One of the divinities I am asked most about is Medusa. Medusa represents a strong, wise, powerful female who has tapped into the ancient wisdom and medicine that snakes carry. Cixous urges women to use this story as a way to take back their own power and escape the control that men have over them. The goddess was so upset over what she saw and the issues she had with Zeus who was her father that she flew into a rage. Medusas sisters were immortal but she was mortal. Medusas Head euphorbia is suitable for growing outdoors in USDA hardiness zones 9b through 11. This has been proven because she continues to be portrayed in pop culture. To the ancients Medusa was an extremely powerful guarding force and it would appear She never truly lost Her connection to the Mother Goddess despite Her sinister reputation. Crocus was later accidentally killed by him when they were playing discus. For me, this is a way of reclaiming the Gods as a valid religious cult, not just antique figures reduced to myths and stories. He was born under a strawberry tree. You may choose to forego this step but I do so out of respect for Medusa, that She isnt treated as harmless, or unfrightening. When you are done it is important to flatter the Goddess so She returns to Her guardian aspect:Empress Medusa, Lady of Snakes, Mother of the Golden Blade, I beg You to return to good form, and keep me in Your favor, as You are in mine, as Your humble servant. 20 Important Plants and Flowers in Greek Mythology, Important Plants and Flowers in Greek Myth, 11 Important Types of Nymph in Greek Mythology, 25 Facts About Isis from Egyptian Mythology. Medusa was often depicted as a terrifying winged female with snakes instead of hair. Unlike other stories that claim she caught them in the throes of passion, this version says that she was upset that her priestess went against her rules. From Athena to Zeus: Basics of Greek Mythology, This article was most recently revised and updated by,, Ancient Origins - The Real Story of Medusa: Protective Powers from a Snake-Haired Gorgon, Medusa - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Athena took things a step further. During the French Revolution, those who wanted to defeat the royals used the head of Medusa as a symbol of their freedom. Come, rise from the Hellish Pit on swift wing and turn to me Your petrifying gaze so You may witness this rite! This potion is consumable and can be added to teas, but it can also be used on poppets or other tools to heal, cleanse, and restore. Medusa doesnt just choose anyone she selected you because you are a warrior and because she wants you to learn how to stand up for yourself and fight back in one specific way. Its no surprise, then, that the Ancient Greeks had several important mythological explanations for the origin of a number of different plants and flowers! While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Zeus intervened before it could turn into too much of a fight, and they were sent the human, Paris. Read about Medusa in literature. There are several versions of the Medusa myth. I believe that deities exist in slightly different dimensions/realms yet their power extends to where we currently reside. Be sure to keep a lookout for signs and symbols of the gorgon in the days thereafter, as she may approach you in subtle ways. To make matters worse, in the works of ancient Greek artist Polygnotos, Perseus is shown cutting off Medusas head while she lay sleeping, further highlighting the absolute cowardice of this champion of the gods. At Her shrine, at Night, I will light a black candle and incense, having as little light as needed to perform the spell. He was found amongst a bed of violets, for which he was named. Updates? For me personally I like to use snake fangs over tusks due to their practicality, but either will certainly work. She further claimed that the womans head simply served as a mask for those who later wielded it. Cerridwen's Myth The flag and emblem of Sicily also features her head. Legend claims the was a giant who carried a golden sword. Though he used it to save his mother, Perseus then went to Argos and buried her head there. Perseus stayed in Ethiopia where he met Andromeda, daughter of Cassiopeia. She claimed that Medusa was the only real Gorgon and that her sisters were mere additions to her story. Aside from this, some things I associate and use with Medusa are malachite (as my Gorgons Eye stone), serpentine, snakeskin jasper, coral, whole raw eggs, The coat of arms of the Dohalice village from the Czech Republic depicts Medusas head. This doesnt need to be in huge ways. She is not to be pitied, but adored. An urn type vessel with a lid (I use either antique sugar bowls or terracotta cantarito cups that I cap off with small terracotta planter dishes which can be easily painted, legend mentions it as a bronze urn). This account comes specifically from the Roman poet Ovid in his work Metamorphoses, told at the end of the story of Perseus. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. She was usually represented as a winged female creature having a head of hair consisting of snakes; unlike the Gorgons, she was sometimes represented as very beautiful. WebFrom Business: We offer the finest quality of Natural Organically Grown and Wild crafted Herbs. Do this, Goddess, and I will serve You as Your station demands! Heracles (Hercules) is said to have obtained a lock of Medusas hair (which possessed the same powers as the head) from Athena and given it to Sterope, the Her pure white milky skin turned a scary green hue. From a very early age in Britain, I was known to sit at the breakfast table reading encyclopedias about many of the major world mythologies. Born to the sea god Phorcys and Ceto (Phorcys wife and sister), Medusa (queen or ruler) was one of the three Gorgon sisters. Athena and Poseidon competed over the city, which would become Athens in a contest judged by humans. You can also dedicate any divination tools to Medusa that you plan on using while working with her. Sea sponge that has been cut flat so it may rest at the bottom of the vessel, A fireplace match, lighter, or other implement that can hold fire and reach the bottom of the vessel, Snake shed (add based on your availability), 1 tsp elderberry that has been boiled in spring water. His name is probably derived from herma (see herm), the Greek word for a heap of stones, such as was used in the country to indicate boundaries or as a landmark. Daphne had sworn herself to perpetual virginity and refused him. Having experienced a few herself, she knows what its like to have to change everything about yourself sometimes in ways that everyone else perceives in a negative light in order to save yourself and move on from hard times. Strike vengeance together with her strength. While most iconography shows Her as simply a head, some of the most striking Medusa imagery comes from temples dedicated to Apollon of Miletus and Artemis of Corfu where we see the Gorgon full bodied, often with 4 wings coming from Her back, Her usual snakes, yet She is flanked by two lions in both instances, a direct reference to the cult of the Great Mother. When I look for idols or agalmas for Medusa they need to have very wide, expressive eyes. TEA & ROSEMARY LLC, source wonderful Medusa art and statues on Etsy, 6 Effective Studying Spells For Exams, Class, & Enhanced Focus, Winter Solstice & Yule: Rituals, Traditions, And Ways To Celebrate, Two of Pentacles Meanings: Love, Career, Health, Reversed, & More, How To Celebrate Ostara: Spring Equinox Rituals, Traditions & Ideas, Depictions of serpents or snake figurines, The Aegis: an image of Medusas head adorning Athenas shield. After the nymph Smilax was turned into a vine or bindweed, his lover Crocus appealed to the gods. But what is the truth to this myth? Call upon Medusa when you need the strength to challenge your enemies, to face your fears, or to hex your abusers. For these types of rituals I will offer Her red church wine, whole uncooked eggs, and spring water in addition to any ingredients or materials for my spellwork. Herodotus found some evidence that she appeared in Berber mythology where she was a major part of their religion. Medusa spent the rest of her days wandering the earth alone. Heracles (Hercules) is said to have obtained a lock of Medusas hair (which possessed the same powers as the head) from Athena and given it to Sterope, the daughter of Cepheus, as a protection for the town of Tegea against attack; when exposed to view, the lock was supposed to bring on a storm, which put the enemy to flight. I recommend that you work with Medusa using a pendulum or cards if youre new to divination work. She has really strong energy with the pendulum so youll definitely know when shes around. The goddess Medusa may also reveal herself in dreams or through symbols in life, such as the snake, or by sending other outcasts your way. Like Ambrosia, Dionysus honored Ampelos by transforming him into a grapevine so that he could live forever. The story of Medusa first appeared in Ovids work. Their bodies are covered in scales and they have large, round heads with snakes sprouting from them instead of hair. Now that we have the myths and iconography explained, we can dive into how I serve Her. However, be really for some kind of intense imagery: Medusa isnt for the faint of heart! Legend says while she was there baby snakes dropped from her head and this is why there are plenty of snakes in Africa. Take a small bouquet of fresh spring flowers and dip it into the holy water and sprinkle it onto the agalma (sacred idol) to cleanse it. From c. 200 B.C. Greek poet Hesiod wrote that Medusa lived close to the Hesperides in the Western Ocean near Sarpedon. The once lovely hair was morphed into poisonous, dangerous snakes. Echinacea. The pomegranate fruit was important as a symbol of fertility and marriage and played a role in several myths. The sun god Apollo once mocked Aphrodites son, Eros. All she asks is that you become the best and most powerful version of yourself. When the king turned to the Gods, they agreed to help as they worried about what the creature could do. He then returned to the goddess Athena with Medusas head, which she mounted to her shield so that any foes she encountered on the battlefield would then be turned to stone. Medusa followed the goddess for many years before she met and fell in love with Poseidon. Thence, by Athenas curse anyone she looked upon turned to stone. These blood-red perennial spring flowers are named for anemos, the wind, which carries their seed. : In Pompeiis House of the Faun, Medusa was on the breastplate of. Pingback: Rivers, Stars & Snakes | Hollow Hills. He treated other potential courtships similarly, believing himself too beautiful for them. Flax seed. Until next time, Nocturnal Blessings! Hyacinthus was a Spartan prince and a male lover of Apollo. Your email address will not be published. One of her works said that similar stories focused on sister trios and that authors likely added Medusas sisters. They manage to escape when Percy beheads her. However, the number mentioned here are some of our favorite and most interesting plant-based origin stories! Some were previously gods and goddesses, some humans, and some sprung from even more surprising sources! Shell show you that you dont need to be afraid of power and that the innate power you have inside of you is already strong and beautiful; you simply need to learn how to use it. In this incantation Hekate is evoked as Mother of the Gorgons. Leonardo da Vinci did a painting of her using oil on canvas. 3. Tea tree oil. In my experience, Medusa doesnt care too much about the social or political climates. After the baby was born, Aepytus forced Evande to abandon the child. Barley was an essential crop to Demeter, the goddess of agriculture. The metal cap of a 1st- or 2nd-century chariot pole, for instance, offers a popular visual interpretation of the Gorgon with two snakes tied neatly under her chin. The Blood of Medusa (Right). A loving priestess to his sister Athena, Poseidon sought the goddess Medusa while she was praying in Athenas temple and violated her. The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York has a terracotta jar created by Polygnotos that shows Perseus murdering her in her sleep. Freud simply stated that the myth is part of the Odepial Complex. Read on. You may be lucky enough to find Medusas Head plants ( Euphorbia caput-medusae) at a garden center that specializes in cacti and succulents. If you have a friend with a mature plant, ask if you can have a cutting to propagate your own plant. Offer Her spring flowers separate from those you used to asperge the idol as well as more incense, and sweet red church wine. This is by no means a requirement for working with Medusa its simply a reason that she may empathize with you and want to form a deeper connection. Son, Eros herbs associated with medusa who carried a golden sword a grapevine so that he could forever! 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