What is a variation of the word rudeness in German swear words? Keep in mind, these may be fighting words to Italians. Translation: to write something behind your earsMeaning: to better remember somethingOrigin: Another German phrase with origins in the middle ages, when people often took their children with them to witness important events or negotiations. In order to do so, they were usually equipped with a head harness. Hip gold is a rather nice description for the excess fat you're carrying around your waistline and your hips. "May be you should eat some makeup so you can be pretty on the inside too." Now that youre through chuckling at these handy German phrases, you can put them to work in earning the respect of the natives and making your language learning authentic. How to pronounce those weird,, symbols and what they mean. It has seven holes and blows hot air, just like a recorder face, or blockfltengesicht. Not so in sausage-savoring Germany. Also means bastard and is a major insult. 1. das ist Bescheuert "that's ridiculous" das ist be shoy ert /ds st bt/ Bescheuert is usually translated as "crazy" or "stupid," but it seems to be the catchall word for "bad." Das ist bescheuert is the equivalent of "that sucks." You got stood up? Ich bin sauer. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Whether youre a beginner, intermediate or in need of a refresher. Includes English and Italian translations with pronuncation guide. beautifully weird and quirky words in German, [als fzuxskaninn dinn], [m den hasn ba hmedn], [das lebn st kan pnihof]. 20. (Free PDF Download). Nicht schlecht, aber der Ton im Kino war unter aller Sau!How was the new Star Wars movie? But unfortunately life isnt all play and having fun. You are completely wrong. This German phrase is a funny and succinct way to tell someone that you "don't care" or that something doesn't matter to you. Oh Scheie! When Germans are in an absurd situation and they "can't believe what is happening," they say, "I think my pig is whistling!". Whether a date or a score on a test, nul acht funfzehnindicates the results were rather standard issue and nothing to write home about. A butt with earsor, put simply, a complete ignoramus. Translation: to have a tomcatMeaning: to have a hangoverEnglish equivalent: Origin: When native German speakers say they have Ich habe einen Kater, they mean they have a hangover after too much alcohol. In this sense, they wrote it behind their ears.Example: Ich will nicht, dass ihr immer am Fluufer spielt! Mit ihm kann man Pferde stehlen Gone horse stealin' A "jeans-ironer" is what the Germans would call an uptight person. Moin is the shortening of the phrase, "Guten Morgen" or good morning in parts of northern Germany. Kein Schwein war da. In Ireland, we have a milder way of saying it with feck. Learning German becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. As well as cutting off the left foot, which first stepped into the stirrups. You can use it as an exclamation, or to express your anger with someone. But if you get yourself in trouble using them, youre on your own! Da liegt der Hund begraben. 2. Du nimmst mich auf den Arm! But its used in many fun sayings, like. all. It can also be twat or even damn in Spain. Looking for something? Click here to get a copy. Translation: One has seen horses throwing up in front of the pharmacy!Meaning: something hard to believe happened or might happenOrigin: Like the phrase above, another one of the funny German phrases about something really unusual. We allow Dirty German Everyday Slang From What S Up To F O and numerous ebook collections from fictions to scientific research in any way. hahah Great! 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. In the UK, this word alone can mean a movie is rated 18, so can only be seen by adults. You wont learn these dirty words in textbooks! Do they kiss before going to bed? I promise not to spam you. Du willst doch nicht die Katze im Sack kaufen!Before you buy that car, you should take it to a test drive. Many of them don't have literal translations. Translation: thats where the dog was buriedEnglish equivalent: thats the crux of the matter.Origin: In the old time people stored their most precious possessions in treasure cases. Whether youre a news junky or a cinephile, keep an eye (and an ear) out for more phrases. There are lots of other expressions that stem from this one, but this is your standard insult. One of the stories goes that Till Eulenspiegel worked as temp at a brewery. He must be stupid! 3. I dont usually start off my blog posts with a warning, but this one needs it: This blog post is NSFW and definitely not family-friendly. If there were no pigs, it means that nobody was there. Im really fed up with this! German has some amazingly descriptive words for all occasions And swear words are no exception. However, some of the contenders for rudest German word include scheie (shit), Arschloch (asshole), and Hure (whore). Likewise, soft eggs are weak or wimpy. (She doesnt have all her cups in the cupboard. Der hat doch einen Vogel!The boss wants me to work unpaid overtime. Bloody hell! So langsam habe ich aber die Nase voll davon!You are late again. ), 10. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc, or its affiliates. Used when calling someone promiscuous, and its highly insulting. Infantryman. Also using mierda but in a stronger way. Why have a cow when you can act like a wronged piece of pork? Pigs, although lucky and conducive to a good German party atmosphere, are not that great for language learning. Die Kirche im Dorf lassen. Write that behind your ears! Dr Popkins is one of the most passionate language learners Ive ever met. The German language is no exception. I'll allow it. Literally: You're taking me on your arm! Especially one, in particular, is almost universal around the globe youll know it as the top dirtiest word in most languages. 02 of 20 TITTAYS Via Thrillist F yeah - TITTAYS. Traveling to Germany? When it comes to. Got that out of your system? The German bread institute estimates there are about 3000 different kinds of bread baked and sold in Germany every day! Plus, if you find new words or phrases you like the sound of, you can save them to your personalized flashcards for later. Some of the most common ones are "Scheie" (shit), "Arschloch" (asshole), and "Miststck" (bitch). ), 4. Isnt Das Motiv heiligt die Mittel- the end justifies the means? : Of course! The article contains some of the most disgusting and derogatory language you will ever hear. Translation: to be fox devil wildMeaning: to be raging with angerOrigin: Probably refers to foxes infected with rabies, who then behaved very wildly.Example: Als er das Tennismatch verloren hatte, wurde er fuchsteufelswild.When he lost the tennis match, he became frantic. Sie hat nicht alle Tassen im Schrank. Gerald Is Teacher, Book Author And Harry Potter Huge Fan. Like, Zur Hlle mit ihnen To hell with em!. German Swear Words Arschgesicht Fuckface (lit. It references to little girls who love to play with toy ponies. A very artful way of saying that you dont care at all, this is considered even stronger than Das ist mir egal (That doesnt matter to me). Lets get it out in the open. Translation: no pig is interestedMeaning: no oneOrigin: The German phrase kein Schwein is often used for no one. If even a pig isnt interested, no one is.Example: Kein Schwein war da!No one was there! It sometimes happened that a dishonest trader cheated a customer by putting only a cheap cat in the sack instead of an expensive piglet or rabbit.Example:Bevor du den Wagen kaufst, solltest du eine Probefahrt machen. Shit is used in so many ways, like piece of shit to say something is worthless, or shitty as an adjective for something bad like a shitty day. You dont know shit means you dont know anything, but you know your shit means you know quite a lot! So the sour apple in this funny German phrase stands for something unpleasant.Example: Die Garage sieht aus wie ein Mllhaufen. At least in the eyes of the executioners. This saying fits if youre convinced that the person who has just told you something is lying or over-exaggerating. (My English is under all pig. Download this free quiz and try to guess the funny German words and phrases. Ich liebe dich so, wie du bist is quite romantic and is well known all throughout the German-speaking world. I guess I have to bite the bullet and tidy it up. Wir haben zusammen noch keine Schweine gehtet! But it is probably an alteration of the old Germanic bar, which meant to carry. There are lots of creative variations of this one stemming from devil and hell. A word used when someone is being obnoxious, stupid, or rude. Translation: to leave the church in the villageMeaning: do not exaggerate, stay humbleEnglish equivalent: dont go overboardOrigin: This expression goes back to a time in which the Catholic Church still carried out many processions. ), 5. Home Articles 77 of the Best (Bleeping) Dirty Words from Around the World [NSFW]. In case youre not impressed yet, here are four fun facts about the German that will make you shake your head: Whether youre playing the insulted liver-sausage (die beleidigte Leberwurst spielen), asking for an extra sausage (Extrawurst) or throwing the ham at the sausage (mit der Wurst nach dem Schinken werfen), there are more than 30 German expressions that include a sausage. So butchers took low quality meat and leftovers to fill their sausages. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. (Not a pig was there. Purportedlytracing back to the Iliad and Aeneid, this term was originally associated with the death of soldiers. Grandma Gear. Now, lets take a look at some funny German phrases. Ich glaub mich tritt ein Pferd , I believe I am kicked by a horse, I can believe that. But you can use this as an exclamation like in English, too. Theres that swear word which has all the oomph and intensity behind it. Irish Dirty Words There are some really interesting ways to insult someone or curse in Irish - it gets pretty clever. Nicht schlecht, Herr Specht!How do you like my new car? Get on with it. 4. I dont know where else you would take the church, but its universally agreed upon that its place is in the village. In German, how do you pronounce "swear"? We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. To have a stroke of luck in Germany is Schwein haben ,or to have pig.. Yet another meaty expression, this time to describe someone whos in a huff or sulking. Maybe that is whats misinterpreted as humorless by the rest of the world. Take a look at our favourite language courses. Do you know any other German idioms? Quatsch! We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. In case they had their own ideas where to go, a board was added to cover the eyes of the animals so they could not see where they were being led to.Example:Warum verstehst du mich nicht, hast du ein Brett vor dem Kopf?Why dont you understand me, are you stupid? Entschuldigung Excuse me / Sorry From apologizing for bumping into someone on the tram, to getting a stranger's attention to ask which stop to get off at, this phrase is an absolute essential in civility when living in or travelling in Germany. Sometimes youll translate things literally, or simply forget to apply a grammar rule. Mein Name ist (My name is) Woher kommst du? Du kannst mich! Learn the local language with her 80/20 method for less than the cost of eating at a tourist trap restaurant Start learning today! When you first start out speaking a foreign language, youll have quite a few near misses. Basically, it means a stupid person, or someone given to meaningless talk. A noun for someone whos being very irritating or arrogant. He brings so much personal experience to his courses which is hard to find. And he replies with this phrase, meaning I know everyone of you. I have no idea what you are saying. Translation: not let anyone pee at your legMeaning: not to put up with everythingOrigin: Not everyone is friendly. One theory is that it was the standard machine gun for the German army in World War I. Horses cant throw up. My hair stands up to the mountain. 2023 Enux Education Limited. This is definitely one youll see with some not-so-nice hand gestures, and it ranks amongst the strongest terms in Italian. This word (and the rest of the insults listed below) are part of a whole list of German synonyms for wimp called weicheiwrter, or soft egg words.. The sense that youve got a little extra knowledge in the language that makes you closer to native speaking. Only the sausage has two. And who can argue with the logic? assface) Arschloch Asshole Fotze Cunt Miststck Bitch / Bastard Schlampe Slut Scheikopf Shithead Sheisse Shit German Insults with Swear Words Fick dich Fuck you Fick dich, Schlampe Fuck you, bitch Deine Mutter geht in der Stadt huren Your mother goes whoring in the city So, in honour of native speakers and German language students, I thought Id share this extensive list of common German phrases that most native speakers use regularly but probably didnt even realise were all that funnyuntil now. This word literally translates to pleasure newt, which is what youd call someone who cant get enough horizontal refreshment (a delightful 19-century slang term for sex). [vas st dn das hi: fy: an zaftladn], [lyn habn kts ban], [da: ast du: dm as de: v], There you look stupid out of your laundry, [das bt m af di palm], [das st mintspipeal], [das st kan tsklkn], [fid fd akuxn], Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei, [als hat an nd nu di vst hat tsva], Everything has an end, only the sausage has two, To have a place for oneself when the parents or roomates are gone, Not a bit of it/ But it wasnt the case, [man lib h zasfan], Vor dem Fenster sah sie den geliebten Rasen, Vor dem Fenster sah sie den Geliebten rasen, In front of the window she saw the beloved lawn, In front of the window she saw her lover racing. in the midst of them is this Dirty German Everyday Slang From What S Up To F O that can be your partner. This happens with the German language and all many other languages. Translation: to buy a cat in a sackMeaning: to buy something unseen, to accept something without due diligenceOrigin: In the past, livestock was sold at farmers markets. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Lets be honest. Wenn wir heute gewinnen, werden wir noch Meister. When you talk to someone, you want to check occasionally whether you are understood. Here is a list of funny phrases and sayings in German along with their meanings in English. Someone who drinks teamost likely when everyone else is drinking beer. Yes, I would like to be contacted about special events, newsletters and program information. Weekly German Workouts is created by exceptional polyglot, Dr. Gareth Popkins from How to Get Fluent, hes also a great friend of mine. Idiomatic language can be a lot of fun - from the very first cream to the very last thing. It has a pronounced spelling of Scheie, which is the strange letter that Germans consider so special. Er griff ins Gras (He bit into the grass. Obviously, Germans being a prepared and orderly people, anyone who does not keep all of their drinking vessels in the appropriately designated place in the kitchen is not right in the head. ), 11. Yeah, the only difference is the emphasis. So this German fun phrase means doing something thats uncomfortable or hard to do.Example: Jetzt spring ber deinen Schatten und fang an fr den Test morgen zu lernen.Get out of your comfort zone and start preparing for the exam tomorrow. Translation: to pour pure wine to someoneMeaning: to be honest with someone, even if its embarrassingOrigin: One of many funny German phrases stemming from the middle ages. Schisse, like the English word f*ck, can also be used as an inTENSifier. Calling someone a jerk or a fool (You asshole!) or saying you couldnt give a damn (I dont give an arse or I cant be arsed). There are lots of fun slang and dirty expressions in Korean, even some silly ones from kids shows like calling someone (bbang-gu-ddong-gu poopy fart). Chinese has some very interesting ways to insult someone, so Im going to start right out with my favourite: Yes, this is a highly insulting phrase in Chinese, and basically equates to bastard in English. But where does this strange expression come from? 11. Basically, a dumbass or idiot you cant stand. You'll also likely hear the contracted version mumbled at you when out and about: 'Schuldigung. Arranging a Date in German If you make traction with your first few flirtation lines, consider asking the person on a date. If you wouldnt shout an offensive curse word in a certain situation in your native language, dont use the equivalent in another language. Full disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. 1. Translation: everything has an end, only the sausage has twoMeaning: funny remark to lift the mood when something endsOrigin: German idiom with British origin. This image of an unbalanced ship for a drunk person was probably first used by sailors. Mach doch!". In other words: they didnt care.The other theory is that a sausage looks the same on both ends. When you want to get the hell away from someone. Life isnt a rose garden. A "sock-folder" ( Sockenfalter) is a great word to express the same sentiment. What is the German word for smother? Jetzt gehts um die Wurst!This is the last game of the season. As you can tell, Germany is a country of both equestrian enthusiasts and realists. Well, heres a great place to get you started learning those bad words. Whether youre looking to add some spice to your conversations, or youre just curious about what Germans say when theyre feeling frisky, this list will give you a good start. Leck mich am Arsch! Sometimes this small detail changes the meaning of an entire sentence. The best of the best. Subscribe to my newsletter to receive detailed travel guides, exclusive travel and language learning tips, priority access to giveaways and more! Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei. They will tell you that, "Only the tough ones get to go to the garden" ( Nur die Harten kommen in den Garten ). So what does that say about the German sense of humor? So if something is even below all sows, it is really rotten indeed.Example: Wie war der neue Star Wars Film? "Yo Mama's like a library, open to the public.". That's your parents job." 6.) If you paid attention, you already know a couple of them! But its English equivalent is closest to prick., You read that right: dog fart. Smiling, making eye contact and saying the right thing at the right time can make all the difference. After weeks or months aboard their first trip in a foreign harbor often was to one of the many pubs, where they drank rather heavily. Because for the rest of this article, you're going to need to know the gist of these (should you not already). Mein Lieber Herr Gesangsverein 10. nicht mehr alle Tassen im Schrank haben 11. nun ist der Ofen aus Like calling someone a dumbass or twat. The reason Yt5s.io is the best youtube downloader . You could also say git (pronounced with a hard G). Although it means whore, its used more like fuck. "If I was a bird, I know who I'd shit on." 5.) Scheie bauen F*ck up (make a mistake) Scheie erzhlen Talk sh*t Scheie sein Be sh*tty Stck Scheie Piece of sh*t wie Scheie behandeln Treat like sh*t ohne Schei I am not kidding you / No sh*t? You can unsubscribe at any time. Son of a bitch or SOB. His soldiers were known for being well-trained and won many battles. German slang words include words like Pillepalle and Pusemuckel or Klackermatsch and Kladderadatsch, words that are rare and more fun to pronounce than any formal words. FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Instead things can get hard, so you better get used to it.Example:Als ich zur Armee kam, wurde mir klar: das Leben ist kein Ponyhof!When I joined the army, I realized life isnt just fun and games! "Yo Mama's so fat her butt cheeks have different area codes.". Planning a trip? In Germany, its the people with birds you have to look out for. English Equivalent: In the middle of nowhere or out in the sticks. Translation: bring back on courseMeaning: to get back on trackOrigin: A ship will never reach its destination, if it doesnt take the right course. Fils de pute (son of a whore) is a common alternative. 1. The phrase itself comes from a play by German author Friedrich Schiller about one of the leading generals, Wallenstein. Also, slut. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German writer and statesman. How To Say Good Morning In Swiss German, Mandatory Or Not? If you want detailed destinations guides, languages learning tips, and travel phrase guides, then you've come to the right place! (Thats where the dogs buried. Translation: not bad, Mr. Woodpecker!Meaning: I am impressedOrigin: A humorous phrase of acknowledgment. (Where fox and hare say goodnight to one another.) Two beers are required. The sausage may have two ends, but learning German doesnt have any. It simultaneously means Please, Youre welcome, Here you go, Go ahead and Pardon?. So whenever someone wanted to talk to them about anything other than going home, their reply was Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof.Example: Als der Mathelehrer ber Integrale sprach, habe ich nur Bahnhof verstanden.When the maths teacher spoke about integrals, I didnt understand a single word! If you enjoyed these German phrases and want to learn some more you can check our 10 German phrases to make you sound local. Russian curse words are quite an art form. The first one is that in former times there were no regulations what kind of meat had to be in a sausage. Which one of these hilarious German expressions is your favourite? Learning Hubs: Your fast track to speaking a new language. Sometimes youll hear Tienes cojones You have balls like in English. Ill admit, I dont know the word for train station in very many languages, but apparently the Germans do (perhaps so they can berate the trains for not being timely). All Rights Reserved. We might instead say it was dead or not a soul was there in English. This caused a lot of criticism and many people demanded to leave the church in the village. Hast (du) ein Wahn oder was? 7. So, in honour of native speakers and German language students, I thought I'd share this extensive list of common German phrases that most native speakers use regularly but probably didn't even realise were all that funnyuntil now. Put them together and you get a face that invites a slap.. Translation: now the oven is offMeaning: thats it, game overOrigin: Winters can get pretty cold in Germany, so heating is important. The woodpecker only got in there because of the rhyme.Example: Wie findest du mein neues Auto? Learning a new language should be fun. Was Hnschen nicht lernt, lernt Hans nimmermehr. ), Fool the Locals! You can also call someone a labertasche, or babble bag. (An old English insult for someone who talks a lotand swears on top of thatis muck-spout.). Fuck off, you piece of shit is a closer translation for this one. Not bad, but the sound system in the cinema really sucked! Translation: this is sausage to meMeaning: I dont careOrigin: There are two theories about the origin of this phrase. When you first start out speaking a foreign language, youll have quite a few near misses. Translation: being on the wood wayMeaning: being on the wrong trackEnglish equivalent: to bark up the wrong treeOrigin:This weird German phrase was recorded for the first time in the 15th century. When you need to tell someone to lay off. 5. ), 12. Here are some creative ways to express frustration: This literally refers to faeces but can be used in any situation to express frustration. 6. Verdammter Schei! -Was geht ab? Du bist auf dem Holzweg. Get her free guide 9 reasons youre not fluentYET & how to fix it! Wo sich Fuchs und Hase gute Nacht sagen. 5 German words that only exist in German. at German, ended up saying "I am a donut" while actually trying to say "I am a person of Berlin!" (That's where the dog's buried.) So a man crippled in such a way was unable to fight on horseback. This can refer to the object crap or the action crapping oneself. Quite the lovely image! Explicit sex terms. Jens: Australien ist furchtbar! Translation: to add a toothEnglish equivalent: to speed upOrigin:The first cars and planes used toothed wheels to control the engine. There are some really interesting ways to insult someone or curse in Irish it gets pretty clever. 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