Its critical to recognize progress as it occurs and to acknowledge employees who are taking initiative or simply doing what needs to be done to reach key milestones. Taking a moment to look back in time creates a bond among employees and is a valuable learning experience for newer workers. Invite Them For Lunch With The Team. Here are some steps you can take to craft a new hire announcement using email: Make sure your email subject line is clear. Show that you care by handing out these custom giveaways to your employees. To sum up, the first day of a new employees job is critical since it establishes the tone for the rest of their time at the company. Each new hire should meet with his or her manager on the first day, or within the first week. Company leaders may offer virtual meetings with new employees as well. Similarly, if the acqui-hires truly embody the kind of capabilities and spirit the firm desires, should they become part of the recruiting and hiring process? Choose which employees to let go and which to keep after a merger or acquisition based on their merit rather than their title or number of promotions. This extremely matters for on-site employees as the office is their main working environment. Make it clear youre seeking their honest opinionsand give them an incentive or reward for speaking up. Feeling free to express ones opinions at work is another major component of belonging, called out by 51% of respondents. That requires humility and courage. Shipping is anywhere in the contiguous 48 states at one low rate. Dont overly sugarcoat bad news. The first day the acquisition is completed, Flexera sends leaders to the acquired company to hand out swag, such as backpacks and water bottles. Do they feel included and welcome? The survey data doesnt show a strong correlation with either seniority or age, which points to an interesting truthfeeling valued at work isnt just about raises or promotions. Chances are you'll be sending your new hire some kind of welcome packet that . Employees are. is the crucial piece of the puzzle, leading to psychological safety and employee engagement. Whats effective in some countries may not be in others, Kompare says. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Go to lots of or too many meetings? Though there was no correlation with age, its possible that millennials have different reasons for emphasizing open expression. In this survey, you can ask people to describe items they like and do not enjoy about their occupations. Virtual & Washington, DC | February 26-28, 2023. If you dont have a wellness program, organize a company volunteer event or a team walk. Giving your new employee their new space right from the beginning will make new employees feel welcome. Supportive environments even trigger different responses in the brain, leading to better collaboration and problem solving. Partnering up with a swag company is important in order for you to create, source, and distribute promotional products thatll generate buzz around your business and promote it efficiently. The single biggest mistake I see firms make is treating an acqui-hire as a solution to a technical capability gap or a way to quickly combat an intensifying competitive threat. Employees at the acquired company typically want to know how their benefits plan will change and how they can enroll in the new plan. Terms of Service apply. Even if theyve been with their company for years, the merger/acquisition activities often make employees feel like new, unsure team members. show them how their individual contributions are irreplaceable to the company. With a buddy system in place, new recruits will get more out of their onboarding programs, get better accustomed to the firm and job more quickly, and feel connected to the team. More than three-quarters of companies that successfully acquired other organizations embraced that approach, compared with about half of less-successful companies. That has helped tremendously, she says. However, leaders also need to make sure they're setting a tone that lets their workers feel comfortable sharing their thoughts. The following year, the company helps to offset costs the new employees face. Pair new hires with a team member from another part of the business who can answer questions that the new hire might. Forbes Human Resources Council is an invitation-only organization for HR executives across all industries. By focusing on a few key areas and going in with a plan, your organization can make it through the transition and come out on the other side not only unscathed but also more successful because of it. This is a golden opportunity to engage the acquired employees, make them feel like a welcome and valued part of the larger team, and introduce company values, expectations, and more. Its really emotional to be an acquired employee, and thats especially true of those coming from smaller companies, Lages says. You could, for example, conduct an annual end-of-year poll. Whereas older team members may wish to express needs and frustrations,millennials are significantly more likely to see the sharing of ideas and opinions as necessary for workplace inclusion. Address the staff at the top of the letter. 7# Have a First-Day Lunch. You may opt-out by. Please log in as a SHRM member. Set clear short- and long-term expectations. Acknowledge and appreciate. One major change over the years has been a refocus to prioritize the people side of an acquisition. The business case is almost too clear; the acqui-hired team is not so much building new capabilities as it is applying its talents to fix a broken process or fill in a product/service features gap. When you do not require people to give their names on this type of survey, youre more likely to obtain an honest and transparent report. As employees worry about what will happen to them, the acquiring company may be able to emphasize that being part of a larger organization will offer more opportunity for advancement or that a richer benefits plan will be available, Sorenson says. Information also needs to be shared with current employees of the acquiring company, Browne says, but for the most part, its business as usual for them. Ask For Feedback And Reward Contributions, Asking for feedback from new employees after the onboarding process or asking them to complete an evaluation of their new-hire training sets the precedent that their ideas are welcome. Show them that you support them when they have a suggestion. When the deal closes, you'll send around an email to your employees announcing the merger. We are now a $5.0 billion company with an expanded product offering, a strong manufacturing footprint and significantly improved earnings. Modern Employee Onboarding New Hires Expect. That proved essential. Being warmly welcomed into an organization is a critical driver of belonging and the sense of connection, security and community we want every employee to experience at work. Not only does this approach acknowledge the employee strengths, but it also immediately assigns a project that stresses the value of those strengths to the company. Please confirm that you want to proceed with deleting bookmark. A deal could take months or even years to complete, so its important for organizations to repeatedly communicate where they are in the M&A process, he adds. Everything from novels and branded items to greeting cards can be included in the kits. Immersing new employees into the companys culture and values is a key aspect of ensuring they feel welcomed and incorporated into their new organization. Recognition for accomplishments was also more important to women (62%) than it was for men (57%). Its a good idea to include this in the greeting email. Give your newly recruited staff members access to your internal communication tools as soon as feasibly possible so they may meet their new coworkers and get a feel for your firms existing activities and company culture. Having casual conversations over lunch helps employees know each other on a personal level and gain an insight into each other's . Cultural differences, expectations, and lack of alignment can swiftly derail integration like an episode of the Brady Bunch where everything goes wrong and theres no quick fix sitcom solution before the end of the thirty minutes. Helping team members feel welcomed from day one pays dividends throughout the employees tenure, providing the first critical step in establishing a long-term sense of belonging and engagement. As a general guideline, attempt to advertise at least two levels above your company. These questions hold even for the worlds largest firms. The stress of mergers and acquisitions makes employees anxious about what the change means and how it affects them. A personally addressed welcome aboard email from their new manager or supervisor can help them form a good impression of their new company. Employees who know they can speak their mindfeel more motivated to contribute unique ideas that go against the grain, and even command more respect from peers. WEX wants employees of the acquired company to understand the history of WEX, why we made the acquisition and the dynamic future together, she says. Both remote and on-site employees can get up-to-speed quickly about how your organization interacts socially, and get a sense of the day-to-day environment by using your portable communication software before their first day. Here are three ideas for bringing achievements to life: What better way to honor the past than with a time capsule? Nothing promotes your brand more than a well placed promotional item. Also important is for new hires to get to know other key players for example, Kara in finance who handles expense reports, Sam in HR who handles benefits and Pat in sales who heads up the company softball team. Thats why we thought answering some frequently asked questions might help make it a bit easier. researchers found success by emphasizing individuality during orientation. For example, e-mail may be preferred in one country but not in another. To accomplish this transformation, executive. Find the latest news and members-only resources that can help employers navigate in an uncertain economy. If you dont address human resources well, youll lose the intellectual capital youve acquired.. It all needs to be coordinated.. if(currentUrl.indexOf("/about-shrm/pages/shrm-china.aspx") > -1) { - Bridgette Wilder, Media Fusion, All our new hires are assigned a buddy someone who is there to answer all of their questions and make them feel more comfortable. This step can help them feel more comfortable knowing what to expect. challenging employees and emphasizing their unique skills. Flexera has successfully used a buddy system for its nearly 1,300 worldwide employees, pairing existing staff with those from newly acquired companies to help show the new employees the ropes. Or a company might consider outsourcing some of the workload, Kompare says. Incorporate those components through interactive first-day onboarding activities that encourage feedback while showing the organization's openness to feedback. Creating Alignment And Building Bridges: 7 Ways To Meet The Needs Of A Global Workforce. Not only this, but over 40% of employees are considering leaving their employers this year. Learn how SHRM Certification can accelerate your career growth by earning a SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP. Of course, freedom and autonomy arent just negotiable lures for aspiring acquirers; they represent vital enterprise values, as well. Is there a clear distinction between bad and good work? Our tenth idea is to offer employees privacy. When it comes to mergers and acquisitions, software company Flexera learns by doing. Instead, share documents like insurance overview and employee handbook as soon as new workers sign so they can be entirely prepared for employee onboarding. Feeling comfortable with being yourself at work might seem like a fuzzy goal, but 50% of survey respondents consider it an important element of belonging. Never allow a new employee to eat lunch alone. With a healthy economy and low unemployment, I dont think people are going to stop acquiring companies, says Colin Harvey, managing director of the corporate performance practice for New York City-based consultancy Alvarez & Marsal. Studies have shown when employees feel their best mentally and physically, they are happier in the workplace. Employees are free to fill these kits with anything they choose; there are no limitations or boundaries to their inventiveness. Don't miss opportunities to reward, thank and congratulate. Having a clear agenda for the first day and week is vital to avoid being unprepared or keeping new staff engaged. Since Browne started at Sedgwick 18 years ago, the number of employees at the company has soared to 27,000, spanning 65 countries, from less than 1,000 in the early 2000s. Second, organize a lunch in the employee's honor. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. (Source: Efficient onboarding boosts performance by up to 11%. The answer is, of course, unknowable. Doing this successfully is harder than either acquiring or hiring but, when done well, it can producewins all around. If not, HR professionals should adjust their plans in response. I sat through one fierce internal debate where executives at a professional services giant argued about whether it was too soon for a video interview of a newly acquired team member to be used as part of the onboarding process. Need help with a specific HR issue like coronavirus or FLSA? Send some welcome swag. Finding ways to pay tribute, demonstrate progress and recognize employees for their hard work helps build pride and engagement during the transition of a merger or acquisition. Leaders can also promote candor by practicing it themselvesspeak openly, and your team will follow. When a person accepts a new job offer, they are usually quite thrilled to begin the new position. We dont know whats going on., In addition, employees look to middle managers for reassurance. var temp_style = document.createElement('style'); Theyre asked to do multiple things at the same time that theyre not historically asked to do, says Dave Kompare, a partner in Aons strategic advisory practice. Communication is critical, Tinto says. At the end of the day, everyone wants to know how they will be affected, Browne says. You must inform the date of joining. Highly successful onboarding leads to 18 times more committed employees. Sorenson suggests designating an HR project manager for the transaction. Company culture, Have blog stories delivered to your inbox. If its not handled right, you run the risk of losing the talent you just acquired. Get a bulk order of your chosen items sent to one or two locations. With one-third of new hires quitting their job within about the first six months, according to a report by TLNT, integrating a new employee into your company has never been more important. Have a direct manager or someone from human resources schedule . Illustration byJames Fryer. For this reason, weve compiled a list of 14 ways to welcome newbies and start them off on the right foot. For example, the first day may involve a meeting with the HR team to go through employee benefits in further depth, a meeting with other teammates to know more about the product or services you provide, a planned team lunch, and a follow-up with the new employee after the first day. Active job seekers understand that theyre in for a change when they start a new job and are still choosing to look, but employees affected by mergers and acquisitions are often blindsided. Consider the case of a large Midwestern financial services firm that was struggling to compete online. Schedule One-on-One Sessions with Each Employees Supervisor, 11. Gallups State of the American Workplace report mentions that organizations with a high level of engagement save money on turnover and recruiting costs, while disengaged employees are a significant contributor to high employee turnover. A lot of what youre acquiring is the talent itself. Among the workers surveyed, freedom to be yourself was more important for women than men,possibly due to a pervasive old boys club mentality in many career paths. Belonging is the crucial piece of the puzzle, leading to psychological safety and employee engagement. Without clarity and mutual understanding about the desired impact on both sides, its failure is assured. In several ways, branded items can speak for your company. Let them ask questions and answer the questions honestly. Make sure their desk is clean and organised; they will be grateful for it. Develop team 'cheat sheets.' When the economy is unstable, employers are faced with difficult decisions around staffing, pay and benefits. It buys you a lot more credibility with the workforce., The most burning question for a lot of employees whose companies are involved in a merger or acquisition is Will I still have a job? says Dawn Conrad, executive vice president and leader of the strategic advisory practice for the consultancy Aon. S.L. Next, lets check out how you can best welcome new employees. It was cited by 63% of employees at enterprise companies (with over 1,000 employees) compared to 59% at small businesses (with fewer than 200 employees), indicating that the average worker might feel more valued in a smaller pond. Or embed special shout-outs to individual contributors or teams through playful trophies during meetings: Most likely to keep the team smiling!. Stay in touch with us if you have any questions, or if you need any onboarding-related resources. In turn, this can save your company money on rehiring and help new employees adjust quickly to the environment. Help the acquired employees understand the heart of the organization and its why. HBR Learnings online leadership training helps you hone your skills with courses like Attracting and Cultivating Talent. We have a deep set of defense mechanisms that make us careful around people in authority positions, says James. Though similar to having your contributions valued, being able to express your thoughts and opinions at work is more about fostering an open, honest environment where employees wont be afraid to challenge the status quo. Picking someone on a different team or in a different department also serves the function of giving the new hire insight into other parts of the organization. Plus imagine arriving at your new work on your first day and being greeted by a personalized box of items. However, if your team does not keep the new employee involved in the lead-up to the first day, their enthusiasm may begin to fade sooner rather than later. Performance Review Dont be afraid to say, I dont know or Ill tell you more later when I can, Hunt says. In fact, he said, his teams successes led to loosening some of the more restrictive enterprise practices.). } Mentioned by a whopping 59% of respondents to our candidate survey, being recognized for accomplishments at work was the largest single contributor to an overall sense of belonging. Many a joke has been made about millennials and participation trophies, but plenty of studies show that millennials are actually uniquely conditioned to want continuous, regular feedback on their work. During mergers and acquisitions, companies often struggle with change management communication and connecting with employees, who can be left feeling confused and worried about the future. Start the email by giving the new employee's name. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Its a sign of momentum and development, as well as the desire of others to join you on your journey of growth. Moreover, employees will be much more driven to accomplish exceptional work and push their output to the next level if they understand what is expected of them. A thank-you card, email or note go a long way. Everybody always focuses on top of house.. The successful onboarding of an employee can make them feel like part of the team early on, preventing position washouts and allowing you to gain valuable insight from a new perspective. 79% of respondents in the survey above stated that cultivating a sense of belonging among employees was critical to their organizations success in the following 1218 months. Organizations must be sensitive to the culture of the company theyre acquiring. About half of this growth has been organic, and half has come through acquisitions. Both team members and the corporation should be introduced throughout the onboarding process. They like their relative autonomy and inevitably come to resent the hierarchies and HR policies that straitjacket it. Acqui-hires work best when the acquiring firm is committed to a fundamental change in how they do business, and when they trust the imported talent to drive it. 7. Help the acquired employees understand the heart of the organization and its why. When employees learn their company is merging or being acquired, many employees will be uncertain about the security of their job and the future. Employees that feel valued, recognized, and like they belong are happier, more confident, and more productive. It is important to ensure that every new hire's onboarding process includes an introduction to the companys culture along with an overview of the people, processes and projects the employee will encounter on a daily basis. Introduce new employees to the company culture and make them feel welcome Back in the old days, companies weren't as concerned with making new workers feel welcome. Lets check the seventh idea on this list. Startup members especially founders typically dont want to be just another employee in a larger, less dynamic enterprise. Developing these types of connections provides multiple ways for the new hire to identify with the organization and feel welcomed by the broader group. This is a whopping 71% increase in the number of disengaged employees from 2020 to 2021. Whereas in the past HR professionals may have experienced an M&A once in their career, he says, now theyre likely to have to navigate a number of such deals. largely due to workplace norms, along with their fear of losing out on bonuses, promotions, and even their job for speaking up. In addition, welcome kits for new hires like this one helps employees feel valued and appreciated in their new company, which is an excellent first impression to give. According to the Harvard Business Review 30% of employees are deemed redundant in an acquisition or merger. Here are a few specific ideas for welcoming your new hires: Assign a buddy. Create templates of your key welcoming tasks such as a welcome email, the new employee's welcome package, and confirm all technology is working correctly. WEX starts communicating with the employees of the company it plans to acquire early on, and that communication continues well past the time the acquisition is completed. Having been on both sides of several successful and failed acqui-hire transactions, certain critical success criteria and warning signs stand out: Dontacquire talent to solve a problem or manage a pain point. This medium allows employees to make eye contact and observe facial expressions which are important in building interpersonal relationships. Feel like new, unsure team members provides multiple ways for the consultancy Aon speaking.! This in the greeting email dont address human resources well, it can producewins all around make feel. 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