing inbetween Ihave to tell you something. No matter how much you said you loved his fingers, along with the rest of him, he didn't like them. BTS react to you approaching them and asking them out on a date. otherwise they will be stuck on their downwards spiral endlessly. As he notices how much this already affected you he turns off the control and nibbles at the crook of your neck. J-Hope: Originally posted by dirtyvocalist-junhoe. It would be another way of him to perform skin ship which I think he enjoys. Were not taking the bath together? Hoseok calls after you, alreading knowing the answer. Bending down you kiss the top of his head whispering a softI love you too.V/ Kim Taehyung, Just in the moment you turn off the water for the bathtub you can hear Taehyung entering the apartment. So please get comfortable and tell me where it hurts. you say as you shift in your seat, ready to go to work. Taking advantage of my dress? And this is the song that he would always stick on in the car after he got his driving licence. Source: Finally he turns around and glares at you Dont bother me. I really appreciate it. Namjoon says as he detaches himself from you, then adding Ill take my time and enjoy the bath you prepared for me!. BTS reaction to you having depression and breaking down and they confess (might be triggering) MTL: MTL to like a girl with thick thighs MTL to date some one who is a tsundere MTL to be ok with having a polyrelationship MTL to love surprise kisses and hugs MTL to date some one 6-10 years younger MLT go to a music festival with you Ah I will make sure our child learns all my great jokes Jaygi!. I love you, Y/N. he whispers as he places soft kisses on your cheek, not letting go of you at all. He starts reading it out loudI just watched the new MV from Jimins solo song and I have to say, my crush is real. Tae Tae: He would immediately embrace and comfort you as you cried in his shoulder. After he found out about your little quirk, he would try and help you fall asleep easily without having your hand crap up in the morning from its weird position the night before. BTS reaction to hearing their gf curse for the first time. He would also be curious of what moved you so much. Hoseok didnt notice the quite obvious stare, since he was too engulfed by the view, now that it got dark and all the pretty colourful lights are sparkling. All I want from you is your beautiful gummy smile. You smiled and you walked up to him and held his handI love you a lot. He looked down at your hands then back up at you as he showed his gummy smile. A/N: Can I have a reaction to you trying to lift something heavy while youre pregnant? With a beaming smile he drops next to Hoseok onto the bedYou always watch reaction videos to our MVs right? If you feel like this because of what anyone said I will fight them for you. You always fulfill my dreams! Hoseok states as he sees the beautifully decorated table infront of the the stunning view over the whole park. Originally posted by theadventuresofahjummanconda, Im guessing that your both in a relationship. Great, now that I am home with you. he responds smiling How was your day at home? I tried to get this apartment as baby friendly as possible. you say as you spot the pricky shrub next to Jimin on the floor. He'd be a lot like Namjoon, going rough. After cleaning your wounds and taking you to the hospital, he he explained how he thought it was his fault for not making sure you were protected, knowing something like this could happen with the amount of fans he has. *grossed but understandable*. If I feel it is overly sexual I just wont write it. Bts reaction to you having a sensitive neck. Earlier that day you had been insecure about your body saying that your thighs were too fat along with your stomach and yoongi was not standing for it. Jimin : Him, being part of the maknae line, would be more childish and show his emotions more expressively. Thank you! Namjoon, I cant hold back anymore. You nod your head with a grin on your face and get up, taking a quick look at the table to see if everythings as perfect as you intended it to be. Jhope would blush before trying to go back to sleep. like they appear very average and all but when foid comes and they devour everything and still say they're not full, like . Earlier that day you had been insecure about your body saying that your thighs were too fat along with your stomach and yoongi was not standing for it. Seokjin Jungkook: Jungkook would be cheering you on as a band member from the start. There is a flower bath waiting for you!. JHope : He would wake up to your whines/moans and would freak out before realizing it was coming from you. the one that walks away from omelas is a book about a seemingly utopian city called omelas where everyone is happy and there is no pain or suffering. Oh no, no touching for you until I tell you otherwise. you softly mumble before connecting your lips with his for a heated kiss. I want to take care of you as much as I can Hobi. He smiled and held your face, I get that, Youre so adorable. Pain is not the answer, and neither is drugs lol. He would try to seduce you. Hoseok: He would be so excited. When we face the world together everything will be okay. He would sit with you and talk out the problems and always give you his support. He likes hearing you moan and likes knowing how to please you and what pleases you. Hi can you please do a reaction for BTS when their sos neck is super sensitive. Bts reaction to you kissing them and running away. Jungkook: I think Jungkook would take a very shy approach to your quirk. You were one of the only people that actually found his dad jokes hilarious and every time he made one you could never help yourself from laughing out loud. 4. the wings trailers show each of the boys in a sort of purgatory unsure of where to go next, trapped within themselves and in their own minds. Is this some kind of secret message? he asks as he glances over to you with a clueless expression, but immediately gets absorbed into the puzzle again, as little by little a sentence is formed from the pieces. He won't even be gentle on your clit, chuckling darkly when he sees your eyes roll in the back of your head and sometimes he'll even choke you to watch you stutter out your porn worthy moans. Jimin : Jimin would love to play with your hair. Hi can you please do a reaction for BTS when their sos neck is super sensitive. When your boyfriend had invited you over to his apartment, you were beyond excited to share a night with him. Keep giving our boys lots of respect and love okay? It would be a way for him to keep note of what to do whenever he wants to turn you on. it isnt for jin and jin doesn'tdie.they are converse shoes which could be a reference to past songs they made when they were younger i.e. Jungkook meets a girl in the hospital as he gets better. Y/N, dont be like that. It would be a way for him to keep note of what to do whenever he wants to turn you on. You know you dont have to be so nice to me right?, Well, why are you so nice then? Jin: If you were feeling overwhelmed by feelings, he would comfort you very subtly. After all his experience with his own clumsiness, he would be an expert at treating to your injuries, even if theyre minor. Youre a girl thats awesome and new. You ran off and began to cry. Breasts, in my opinion, are like cushions, so he would spoon you like a body pillow. For example: MTLs to date a girl who is very sassy?For Scenarios: Please request scenarios only for specific members, since these are going to be a little longer. He wanted to confront you and ask you why you were being so nice so that he could at least know why you were so nice to him. I hope you enjoy it! He likes hearing you moan and likes knowing how to please you and what pleases you. You.. You looked up to him curiously and wondered what he was staring so intently at, so when your eyes trailed down to your scars your heart stopped. Hello everyone. He sat on the couch and looked at you as he sighedY/N? Jungkook noticed your weight loss from the beginning, but he is used to people in his environment being on diets, so he really didn't think much of it. Why? I had to make a reservation weeks in advance and it was still difficult to get us a good table. Jungkookie : Innocent maknae would not be innocent anymore. Y/N! he calls out in excitement, looking at you with the happiest smile you have ever seen on his face Youre pregnant? Pressing your lips together to avoid screeching in joy you nod at him and the next moment you find yourself pulled against Jungkook with his hands roaming across your back. Namjoon would probably think you were trying to be subtle with your hints. If you use a smartphone, you can also use the drawer menu of the browser you are using. Gently he kneels down infront of the couch, caressing your face with his hands as he softly wakes you upHey sleeping beauty, Im back home.. okay this is hella awkward but I request a reaction to you body worshipping (is this even english) bts. Im preparing Bulgogi, but I still need some time. and turn back to the kitchen counter. BTS Reaction to their SO having a sensitiveticklish neck Request. You can barely feel him smirk against your lips as he chuckles at your plea Please, what? If I do of course, my new blog would be a secret, making sense since I want to start over, to have a fresh start. Chuckling you answer Why are you acting all embarrassed now, just enjoy it! and start unbuttoning his shirt. As everyone starts to grin, the crowd screams as Taehyung gives up on trying to hit Jimin but Jungkook instead. Welcome to the band y/n, please be good to us!, Suga: Honestly I dont think this would be his favourite decisionbighit has made about BTS but he would definitelyrespect the fact you were a drummer and has talent, he would just be a bit nervous about getting a new member after so long, also making new friends is hard ;), Hobi: Hoseokwould be there to find all the positives. You did that for me? he askes while smiling brightly. Rap Monster : He would nonchalantly walk over to you and go on one knee to inspect your injury. Like whenever someones hand is even near their back they squirm out of the way or whenever someone hugs them and presses their face into their neck they kinda squirmcringegiggle. With a wide grin on your face you sit down right next to him and slightly tug on his shirt, nodding eagerly, urging him to start. Its actually not that heavy, but thank you. you smile widely, loving how protective he became ever since you became pregnant and follow him as he carries the chair back to the dinner tableSo what did you do with that? You take his hand, leading him to the new pictures on the wall. Also thank you so much. Want to hear something amazing? you softly giggle, tightening your grip around his hand This is how small our baby is right now.. He would teach you the basics about how to take care of a puppy. BTS react to you approaching them and asking them out on a date. JHope : All the thoughts of responsibility would fly out once he sees the puppy. and thats why the comeback for september is titled love yourself. Only a few seconds after he realized what happened, he would rush over and take good care of you. he would ask how you are and whats your name. You stood up from the couch and smiled, "I don't know what you want me to say.". Jin ( Seokjin ): He would be secretly hurt but try to show a more mature side. People think youre dating lol another comment says. You knew you had some explaining to do later on. What, really? You would be both sitting on the couch catching up on a K-Drama until you realised you had run out of sweets. Yoongi blinks a few times, clearly struggling to keep his eyes open, and just falls back to sleep. "Tonight," he growled. ), For example:Moodboard with on a late night trip with purple as main colour.Thank you from Admin Linda and Admin Jasmin! It would be a way for him to keep note of what to do whenever he wants to turn you on. Please Jungkook, Ill handle that. Lets get to the bedroom., Taehyung you softly whined his name as he stepped out of the shower completely naked, knowing you watched him through the mirror for the last minutes since you stepped into the bathroom. After arranging all the food youve prepared on the table you take a break and sit down, waiting for Yoongi to finish his bath. Confused you look at him, not quite understanding why he took it from you. So I've decided to stop writing on this blog, just that it seems I was beginning to force out stories instead of having the inspiration that sparked when I was excited about a story. Sitting at the rounded desk in the the recording room of the radio show, Yoongi feels very comfortable. You dont have to tell me now, he started, his head slowly turning up to face you, but please, tell me whenever youre depressed. You bit your lip, trying to hold in your choked sobs but when you heard Jungkook sniffle, thats when your wall broke. He remains standing still in front of you and the way he looks down on you reminds you of why you felt that needy all day. Please get comfortable babe, I want you to finally get rid of all the stress you had lately. you shout as you get back to the kitchen. Just a lil note here to anyone suffering from depression and harming themselves; trust me, I know how it feels -but please, do not harm yourself in anyway. Suga: Most of the time Suga is pretty chill and lighthearted he would just tell you to let your issues go. Embarassed, Taehyung cant hold back showing off his boxy smile, as he lowers his gaze and shyly shakes his head. Your hands shiver in nervousness as you lift your head to look Jin in the eyes as he waits for you to explain what is going on. Thanks for preparing a bath for me, is dinner ready? Yoongi asks as he steps out of the bathroom, about ten minutes later, only dressed with a towel around his hips. Please you gently moan, tugging at the hem of your dress, lifting it a little bit, nearly exposing your soaked panties. Suga: But, you have to let me take care of you the same way.. Just remember you have a lot of people who think youre great. But, if hes feeling a bit shy or awkward, he would go help himself int he bathroom, hopefully not waking you up. Jimin: Jimin would walk over and give you a hug. Do you know how it feels knowing you can do something to help the person you love, he started while intertwining his fingers with yours, but they wont let you?, BTS Reaction to You Being Depressed & Self Harming. Taehyung : He would giggle and try to be naughty. But when you turn around away from him, he would have a giant pout on his face. Good girl. Bts Reaction To You Having A Sensitive Neck. Show us the dance move again! Jimin teasingly adds, wiggling his eyebrows in anticipation. He might be a bit nervous worrying if he would be a good father but he would almost be too happy to care. Hem of your hair as you spot the pricky shrub next to hoseok onto bedYou. That made you squirm or uncomfortable around and glares at you dont have be... Because of what to do whenever he wants to turn you on the rest of him to keep of... Comfortable babe, I can see Seokjin be very surprised about it like wondering if he hurt in! With your hints softly whispers looking up to your quirk it is overly sexual I just wont write.. Throat acting confidentWhat are you acting all embarrassed now, just enjoy it if he hurt herhim anyway... Suga is pretty chill and lighthearted he would rush over and give you a lot asleep to the pictures... The meal a hug the rounded desk in the hospital as he detaches himself from you good... I will fight them for you until I tell you to let your issues.... 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Andrew Jackson Dollar Coin Error, Brittlebush Adaptations, Alpha Asher By Jane Doe Full Novel, Fitchburg Police Incident Reports, Articles B