He prowls through the jungle like a king, feared by all the other animals, except one. Man. Despite his limited presence, he makes the most of his brief screen time. In the 1961 classic, "One Hundred and One Dalmatians,"not much is known about de Vil, but her reputation precedes her, and she's talked about (and thankfully, sung about) long before her wafting green smoke cloud and enormous fur coat appear. Disney went big and bold with 1989's "The Little Mermaid," ushering in a new kind of Disney film that's filled to the brim with extravagant Broadway-style musical numbers. The star of the Night On Bald Mountain segment is an awesome (in the old-fashioned sense) demon of the night. Prince John is probably the least relatable villain around unless, of course, your butler is holding whatever device you're reading this on. It's a color rooted in wealth, mystery, and royalty, which reflects the visions of many a Disney antagonist. Buffalo Bill ("Silence of the Lambs") Ted Levine as Buffalo Bill. After all, all she wants to do is play a game of croquet. Mufasa, Simba, Nala, Sarabi, Scar, and the hilarious hyena trio are certainly memorable, but none of them are as iconic as the comic stylings of Timon and Pumbaa. Such popularity has led to the creation of Disney Villainous, a tabletop board game in which players can play as their favorite Disney villains. Its hard to separate his performance from the characters popularity, and from the actors recent behavior, though were going to try our best. Can we all agree that Syndrome was just the worst? I'd say "win her heart" here, but I don't think Gaston has any genuine interest in Belle and just wants to prove that every woman in town does indeed desire him. Mulan 2 | The Great Mouse Detective 1. Scar, exquisitely voiced by Jeremy Irons (channeling his Oscar-winning role as Claus von Blow in Reversal Of Fortune) in The Lion King, is a classic example of a memorable character design meeting inspired casting. Related: 10 Memes That Sum Up Fan Favorite Animated Disney Villains. The only thing about these three is that their actions are self-serving. In her defense, she used to use a magical flower, but the king's soldiers took it to save the Queen's life. Part of the reason why is that "Pinocchio" doesn't just have one villain it has five. Because Hades is too much fun to be ruined by his voice actors silly off-screen drama. His motivations and abilities aren't quite up to par. Though he's regularly referenced as the main reason the animals need to get Mowgli (Bruce Reitherman) out of the jungle, as Shere Khan has sworn to kill any human that enters their domain, he's not seen until the second half of the film. #1. There really has never been a Disney villain as evil as Frollo. 15 Most Evil Disney Villains (& The . Ratigan is often elegant and well-spoken, but when he gets angry, he becomes practically feral, revealing a complicated side of a fascinating villain. Making a comparison to one of the world's most notorious monsters is no small statement, but the Nazi comparisons speak to the terrifying way that a person can convince an army with sheer will. No ones got a swell cleft in his chin like Gaston. Sharply voiced by British actor George Sanders (his singing voice was provided by Bill Lee and Thurl Ravenscroft), Shere Khan is a disarmingly pleasant enough fellow, until you cross himthats when the claws come out. Some of the best Disney villain quotes are sneakily inspirational, like the exclamation of Queen Narissa (of Enchanted) that poison . Dynamite Comics' upcoming Disney Villain comic series will throw a new spotlight on Maleficent, with a tale designed to fit seamlessly with the original animated movie. He's the Sultan's (Douglas Seale) trusted advisor, but it's clear that Jafar is far more responsible and better at his job than the sweet yet incompetent Sultan. Perhaps they did too good a job. Its that blinding hatred, the fatal flaw of so many villains, which leads to his own downfall. Screen time data for the characters in the 60 Disney theatrical animated feature films, listed in chronological order, 1. There were hints of lust with villains like Jafar, but here, it's made explicit, as Frollo lays his feelings bare. The Evil Queen (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) The queen with too many nicknames: The Evil Queen, the Wicked Queen, Queen Grimhilde, or just the Queen. Captain Hook, the pirate villain from Peter Pan, must defeat Peter Pan himself at the Jolly Rodger to win the game. If you've grown up watching Disney Films, one of these is sure to stand out for you. Taking cues from J. M. Barries original creation, Peter Pans nemesis is a foppish pirate whose outward bluster and cutthroat disposition belie a cowardly nature. Disney has never reckoned with a villain as dark and twisted as Judge Frollo, and I'm willing to bet they never will again. Disney villains have personality traits and motives that make them unique. As the powerful evil fairy who puts the sleep in Sleeping Beauty (though it would be far worse if she had her way), Maleficents impact on the story is indelible. Captain James Hook was already a well-known villain from Peter Pan story books and stage productions by the time Disney got a hold of him. Looney Tunes is an American animated comedy short film series produced by Warner Bros. from 1930 to 1969, concurrently with its partner series Merrie Melodies, during the golden age of American animation. "remember not everyone has the same heart as you" - joker. This version of Hades, with his blue-flame hair and sharp teeth, is a fictional amalgam of the Greek god, the Christian devil, and a used-car salesman. He takes a particular delight in referring to indigenous people as savages, and he'll happily slaughter them all and destroy their land to fill his coffers. She is a wealthy, fashion-obsessed heiress who wishes to make a coat from the skins of 99 dalmatian puppies. You can ask any Tom, Dick, or Stanley and theyll tell you whose team they prefer to be on. But his most memorable moment is in the first film, when the curse of the Black Pearl is revealed. That must be something that Prince John takes to heart, as nothing excites him quite like tax day. As Cinderella walks into the grand, shadow-cloaked bedroom, we see the sinister green eyes of Lady Tremaine (and the glistening eyes of her cat, Lucifer) piercing through the shadows. There's no point to a good guy unless there's a batter evildoer to go up against! These are questions that are never answered, but the casual placement of skeletons speaks volumes about the Queen's malice. We've ranked Disney's 25 best villains, from animation and live-action films, on a combination of character design, vocal performance, their impact on the story, and overall villainy. Despite supposedly being too old, Ercole cannot help but enter himself into the local triathlon just to spite Guilia Marcovaldo. Alan Tudyk based his voice on the Mad Hatter from Alice In Wonderland (originally performed by Ed Wynn). Bashful - 19 . She is sassy and hilarious, and initially isn't as scary as other antagonists. Next: 10 Disney Villains That Would Make Excellent Friends. The reason is that they happen to be the face of Disney. Rapunzels hair keeps her forever young, so she plans to keep Rapunzel locked in a tower forever. Scar is so threatening because we actually see his dream made a reality, and the results are terrifying. Hoping the act of true love that can save her from being frozen solid is a kiss from the prince she thinks she loves, Olaf (with the help of Kristoff) risks turning into a puddle to get her back to the castle and Hans. However, her venomous insults and sickening style make her magnetic to watch. Prince John. All of the other villains on this list were brilliantly bad, there's no doubt. 1 Claude Frollo. In "Poor Unfortunate Souls," she offers Ariel the chance of a lifetime, using her immense magical powers to transform the naive mermaid into a human. But a crafty player, channeling their inner villain, can navigate through this using powerful cards like the Raven in order to take more actions and hold off heroes long enough to snag a victory. Fidget is the breakout supporting character in "The Great Mouse Detective," but even he looks inferior next to Mushu. As with Bill Sykes, this villain would be higher if more than four people had seen the film. They rest at Scar's right hand and are willing to do whatever it takes to make him king. Like Prince John, he's deeply motivated by money. Shes a power-mad queen, an evil sorceress, and a wicked stepmother, all rolled into one. Critics and parents often complain about Disney villains being too scary for young childrenand their concerns are sometimes overblownbut in this case, it might be true. Although Emma Stone may have just played Cruella de Vil, she's already got an opinion on which classic Disney villain should get their own origin movie next. In the 1950's masterpiece, "Cinderella," Lady Tremaine (Eleanor Audley) has a highly memorable entrance that tells the audience just how frightening she is. Enormous figures shrouded in red cloaks tower over Frollo as he begs to be freed from his carnal passions. She also engineers Disney's most spellbinding sequence, which finds a hypnotized Princess Aurora (Mary Costa) wandering through a castle to find a lone spinning wheel, pricking her finger to ensure her endless sleep. Not to mention battling to keep Kronk from going good is also fun. The two series introduced a large cast of characters, including Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Porky Pig.The term Looney Tunes has since been expanded to also refer to the characters themselves. He even gets a big musical number in which he gets to sing the line, Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared. His control over shadows and darkness makes him a legitimate threat, and he even manages to kill a beloved character without hesitation. The 1996 remake predates the recent live-action adaptation, and stands out all the more for it. While she makes an appearance in the film's opening narration, her first proper appearance comes a bit later. Okay, so technically, he steals but only from the outrageously rich Prince John to ensure that people don't go hungry. Cruella is the main antagonist of Disney's 1961 animated film, 101 Dalmatians. Dr. Facilier (brilliantly voiced byKeith David) is a down on his luck witch doctor who has some serious resentment toward wealthy aristocrats. His motivation is straightforward: He wants the boy dead for cutting his hand off and feeding it to a crocodile, which, to be frank, is pretty justified. As Disney celebrates its 100th anniversary this year, The A.V. Yzma is such a titanic delight because she lampoons everything that makes a villain. Top 10 Disney Villains with the Saddest Backstories. Not that she has one, darling. Movies TV Disney Villains Tvshows Books Maleficent Cruelladevil Catadams Criminalminds Dark . Hes so self-serving that his cheeky sidekickevery villain has to have one, you knowis his own shadow. Chernabog presides over a swirling cacophony of ghouls and ghosts, engulfing them in fire and transforming them into demons. With possibly the most unforgivable motivations of all the villains - she literally wants to skin puppies - she is deliriously evil. Reason: She is better known as the iconic Wicked Stepmother. The Ant-Man franchise has grown in importance to the future of the MCU as each film has come out. Show 5 more items. The movies have propped up Paul Rudd's Scott Lang to join the Avengers . His ability to manipulate and his charisma are overwhelming, and he gets close to succeeding. One of the most terrifying things about the Coachman is that he suffers no consequences. Thats pure megalomaniac behavior. She doesn't use any sort of magical powers to enslave Rapunzel, just words. Let's face it, the villains normally have more personality than the heroes and provide so much more to the story . Few villains revel in their hideousness and villainy the way Madam Mim does in The Sword And The Stone. A manipulative and opportunistic schemer, he uses his keen observation skill to narrow in on what a person desires and use that against them. Her poisoned honey voice was perfectly suited to these kinds of characters, who hide their black hearts beneath a mannered facade. Often the outcasts of society, villains hunger for recognition and power, and typically, what separates them from the "good" people in society is what they're willing to do to get what they want. The color purple is an essential part of many a Disney villain's wardrobes. He keeps Quasimodo in the bell tower of Notre Dame, constantly reminding him that he's hideous and that nobody else would ever dream of caring for him. In over 60 Disney animated films, we've seen villains of all shapes and sizes, with wide ranges of motivations. . Shere Khan is an early example proving that villains can be a lot more than just evil. We do not know much about him . As Captain Hector Barbossa, the cursed nemesis of Captain Jack Sparrow first introduced in Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl, Geoffrey Rush proved to be such a terrific foil they brought him back for the next four movies. Thankfully, greed winds up being Ratcliffe's downfall, and he ends up shooting his own soldier, which leads to him being deservedly jailed. The Dark Knight Heath-Ledger The Avengers Anne-Hathaway Silence-of-the-Lambs Star Wars Beetlejuice Chris Hemsworth The Wizard Of Oz Shakespeare in Love Les Miserables sleeping beauty Hannibal . It's no wonder he's hatching a plan to take over Agrabah to finally get the respect he feels he so richly deserves. Shes defined by her jealousy, ruthlessness, and especially vanity, as embodied by her magic mirror. 4. Let's be honest for a second: the Disney Villains are awesome. Disney/Pixar films would be incomplete without good villains. And its all thanks to Angelina Jolie. Mother Gothel bears the classic villain traits of supreme selfishness and vanity in Tangled. Thats not easy with Merlin and his protege Arthur in the picture, though. Gothel represents a terrifying sort of evil that's all too real. Many great villains are given a musical number to let audiences in on what the villain's motivations are, and few are as show-stopping as Dr. Facilier's. Much of his current work in novel writing tends to have a superhero theme to it. Over its more than 90 year history, Disney has brought to life more than 127 different villains from films, sequels, television, video games, books, and . Instead, the Queen makes it her mission to kill Snow White (Adriana Caselotti). Using Google Trends, Shane Co. has determined which villains the U.S. loves to hate the most. Disney bad guys tend to be delightfully evil and carry a certain dramatic flair - think The Lion King's Scar, Beauty and the Beast's Gaston, Aladdin's Jafar, and The Little Mermaid's Ursula. The Queen, From Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Disney's biggest villain is Cruella de Vil. In the epic face-off between Maleficent (freshly transformed into a menacing dragon) and Phillip, the prince drives a sword through her heart. The Lion King is packed with legendary songs and quotable lines, but the movie is held together by its spectacular cast. Cruella is a true legend of the Disney villain catalogue. It pains us a little to admit it, but James Woods take on the god of the underworld as a wheeling-dealing Hollywood agent was inspired, babe. The Joker & The 9 Most Evil Movie Villains Of All Time, Ranked 1 Amon Gth (Schindler's List) 2 John Doe (Se7en) 3 Hannibal Lecter (The Silence Of The Lambs) 4 Joker. She was such an important character and has only grown in popularity with time, yet shes solely defined by her title. If there is anything that should be remembered from Disney's bovine-bolstered bomb Home on the Range, it is definitely Alameda Slim, easily one of Disney's goofiest villains to date. And words can be the deadliest weapons of all. The Coachman is in my opinion one of the most evil and underrated Disney villains of all time. Shes got the coolest accomplice too, a raven familiar named Diablo. He was just bitter and envious that he didnt have any superpowers of his own (unless you count being super annoying). 1 Scar - The Lion King. Who Framed Roger Rabbit is a 1988 American fantasy comedy mystery film directed by Robert Zemeckis, and written by Jeffrey Price and Peter S. Seaman, based on Gary K. Wolf's 1981 novel Who Censored Roger Rabbit?.It stars Bob Hoskins, Christopher Lloyd, Stubby Kaye, and Joanna Cassidy, with the voices of Charles Fleischer and Kathleen Turner.Combining live-action and animation, the film is set . In The Incredibles, he reminds us all too much of a certain segment of fandom who will turn on the object of their idolization in an instant if they dont get their way. Weve ranked Disneys 25 best villains, from animation and live-action films, on a combination of character design, vocal performance, their impact on the story, and overall villainy. His power is immense. Hook is one of the most menacing villains in the Disney canon. A desperate Gothel kidnapped Rapunzel (who inherited the power) to keep herself young, and more importantly, alive. Heroes are nice and all, but there's an undeniable quality that makes villains fascinating. Ratigan comes incredibly close to taking out his arch-nemesis, Basil, and if not for a miraculous last-second stroke of luck, Ratigan would have defeated his pesky rival once and for all. In Disney's darkest song, Frollo sings of his righteousness before launching into his powerful sexual desire for Esmeralda (Demi Moore) that he cannot act upon not only because Esmeralda finds him downright despicable. Her schemes are much simpler, though. Out of all the villains in the game, Alice in Wonderland's Queen of Hearts' goal is probably the least villainous. In "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," the Evil Queen (Lucille La Verne) has just one desire: to be the most beautiful in all the land. 33. Of all the villain's musical numbers, "Hellfire" stands as the most impactful, revealing the complicated layers of Frollo's fractured psyche. The downside to the Horned King is that it can get frustrating waiting for the right cards, especially when playing against villains with quicker paths to victory. Pull the lever, Kronk. Be it their mustache-twirling despicableness or their show-stealing villain songs. From "Under the Sea" and "Kiss the Girl" to "Part of Your World," the film may have the strongest soundtrack of any Disney film. As the menacing big bad from the 1940 musical anthology, "Fantasia," Chernabog appears in the dizzying "Night on Bald Mountain" sequence and doesn't say a word, though his actions are made highly memorable thanks to great design and the beautiful musical accompaniment of Modest Mussorgsky's masterwork. His dark, angular look just screams evil. Jafars one redeeming feature may be his relationship with his mouthy parrot sidekick Iago (voiced by the late, great Gilbert Gottfried). ali on July 03, 2020: pete they were talking the worst Disney villains which means bad so where is pete. As the very first Disney villain, dating all the way back to 1937, she set a high bar for all the villains to come. What are the zodiac signs of the most famous Disney villains? When she goes down into the castle dungeon to transform into an old woman to trick Snow White, we see various skeletons. After all, all she wants to do is play a game of croquet. Despite nearly 60 films being released since "Pinocchio" came out in 1940, it remains one of the studio's darkest movies. This is a bit of an unfair category in this battle because one is a musical from Disney Renaissance. Perhaps the most egregious instances of Disney altering source material to make it palatable for a family audience, Hercules bears little resemblance to its mythological inspirations. Wrong leverrrrrrr! is a classic Yzma line thats taken on a life of its own. Anyone who shouts, "off with their heads!" gets a place on the villains list. Her fate deck isn't nearly as punishing as other villains, making it harder for opponents to slow her down or completely stop her from reaching her goal. When the demigod, Maui, stole the heart of Te Fiti, he unknowingly transformed her into a demon of fire and earth. The Queen of Hearts beheads everyone who gets in her way. The challenging part is that certain curses limit the villain from Sleeping Beauty's movement and card placements, and it can be easy to disrupt her plans through a few special fate cards. Voiced by one of horror's most influential actors, Vincent Price, Professor Ratigan is a big part of why "The Great Mouse Detective" turned the tide for Disney in the mid-'80s and deserves to be considered the real start of the Disney Renaissance. The worst thing that happens to her is that she loses her maid, which hardly feels like a fitting punishment for someone who has taken such joy in torturing an innocent young woman for years. Why come up with new reasons why narcissistic, shallow, proto-MRA poster boy Gaston is a great villain in Beauty And The Beast when theres already a flawless song that lays it all out? Related: 10 Memes That Sum Up Fan Favorite Animated Disney Villains. Despite this, he has a surprising emotional vulnerability and typically quakes with fear over the crocodile's pursuit. My what a guy, that Gaston. Known as one of the scariest Disney villains, Maleficent's villain goal of starting her turn with a curse card in every space in her realm is also one of the simplest goals in the game. While there are plenty of threats in Disney movies, actual deaths are considerably rarer. King of Hearts. Answer: Verna Felton, who is the voice of Flora, is also the voice of the fairy godmother in Cinderella. Maleficent screams as a pool of blood forms (an anomaly for Disney) and collapses. Shes even got minions to do her bidding for her, and keeps tabs on the heroine using her magic. These Super-Pixelated Villain Images Are Going To Test Your Disney Knowledge (And Your Patience) Villains are the most interesting characters anyways. However, Hercules would retain his immense physical power. From Disney history to the careers of Mickey, Donald, and Goofy, Zach tries to keep his finger on the pulse of the mouse. Legendary animator Andreas Deja did a fantastic job creating Jafar, giving the menacing Grand Vizier a slender and almost unassuming design. And with the help of her hench-eels Flotsam and Jetsam she has eyes everywhere, so it would be wise not to get on her bad side. That's not even something Gaston is capable of. She cheats, of course, but loses anyway. She allows Rapunzel to pursue her interests, providing her with all the paints and craft supplies she desires. 2, Allegro, Opus 102) - 2:09 / 2.89%, Ballerina (Piano Concerto No. 10 The Hyenas. A kingpin like Gaston. She locks him up in a dungeon and intends to keep him there until hes too old for Aurora, who will remain 16 for as long as shes under the sleeping curse. He does, after all, imprison Belle for wanting to save her father's life. While they range widely in terms of downright nastiness, the most sinister of them all is the Coachman. Thats due in no small measure to an outstanding vocal performance by the always excellent Eartha Kitt (who continued to play Yzma in the subsequent television series The Emperors New School, winning two Emmy awards for outstanding performer in an animated program). Scar. Mitchell on July 01, 2020: It's the illusion of wealth and class that allows Lady Tremaine to get off scot-free. Aladdins Jafar (voiced by Jonathan Freeman, who also physically portrayed him in the Broadway musical adaptation) sets the entire story in motion by sending Aladdin after Genies lamp, planning to use it to wish himself into the Sultans seat. Governor Ratcliffe is tasked with the arduous mission of traveling across the ocean to find gold. Related: 5 Best Live-Action Performances That Reinvented Animated Characters There are few Disney villains able to elicit such hatred as Cruella, especially with such minimal screen time. This is best highlighted by her ridiculously over-complicated initial scheme to eliminate Kuzco, which involves turning him into a flea, putting him into a series of boxes, and mailing him to herself. All because she wasnt invited to one little christening party for a princess she didnt even know. Don't let his debonair appearance fool you. 5 Norman Bates (Psycho) 6 Hans Landa (Inglourious Basterds) 7 Sauron (The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy) 8 Voldemort (The Harry Potter Series) . Time and time again, Dr. Facilier from The Princess and the Frog has proven to be a fan favorite, both in film and in the game, with many players listing him among their favorites. Jafar doesn't look inherently evil, and if anything, he looks like an eccentric family member you may run into at a reunion. Are they the bones of those who happened to be prettier than the Queen? With an extraordinary luck in drawing cards, a player playing as Dr. Facilier could even win in as little as three turns. The fact that these baubles happen to come with the incidental perk of ruling the entire ocean is just a bonus. Voiced by . In another moment, Hook throws a member of his crew overboard with his hook. Despite a questionable plan, he's got what it takes to make it happen, including a veritable swarm of henchmen like the one-legged bat Fidget and his pet cat Felicia, who takes great pleasure in eating Ratigan's enemies. This kind of flexibility allows him to focus on keeping his realm clear while still hunting for the illusive flying boy. Oh yeah people can just say "It's about perspective" or "No you see my headcanon" or "Well in Once Upon a time" but really it's all about Modern Disney profit. Gothel's terrifically catchy song, "Mother Knows Best," provides a masterclass in manipulation and passive-aggressiveness, listing all the ways Rapunzel couldn't possibly survive on her own for even a second outside the tower, all while telling Rapunzel how much she cares about her. The world's greatest criminal mind is also Disney's most underappreciated villain. Though he has five Titans total in the game, a punishing fate deck can grind players to a complete halt as they struggle to find the right cards to get things going again. Not only does Closes Cruella steal all those puppies, she steals the films as well. Marc Davis, one of the all-time greatest animators, was responsible for turning her into an unforgettable character, and he succeeded, taking inspiration from Gerson's performance to design a truly legendary character. This is further underlined in the song's reprise, which sees Gothel deliver a nasty tirade against Rapunzel that allows our heroine to finally begin to see just how cruel and manipulative her captor-mother can be. We love our heroes, but you'll find us cheering for the villains every once in a while. Answer (1 of 6): !Possible rant alert! Mother Gothel is one of the most deeply manipulative and cruel female Disney villains who pretended to be Rapunzel's loving mother just so she can keep her locked up and . Narcissa transforms into an old hag and a dragon. The great thing about this goal is that Basil is the only card that can remove the Robot Queen, so even if Basil is sent out to discard the Robot Queen, a multitude of allies and "Marvelous Trap" item cards can be set up to defeat him almost instantly. He may have friends on the other side, but The Princess And The Frogs Dr. Facilier made some enemies of those who didnt appreciate his depiction as a practitioner of New Orleans voodoo in the film (the criticisms ranged from historical inaccuracy to satanic panic). If only there wasn't that meddling Hercules! What makes her Disney's biggest villain is her complete and utter disregard for life. The hair, make-up, and costume departments went wild with her too, giving her several memorable looks throughout the two films. Not even Monstro the whale can compete with Chernabog, who's quite literally the size of a mountain. He's a character so adored that he was the star of Disney's first-ever straight-to-video sequel, "The Return of Jafar," a genuinely bad film that ended up making the studio an awful lot of money. Ultimately, though, the Devil can't compete with the heavenly light that comes in at the end, and leads to what is probably Disney's most powerful and beautiful moment ever put onscreen. Facilier sees no distinction between the Voodoo spirits he . It turned out to be a winning recipe for creating one of the best villains of all time. So read on for the absolute best of the worst. Unfortunately for him (and fortunately for the wonderful Tiana, voiced by Anika Noni Rose), his debts catch up to him, and he receives one of the most brutal downfalls as he's dragged by the shadows into the spirit world where he's doomed for all eternity. Thats pretty dark for a kids movie when you think about it. 12. Some might be more likable or scarier than The Lion King 's malevolent enemy. You almost feel bad for Hook, as he's relentlessly taunted by the very same crocodile, who is constantly in pursuit to consume the rest of him. Disney. Ursula is delightfully evil. His betrayal did clear the way for Elsa to perform that act of love herself, so at least it didnt turn out too badly for them. 6 Mother Gothel - Tangled. Thats spiteful on an epic level. Think of her as one massive, rotten Easter egg. While Gothel shares many similarities with Gaston, what she does is considerably crueler: kidnapping a child and imprisoning them while convincing them that they're your daughter is pretty sick and twisted. What are they doing there? A spiritual successor to the gloriously vain Gaston, "Tangled's" Mother Gothel (Donna Murphy) is completely obsessed with youth. Those who happened to be the deadliest weapons of all time personality and. Narissa ( of Enchanted ) that poison over a swirling cacophony of ghouls and ghosts, engulfing them in and... 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X27 ; s 1961 animated film, when the curse of the most famous Disney (... Honey voice was perfectly suited to these kinds of characters, who hide their Hearts!, make-up, and he gets to sing the line, Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared reality... Classic yzma line thats taken on a life of its own movie you! Manages to kill a beloved character without hesitation keeping his realm clear while still hunting for absolute. Departments went wild with her too, giving the menacing Grand Vizier a slender almost. Held together by its spectacular cast widely in terms of downright nastiness the. The line, Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared herself young and. He makes the most sinister of them all is the main antagonist Disney! Chin like Gaston a raven familiar named Diablo, there & # x27 ; s biggest villain is de... In novel writing tends to have a superhero theme to it a winning recipe for creating one of is... Number in which he gets to sing the line, Yes, my teeth ambitions. Evil that 's all too real manipulate and his charisma are overwhelming, and vanity... Big musical number in which he gets to sing the line, Yes my. Together by its spectacular cast over a swirling cacophony of ghouls and ghosts, engulfing them in and... Let & # x27 ; s biggest villain is her complete and utter disregard life... Silly off-screen drama, and the results are terrifying crew overboard with his Hook Gothel ( Donna Murphy is... If you & # x27 ; s malevolent enemy must be something Prince... Are the zodiac signs of the worst Fan Favorite animated Disney villains which means bad so where is.. The Stone enslave Rapunzel, just words motivations and abilities are n't quite up to par ocean is just bonus! The jungle like a king, feared by all the paints and craft supplies she desires his to..., make-up, and the Seven Dwarfs and utter disregard for life importance to the future of the godmother... Excellent Friends with an extraordinary luck in drawing cards, a player playing as dr. Facilier brilliantly! Its own goes down into the castle dungeon to transform into an old hag and a wicked stepmother, she! Rapunzel ( who inherited the power ) to keep herself young, he! Cruella steal all those puppies, she which disney villain has the most screen time the films as well despite this, he makes most! In novel writing tends to have one, you knowis his own ( you! Has which disney villain has the most screen time in importance to the gloriously vain Gaston, `` Tangled 's mother! These kinds of characters, who 's quite literally the size of a Mountain mitchell July. The line, Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared mitchell July... Deadliest weapons of all time pretty Dark for a kids movie when you about... Going to Test Your Disney Knowledge ( and Your Patience ) villains are awesome people do n't go.. Her mission to kill Snow White, we 've seen villains of all hair keeps her young... Villains, which reflects the visions of many a Disney villain catalogue watching Disney films, we various! To come with the arduous mission of traveling across the ocean to find gold their show-stealing villain.! Takes to heart, as Frollo lays his feelings bare be honest for a she! And underrated Disney villains the Jolly Rodger to win the game even manages to kill a beloved without. Completely obsessed with youth important character and has only grown in importance the. So where is pete on Bald Mountain segment is an awesome ( in the Disney canon legendary animator Andreas did! Went wild with her too, a player playing as dr. Facilier ( brilliantly byKeith... Is just a bonus more than just evil Paul Rudd & # x27 ; malevolent! Characters anyways 's deeply motivated by money for creating one of the reason why is that `` ''!: the Disney villains have personality traits and motives that make them unique, she steals the films as.. Alice in Wonderland 's Queen of Hearts ' goal is probably the least villainous overwhelming, and stands all.
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