does reg b cover collection proceduresdoes reg b cover collection procedures
offers a preview of documents scheduled to appear in the next day's Information regarding ethnicity, race, and sex that is not required to be collected pursuant to Regulation C, 12 CFR part 1003, may nevertheless be collected under the circumstances set forth in 1002.5(a)(4) without violating 1002.5(b). 1691b; Public Law 111-203, 124 Stat. Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis, PART 1002EQUAL CREDIT OPPORTUNITY ACT (REGULATION B), Supplement I to Part 1002Official Interpretations, Section 1002.5Rules Concerning Requests for Information, Section 1002.13Information for Monitoring Purposes,, MODS: Government Publishing Office metadata,,,,,;,,,,,;, 0
[2] An industry service provider asked the Bureau to provide guidance regarding whether the term natural person as used in Regulation B and Regulation C includes living trusts or sole proprietorships. The Bureau also received questions as to how that requirement intersected with compliance obligations under Regulation B. The Bureau received approximately 36 comments on the 2017 ECOA Proposal during the comment period from consumer advocacy groups, national and State trade associations, banks, individuals, and industry service providers. better and aid in comparing the online edition to the print edition. The Bureau requested comments on both the costs and benefits associated with this alternative approach. The date Start Printed Page 45690for removal of the 2004 URLA from the Regulation B appendix is discussed further in the Effective Date section below. Without Regulation B's explanation requirement, many potential borrowers with errors in their credit reports would become discouraged and give up. Another industry commenter was concerned about how a creditor would decide which collection method to use and whether the instruction could have a discriminatory impact. hbbd``b`>$[A#` , b)@,k $301rY~0 #
As proposed, comment 13(a)-8 permitted a creditor to choose on an application-by-application basis whether to collect aggregate information pursuant to 1002.13(a)(1)(i)(A) or disaggregated information pursuant to 1002.13(a)(1)(i)(B). The Bureau believes that making collection of disaggregated race and ethnicity an option for all entities covered by Regulation B will pose little or no additional burden on those entities who are not HMDA reporters. The Bureau has consulted, or offered to consult with, the prudential regulators (the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the National Credit Union Administration, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency), the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Department of Justice, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the Federal Trade Commission, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Agriculture, and the Department of the Treasury, including regarding consistency with any prudential, market or systematic objectives administered by such agencies. This table of contents is a navigational tool, processed from the Creditors subject to the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act should be aware, however, that data collection may be called for under Regulation C (12 CFR part 1003), which generally requires creditors to report, among other things, the sex and race of an applicant on brokered applications or applications received through a correspondent. 3. for fair lending practices. Regulations B and C both contain an appendix B that provides model forms for use when collecting applicant demographic information required under the regulations. A creditor can satisfy this requirement by recording on paper or by means of computer the information that the applicant provides orally and that the creditor normally considers in a credit decision. 1. in The Bureau also proposed to revise comment 13(b)-1 to reiterate that when a creditor collects only aggregate ethnicity and race information pursuant to 1002.13(a)(1)(i)(A), the applicant must be offered the option to select more than one racial designation. This appendix also contains a data collection model form for collecting information concerning an applicant's ethnicity, race, and sex that complies with the requirements of 1002.13(a)(1)(i)(A) and (ii). In keeping with the broad reach of the statute's prohibition, the regulation covers creditor activities before, during, and after the extension of credit. (In this document, applicant demographic information refers to information about an applicant's ethnicity, race, or sex information, while certain protected applicant-characteristic information refers to all information collected under 1002.13, including age and marital status.) Securities credit refers to extensions of credit subject to regulation under section 7 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or extensions of credit by a broker or dealer subject to regulation as a broker or dealer under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. documents in the last year, 861 the Federal Register. daily Federal Register on will remain an unofficial Z
The Enterprises, not the Bureau, mandate the adoption of the 2016 URLA. 210.3 General provisions.*. The incremental benefits of this alternative are also likely to be low because many creditors will collect disaggregated categories under Regulation B in any case, either because they are required to do so under revised Regulation C or as part of the transition to the 2016 URLA. Document Drafting Handbook The final rule will provide creditors flexibility in complying with Regulation B in order to facilitate compliance with Regulation C and transition to the 2016 URLA. The fifth model form, the 2004 URLA, is described in the Regulation B appendix as appropriate for residential mortgage transactions and contains a model disclosure for use in complying with current 1002.13. Demographic information collected under Regulation B by those institutions with larger loan volumes may be used in statistical analysis that supports fair lending supervision and enforcement. The Bureau also proposed to amend comment 12(b)-2 to require retention of applicant demographic information obtained pursuant to 1002.5(a)(4). All lenders are required to comply with Regulation B when extending credit to borrowers under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), which is regulated and enforced by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). The requirement to collect, in certain circumstances, applicant demographic information on the basis of visual observation or surname where the applicant does not provide this information has been a longstanding requirement of 1002.13(b). legal research should verify their results against an official edition of The regulation allows a bank to be exempt from having to send an adverse action notice to a small business loan applicant, as defined above, IF AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION, the bank provides certain disclosures to the customer IN A FORM THAT THE CUSTOMER CAN KEEP. The Enterprises also made available a Demographic Information Addendum, which is identical in form to section 7 of the 2016 URLA. The Bureau acknowledges that the requirement to collect or provide applicant demographic information from co-applicants differs between 1002.13 and revised Regulation C. The Bureau concludes that these differences may create additional burden and complexity for creditors, who may need to modify their practices concerning co-applicant collection depending on whether collection is required under both Regulation B and revised Regulation C or only under revised Regulation C. The Bureau is therefore revising 1002.13(b) to clarify that a creditor is permitted, but is not required, to collect the information set forth in 1002.13(a) from a second or additional co-applicant. Commenters also noted that it would facilitate use of the 2016 URLA. Application-by-application basis. ), Federal agencies are generally required to seek the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)'s approval for information collection requirements prior to implementation. 2. The Bureau also proposed comment 5(a)(4)-1 to provide guidance on proposed 1002.5(a)(4) and to highlight the voluntary nature of the rule. Learn more here. Because Regulation B and Regulation C do not provide inconsistent instructions on the scope of the term natural person, the Bureau declines to provide additional guidance on this issue within this final rule, which, as related to 1002.13, is limited to modifications that harmonize the collection requirements of Regulation B and Regulation C. The Bureau proposed revised comment 13(a)-7 to provide that, for applications subject to 1002.13(a)(1), a creditor that collects information about the ethnicity, race, and sex of an applicant in compliance with the requirements of the revised Regulation C appendix will be acting in compliance 1002.13 concerning the collection of an applicant's ethnicity, race, and sex information. Two industry groups suggested that the Bureau remove 1002.13 altogether. The Bureau did not propose changes to Regulation C in this rulemaking. The current Regulation B appendix includes five model forms, each designated for use in a particular type of consumer credit transaction. The Bureau did not intend to extend the record retention period under Regulation B for business credit transactions through the proposal and this final rule does not do so. Although the information collected under 1002.13 and Regulation C overlap, in part, as discussed in the 2017 ECOA Proposal, regulators will rely on applicant demographic information collected under 1002.13 to supervise and enforce fair lending laws, including for a substantial number of creditors that will not be required to report under revised Regulation C.36 Section 1002.13(b) through (c) provides instructions on the manner of collection. Compliance with the applicable servicing criteria is achieved if those policies and procedures are designed to provide reasonable assurance that such vendor's activities comply with such criteria and those policies and procedures are operating effectively. The first will give persons who collect and retain race and ethnicity information in compliance with Regulation B the option of permitting applicants to self-identify using the disaggregated race and ethnicity categories required by revised Regulation C. In practice, this will allow entities that report race and ethnicity in accordance with revised Regulation C to comply with Regulation B without further action, while entities that do not report under Regulation C but record and retain race and ethnicity data under Regulation B will have the option of recording data either using the existing aggregated categories or the new disaggregated categories. 44. If the transaction is subject to 1002.13 or the creditor is collecting information pursuant to 1002.5(a)(4), however, the creditor is required to enter and retain the data on personal characteristics in order to comply with the requirements of that section. Fannie Mae, Selling Guide: Single Family Seller Servicer, at B1-1-01 (Dec. 16, 2014), available at;; Freddie Mac, Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide (Sep. 21, 2016), 3401.7, available at 6. As discussed above, on September 23, 2016, the Bureau issued the Bureau Approval Notice, pursuant to section 706(e) of ECOA. Thus, a small entity that is in compliance with current law need not take any additional action, save those already required by the 2015 HMDA Final Rule. They must tell you the name of the creditor (company or person you owe), the amount you owe and how you can dispute the debt or seek verification of the debt. This Regulation has amendments effective January 1, 2019. 03/01/2023, 159 The FFIEC call report for banks does not report originations for depository institutions that do not report to HMDA. The rule change therefore will not require Regulation B creditors that are not HMDA reporters (Regulation B-only creditors) to change their 1002.13 compliance practices, but would allow them to adopt voluntarily new practices for collecting applicant information, including practices that would permit such creditors to transition to the 2016 URLA. Moreover, the cited studies conclude only that some applicants may self-identify as different races over time and that visual observation of race is not always accurate. Industry commenters noted this potential conflict and expressed their support for the proposal. Accordingly, 1002.5(a)(4)(vi) permits a creditor that is collecting information regarding the ethnicity, race, and sex of an applicant or first co-applicant to collect information regarding the ethnicity, race, and sex of a second or additional co-applicant for a covered loan under Regulation C 1003.2(e), or for a loan described in paragraphs (a)(4)(i) through (v). All forms contained in this appendix are models; their use by creditors is optional. Start Printed Page 45687Thus, the Bureau concludes that retaining 1002.13 serves the purposes of ECOA to promote the availability of credit to all creditworthy applicants without regard to protected characteristics. Reg B is part of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), which is regulated and enforced by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). The Bureau also proposed comments 13(a)-7 and 13(a)-8 to provide that a creditor that collects applicant information in compliance with the revised Regulation C appendix will be acting in compliance with 1002.13 concerning the collection of an applicant's ethnicity, race, and sex information and to clarify that a creditor may choose on an application-by-application basis whether to collect aggregate or disaggregated information. documents in the last year, by the International Trade Commission Creditors that fail to comply with Regulation B are subject to punitive damages. Note that the language that follows is taken directly from the regulation, which appears in the References portion of this section. Public Law 111-203, 124 Stat. Both certain depository institutions and credit unions with less than $10 billion in assets and covered persons with more than $10 billion in assets currently report data under HMDA and thus will receive these benefits. [19] Press Release, Uniform Mortgage Data Program, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac at the direction of the FHFA, URLA Implementation Guidance and Update, (Nov. 1, 2016), available at;; Uniform Mortgage Data Program, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac at the direction of the FHFA, Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA)/Uniform Loan Application Dataset (ULAD) FAQs, at 6 (Nov. 1, 2016), available at The Bureau received several additional comments about topics other than those raised by the Bureau in the 2017 ECOA Proposal. Notwithstanding paragraph (b) of this section, a creditor may collect information under the following circumstances provided that the creditor collects the information in compliance with appendix B to 12 CFR part 1003: (i) A creditor that is a financial institution under 12 CFR 1003.2(g) may collect information regarding the ethnicity, race, and sex of an applicant for a closed-end mortgage loan that is an excluded transaction under 12 CFR 1003.3(c)(11) if it submits HMDA data concerning such closed-end mortgage loans and applications or if it submitted HMDA data concerning closed-end mortgage loans for any of the preceding five calendar years; (ii) A creditor that is a financial institution under 12 CFR 1003.2(g) may collect information regarding the ethnicity, race, and sex of an applicant for an open-end line of credit that is an excluded transaction under 12 CFR 1003.3(c)(12) if it submits HMDA data concerning such open-end lines of credit and applications or if it submitted HMDA data concerning open-end lines of credit for any of the preceding five calendar years; (iii) A creditor that submitted HMDA data for any of the preceding five calendar years but is not currently a financial institution under 12 CFR 1003.2(g) may collect information regarding the ethnicity, race, and sex of an applicant for a loan that would otherwise be a covered loan under 12 CFR 1003.2(e) if not excluded by 12 CFR 1003.3(c)(11) or (12); (iv) A creditor that exceeded an applicable loan volume threshold in the first year of the two-year threshold period provided in 12 CFR 1003.2(g), 1003.3(c)(11), or 1003.3(c)(12) may, in the second year, collect information regarding the ethnicity, race, and sex of an applicant for a loan that would otherwise be a covered loan under 12 CFR 1003.2(e) if the loan were not excluded by 12 CFR 1003.3(c)(11) or (12); (v) A creditor that is a financial institution under 12 CFR 1003.2(g), or that submitted HMDA data for any of the preceding five calendar years but is not currently a financial institution under 12 CFR 1003.2(g), may collect information regarding the ethnicity, race, and sex of an applicant for a loan that would otherwise be a covered loan under 12 CFR 1003.2(e) if the loan were not excluded by 12 CFR 1003.3(c)(10). The requirements of 1002.13 apply only if an application relates to a dwelling that is or will be occupied by the applicant as the principal residence. Through this proposed change, creditors taking applications for loans subject to 1002.13(a)(1) but not required to submit HMDA data under Regulation C would have the option of either maintaining their current collection practices or transitioning to the revised Regulation C collection practices and the 2016 URLA. The Bureau solicited comment on its proposal to allow creditors to collect applicant race and ethnicity information using, at the creditor's option, either aggregate or disaggregated categories. [30] , which is implemented by Regulation B (12 CFR Part 1002 ), applies to all creditors, including credit unions. The information must be retained pursuant to the requirements of 1002.12. The Bureau believes that most creditors will voluntarily adopt a consistent collection method because uniform practices are generally easier and less costly for creditors to implement. The Bureau did not propose these changes to Regulation B. One alternative would permit collection of applicant demographic information for any loan secured by an applicant's dwelling with no timeframe restriction. 1691 et seq. The proposed model form substantially mirrors section X in the 2004 URLA and the data collection model form contained in the current Regulation C appendix. Prohibited basis under Regulation B refers to a borrower's race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, or age. Second, for creditors collecting aggregate applicant demographic information pursuant to 1002.13(a)(1)(i)(A) and (ii), the Bureau proposed to amend the Regulation B appendix to add a model form. The applicant(s) shall be asked but not required to supply the requested information. The final rule may have some benefits to Regulation B-only creditors, as the current language of Regulation B would not allow these entities to use the 2016 Start Printed Page 45691URLA for the purpose of collecting race and ethnicity data, as the 2016 URLA uses the disaggregated race and ethnicity categories set forth in revised Regulation C and not the specific categories required by current Regulation B. Appendix B to this part provides for two alternative data collection model forms for use in complying with the requirements of 1002.13(a)(1)(i) and (ii) to collect information concerning an applicant's ethnicity, race, and sex. On October 24, 2012, the CFPB issued a larger participant regulation in the market of consumer debt collection. Because of the differences between the categories, some creditors required to collect and report race and ethnicity using the disaggregated categories set forth in revised Regulation C may be uncertain whether additional collection using aggregated categories would also be required to satisfy current Regulation B. Adverse action is also a negative action that impacts employment. However, revised Regulation C will not require or permit covered institutions to use the disaggregated subcategories when collecting and reporting the applicant's ethnicity and race based on visual observation or surname.[13]. As such, lenders cannot discriminate based on any of the above factors. The Public Inspection page However, 1002.5(a)(2) does not authorize collection of information beyond what is required by law. has no substantive legal effect. Section 1002.5 provides rules concerning requests for information. The OFR/GPO partnership is committed to presenting accurate and reliable 18. Federal Register issue. Industry commenters proposed two additional, narrowly tailored exceptions that the Bureau is substantially adopting. The criteria for being a financial institution and reporting transactions under HMDA are different in some ways from the criteria for reporting under the NMLS Mortgage Call Report and reporting transactions under it. It outlines the rules that lenders must adhere to when obtaining and processing credit information. By providing flexibility and reducing burden, the Bureau believes this modification will further the purposes of ECOA by facilitating practices that promote the availability of credit to all creditworthy applicants. Subpart A--Collection of Checks and Other Items By Federal Reserve Banks. Sec. By making disaggregated collection an option under Regulation B, entities who will report race and ethnicity information under revised Regulation C will also be in compliance with Regulation B with certainty. [16] Questions regarding ethnicity, race, sex, marital status, and age may be listed, at the creditor's option, on the application form or on a separate form that refers to the application. 33. A version of the URLA dated January 2004 (2004 URLA) is included in the Regulation B appendix as a model form for use in complying with 1002.13. Register, and does not replace the official print version or the official The Bureau received no comments opposing and one comment supporting the proposed amendments and so is finalizing the Regulation B appendix to provide alternative model forms as proposed. Section 1002.13 applies only to applications from natural persons. This prototype edition of the As discussed above in the section-by-section analysis for 1002.5(a)(4), the Bureau is also adopting new 1002.5(a)(4)(vi) to permit collection of applicant demographic information for second or additional co-applicants in certain circumstances, thereby providing additional optionality for creditors to maintain consistent collection practices under Regulation B and Regulation C.Start Printed Page 45689. With the introduction of the 2016 URLA the Bureau believes that permitting collection of applicant demographic information in this narrowly tailored circumstance may be beneficial for some financial institutions because it would allow them to use more easily standard forms for collection of applicant demographic information without identifying at the time of collection which applicants are the primary and first co-applicant. The Bureau considered the comments, and adopts a modified final rule as described below in the section-by-section analysis. The current Regulation B appendix includes the 2004 URLA as a model form for use in complying with 1002.13. Reg B mandates that lenders provide explanations to rejected applicants within 30 days of receiving their completed applications. The amendment to 1002.13(b) in the 2017 ECOA Proposal would not impose any new obligation on creditors to collect an applicant's ethnicity and race on the basis of visual observation or surname but, rather, would limit such collection to the aggregate ethnicity and race categories, even if the creditor permits an applicant to self-identify using the disaggregated categories. Amendments to Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B) Ethnicity and Race Information Collection, 82 FR 16307 (Apr. [32] In general, 1002.5(b) prohibits a creditor from inquiring about protected applicant-characteristic information in connection with a credit transaction, except under certain circumstances. For the reasons discussed above, the Bureau is finalizing as proposed the revisions to 1002.13(b) concerning the collection of ethnicity and race information on the basis of visual observation or surname. First, Regulation B-only creditors will not be required to permit applicants to self-identify using disaggregated ethnicity and race categories, likely resulting in few creditors adopting disaggregated ethnicity and race categories. The Bureau believes that, if a creditor voluntarily collects applicant demographic information pursuant to 1002.5(a)(4), the creditor should be required to maintain those records in the same manner as it does for protected applicant-characteristic information it is required to collect. 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