The journey of someone just like you, on a journey just like you. I've also been engaged in Democratic party politics and legislative work for the last decade. Pros. In some states, the information on this website may be considered a lawyer referral service. We need prophetic challenge from outside politics but believe we also need to redress the balance and have Christians on the inside, on the spot when events happen. What we find with Mandatory voting is that every citizen has to give an opinion. Something thats good about having the right balance of independence is that if youre on top of your own issues, youre more free to look after others. Ability to choose clients While hospital or agency administrators might assign their case managers a list of patients to work with, independent case managers can choose their own client list based on their areas of specialty and desired work amount. I work in the Presidential battleground state of Florida, we have a lot of state representative, county commission races, etc. Political parties are able to draw on resources, financial as well as volunteers, to support a campaign and these resources may not be available to an Independent. It's important when considering independent contract work to understand the pros and cons of working as an independent contractor. Theme "Anarcho Notepad" designed and engineered by Arthur (Berserkr) Gareginyan. First off, you dont have to be pressured by one party or another to vote a specific way. When Senator Bernie Sanders dropped out of the 2020 United States Presidential Race on April 8, the fallout was palpable, especially among those who identify as independent. He didnt represent the ideologies and policies of the Democratic party, but rather pushed an agenda that aligned with the Green Partys socialist and lower-class-first initiative. Many Christians who participate in politics and public life make a decision to join a political party, even though they dont agree with every policy position that party takes. Socially Liberal but Fiscally Conservative, Advocacy Ideas/ Photographer as Witness: A Portrait of Abuse, Party Politics: We Need Education Reformation on Civic Life. @user4012 no the state always votes maryland. Once you've determined the amount of tax you owe, you can send your payment to the IRS by mail or by making your payment electronically on the IRS website. Whoops. For more, check out the Kicker site, like their Facebook page, or subscribe to their email newsletter. The problem with doing everything yourself is that you only have the resources and investment of one person to accomplish things. (Wikimedia Commons). @user4012 um not sure I understand your first comment. Here are some pros and cons to consider if you want to become an occupational therapist: Pros Occupational therapy is a rewarding career that offers significant benefits for those who enjoy helping others. It is required to be registered as that party to vote in that primary unless they are open primaries, which some states have. But the best advice I can give is be engaged, know what you care about and vote as often as legal. Maybe that just shows us a real flaw in our attitude in that we dont actually know how to do things with others. For Californians who mistakenly registered with AIP, here's the bad news: For Republicans, it's a closed primary, so only registered Republicans can vote for a GOP candidate. But there were problems. Another one that kind of plays on our pride a bit. You have to vote, so minorities, workers, etc turn up and vote. However, along with this, a lot of people feel that registering as an Independent and voting for a third party is throwing their vote away. Independent contractors are sometimes called ICs, consultants, freelancers, free agents, or contractors. When Senator Bernie Sanders dropped out of the 2020 United States Presidential Race on April 8, the fallout was palpable, especially among those who identify as independent. Its a sense of ownership over your own life, and its great when people are taking responsibility for how theyre feeling and really owning their owndecisions. With the 2020 election, we have begun to see more than two parties. Choose the kind of work they take and the companies they work for, Set different terms and pay rates for various clients, and, Own the intellectual property rights to work they create, such as art, music, or software, unless the parties sign a contract that specifies that the works belong to the client company. You'll also find a bevy of resources on the U.S. Small Business Administration's website. Let's face it, no one could possibly agree with every aspect of either party at every turn. Here are 6 pros and cons of being independent. Politicians have to appeal to everyone. Thousands of California voters, including Demi Moore and Emma Stone, register to wrong party Here are three different problems going on in 3 different states. But we need to remember that were not made to do our whole life alone, and that our greatest strength lies in partnering with others and doing it as a team. We view the status of being independent as having made it, as something to aspire to be. Apparently my voter registration (less than a year old) has been purged. When Senator Bernie Sanders dropped out of the 2020 United States Presidential Race on April 8, the fallout was palpable, especially among those who identify as independent. For those with a creative and entrepreneurial spirit, the rewards will be more than just monetary. Or purged entirely. Many people can't wait in line for hours on end to vote, for a range of reasons. Can someone please explain these numbers and how the Republican won the CA US 21st congressional district in 2016? What are the obligations/duties of "a Democrat" vs an independent? If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. You have a certain approach to your finances, but youre actually not aware of how bad you are at saving. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. As an independent contractor, you're your own boss, meaning you have more control, but you also have more responsibility. Pros and Cons of Being an Independent Contractor An independent contractor is defined by the method of compensation. As a 14-year registered Democrat and 1-year registered Republican, the only advantage I see as registering as an independent is that you don't get bombarded by phone calls and mailers when it comes time for the Primary. I also wonder if the primary voting restriction rules were implemented by party politicians to improve their own reelection chances. At the end of that time, the event planner must submit a list of vendors hired, an expense report itemizing the costs, receipts for payments made; and the marketing materials developed. For example, people registered under the Democrats are tied to the socialist, liberal ideologies that cover the extremes of the Democratic Party even if the person doesnt believe in them. If Your Wife Isnt Your Standard Of Beauty, Who Is? Here are 6 pros and cons of being independent. If you're not registered either Democrat or Republican, you might be having a tough time voting. My brother actually identifies with the Green party (even though hes only eleven and doesnt know much of anything), and I try to tell him that he wont be politically relevant! But you should know there are a lot of local elections by which you could have a larger impact. You can feel free to have your own political opinions and views that arent dictated and determined by a conglomerate of politicians. Earlier we discussed some of the benefits of working as an independent contractor, like setting your own hours and making your own rules. Please reference the Terms of Use and the Supplemental Terms for specific information related to your state. I know this is a red state and most red Republicans would rather be caught with their pants down than labeled the D word. As always, Id like to consider this issue from both sides and have a look at the merits on both sides of the argument. How good is it when people are so free in their own life that they dont just have enough for them whether it be finances, emotions, time, or otherwise but they have enough to give to others? Youre all grown up now, you can be taken seriously. PSUs diversity and inclusion, Letter to the Editor (East Herts People. Fact Sheet 13: Employment Relationship Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Self-Employment Tax (Social Security and Medicare Taxes). 2) No Paystubs (Though You Can Generate Your Own) The drawbacks to being an independent contractor include more responsibility. 1 is required to work at the company's offices from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily; uses a company computer, phone, and email system; submits vendor selections and costs to management for approval; and provides weekly status reports on the vendors hired, the costs, and the marketing materials delivered. Does Cast a Spell make you a spellcaster? There is no stigma to being independent. At some point in our lives, many of us dream of breaking the shackles of employment and becoming our own boss. Electricity is . You can vote for whoever you want to. Others say their registration was mysteriously switched from Democrat to something else. Independently decide if you really want to continue with Governor Bentley and have your children be last in education among the states. If you're not registered either Democrat or Republican, you might be having a tough time voting. ICs who have formed a corporation file a separate corporate tax return. Partisan identification in the US, polls only weakly correlated to voter registration. Over 60,000 Democrats in Brooklyn alone disappeared from the voter rolls. The Electoral College is created in the Constitution of the United States Article II Section I and reformed in the 12 amendment. Employees may have to work long hours and travel quite often. You can still be and call yourself an independent. As you get older, youre trying to find your footing in other areas, like friendships, education, dressing yourself. In 2008, for example, some conservatives launched Operation Chaos, led by radio host Rush Limbaugh, to mess with the Democratic primary. About a half million people in California meant to register as independents, but accidentally registered with an ultraconservative party instead. Ho, Inside Portlands City Council reform process Pros of Being an Independent Caregiver. And sometimes these can be great. Some say their paperwork didn't get received and processed. As a moderate liberalish myself, I know that I will educate myself before making a decision, especially because there are so many options. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. While there isn't any data (that I've seen) showing "an advantage" of registering Independents rather than of the two major parties, the way you engage them as a voter is highly correlated with their long-term engagement with the political process. Its about making change. If its all about you, you are the ceiling on the organization or on the investment. Unlike W-2 employees, a 1099 independent contractor is responsible for his or her own taxes, retirement savings, and health insurance coverage. List of the Pros of the Catalan Independence Vote and Referendum. If our independence is complete isolation, then we probably wont get this far cause well be too obsessed with our own needs and priorities. 4 cons of being an electrician. Read our, How To Succeed as an Independent Contractor, The Differences Between Employed vs. Self-Employed, What To Know About Household Employee Taxes, How the IRS Determines Independent Contractor Status, What To Do With an IRS Backup Withholding Notice, What You Need to Know Before You Sign a W-9 Form, Hiring and Paying an Independent Contractor. How to react to a students panic attack in an oral exam? While its true change happens slowly, we can make that change by being willing to stand up for the working lower class. Some activists in Arizona are demanding a revote. Anecdotally, I can tell you that lately, all voters are becoming more and more polarized, and independent-registered voters tend to be less participatory in elections, especially local elections. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. So I am a person whose extremely weary of independents because Ive seen many of my apolitical friends use this as a cop out and excuse for not voting since they just cant in the primary so now Im annoyed in the general. Maryland is safely a Democratic leaning state, with the last time going to a Republican was in 1988, giving its 10 electoral votes to Bush. What I like about this attitude is that you take responsibility for your own wellbeing. Zip Recruiters puts the average pay for independent insurance agents at a heartier $97,996. By the way, not everyone agrees that open primaries are better and fairer. Yes most definitely. Which States Use an Open Primary Election?. It shouldnt be about party allegiance. Statistically, it doesnt even make sense. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median pay for insurance agents was over $52,000 in 2020. Do you agree or disagree with any of the comments above? Many of Sanders supporters felt his chances at the presidency had been smeared and interfered with by liberal media and fellow former Democratic presidential candidates. In many cases, there are areas of your life where no one else has been there to look after you. This article was written by Holly Epstein Ojalvo and originally appeared on Kicker. Pros and Cons of Being an Independent Contractorwas originally published on College Recruiter. , The Des Moines Register, 5 Jan. 2018, Sanders suspending his campaign additionally meant Joe Biden would be the Democratic candidate for the 2020 electionthough not officially, as Sanders is still on the primary ballots, but is unlikely to secure votes. To help you network, gain expertise, and receive discounts on insurance and other self-employment expenses, consider joining professional organizations such as the National Association for the Self-Employed. Become an Independent Voter at Your Own Risk. Des Moines Register, The Des Moines Register, 5 Jan. 2018, A wave of disappointment washed over democratic voters after Al Gore won the candidacy in 2000, and again in 2016 with Clinton, and its happening again with Biden this year. Nobodys stopping you. Part of HuffPost Politics. As for dedicated materials on being suspicious of large groups or organisations, I cant think of much but I have seen some considerations on isolation and connection from Brene Brown and Doctors Caroline Leaf and Henry Cloud, maybe they have something that might help? Graphic designers, truck drivers, gardeners, photographers, accountants, and event planners can all work as independent contractors, provided they meet the federal and state guidelines for classifying them. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, They are paid by the project, not by the hour, week, or month, They work with their own tools and equipment, not those supplied by the company who hires them, They are free to perform work for other businesses, They are free to work at a location and during hours of their choosing (although clients can give independent contractors deadlines for completing the work), They can employ subcontractors for all or part of the work (unless their contract with the hiring firm says otherwise). On D side, we have Clinton (and not Jessie Jackson) and Gore (and not Dean). The Electoral College, the system that elects our president in our people's choice democracy. Although both event planners are doing the same job, event planner No. In general elections, what percent of registered party voters defect, on average? The confusion plus the weird registration problems plus the fact that only registered Dems and Repubs can vote in the primary equals 3 million New Yorkers being unregistered with either major party. #Provisional Ballot, here I come. Federal and state laws describe the situations in which a worker can properly be classified as an IC. What are the pros and cons? For some, they will want to prophetically call out against the status quo orthe establishment'. Elsewhere on this website arebrief summaries of the positions of different political parties, and somepersonal reflectionsof Christians who vote for and support them. Progressives and independents are told a vote for the third party is a vote for Trump, or any other Republican or majority candidate. What are the pros and cons of mandatory voting? Most people have considered striking out on their own at some point in their career. "Estimated Taxes. Dear Editor, Triangle Productions presentsMe & Tammy Progressives and independents are told a vote for the third party is a vote for Trump, or any other Republican or majority candidate. Another difference between employees and ICs is that employees receive wages or salaries subject to withholding taxes like federal income tax. ), This is slightly off topic in that this is a pro for having an Independent actually run for president. So get out there, ye Independents, and buy those costumes. The way you are taxed and the forms you file differ depending on the business entity you've chosen. Which States Use an Open Primary Election? Synonym, 21 Nov. 2017, Politics are not black and whiteelections shouldnt just be about blue versus red, left versus right, Democrats versus Republicansbut about how much we as people are willing to put forward change in this country. I sort of would rather stay independent, both because it's more honest and because I kind of prefer not to have the moral obligation of participating in primaries, since I generally hate all politics and view political debates as an exercise in saying nothing as prettily as possible. Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton described the long lines to US Attorney General Loretta Lynch: "Throughout the county, but especially in Phoenix, thousands of citizens waited in line for three, four, and even five hours to vote.". NY Bernie voters are going to battle tomorrow. So a group called Election Justice USA filed an emergency lawsuit. But in Arizona's Maricopa County -- home to Phoenix, the state capital -- the lines to vote were so long that many people say it amounted to voter suppression. They dont have as much of an easy out as Republicans or Democrats might in that they can be lazy and do no research, trusting the candidate running for their party is good enough. Choosing to go independent can offer you a significant amount of flexibility in running your business. Catalans might be part of Spain with the current borders, but the culture is unique when compared to the rest of the country. Maybe we dont even think anyone would ever be there for us, and we can have a bitterness or anger towards needing the help of others. Hi Matt thanks for this really insightful article. (There are actually two different physical ballots, one for each party.) If you're not the most self-driven person, then being responsible for your own schedule may be somewhat detrimental. Being an independent contractor can be rewarding since it offers you the ability to be your own boss, choose which clients to work for, and allow you to work from home. Event planner No. Independent candidates in national elections often focus on a single issue, or a narrow range of issues. There is something inherently problematic about voting for a candidate that doesnt back policies you support, expresses behavior that you find inappropriate or undesirable and may not even support your existence solely because of the party they belong to. And it does seem a bit backwards that in order for a vote to count, you have to identify yourself on the political binary, but I dont think that is necessarily a bad thing. I've heard that in some states (citation needed), only voters registered to a specific party may vote in the corresponding primary elections. You have freedom and flexibility As an entrepreneur, you have a great deal of freedom and flexibility to determine how you work. If its just your independent self, theres a good chance that youre not going to be able to generate enough to really make a lasting difference. This is undoubtedly true, but there are two counter arguments that need to be weighed carefully against this advantage: First, a pragmatic argument: an Independent candidate has rejected the advantages of being part of an established infrastructure and support network. Working in management consulting as an employee may get a bit chaotic sometimes. Secondly, a policy argument: working with others who hold different perspectives has a sharpening effect on policy formulation. But if we use independence in the right way, we can ensure our lives are being taken care of, and also extend to help others. Murse, Tom. #inners Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. This is the biggest pro of being an independent contractor. Most states are known to lean more toward a given party whether it be Democratic or Republican. And the Supplemental Terms for specific information related to your finances, you. 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