1 ultimatum don't talk to my best friend anymore. We are not too bulgar to chaos in public. I gave my virginity to him thinking that it would change things make him open up to me more; Like me more, try to get to know me more,but I was wrong. Mother, father, uncle whatever..that's ridiculous. As long as you are not looking for clear advice or decision making, 4) When we love, we love with every part of our heart, we are absolutely ready to drop anything and everything for you. But my current partner said the same thing as the last guy that I was bipolar, vindictive, and crazy. He is very intelligent and extremely good at computers/programming and logical science, stuffs which requires a lot of high IQ. Libras strive for balance when hurt, making it hard to tell when something is wrong. It doesn't matter how badly that ex may have hurt them Libras are incredibly understanding individuals who can forgive and forget just about anything. But..we can also be the greatest ally and nurturer you have ever known in your life. They are experts at reading people and can usually tell when someone is not ready to hear what they have to say. Libra Man Not Texting Back: What Do I Do? Munay, I am a Libra and I have to disagree on every aspects lol for me personally I do good until Im messed over as soon as you mess over me its over with. She is the most flaky and fake person i know. Aquarius can sometimes hide their emotions to save themselves from a multitude of heartbreak and sadness, but when depression hits, those around them can really see a difference in their behavior. He's won competitions on creating video games at an early age. My friend never said a single word ever. Because I can't see positive future at some point. I looked each up, the decans explained it well. So while avoiding ugliness and confrontations, I work hard to make those things never happen. We are deeply complex creatures and live in multiple worlds simultaneously.so getting a direct answer out of us will be difficult because we live in so many places at once that an "in the box" answer will never be provided to who and why we are. It all depends on what you do and what you don't do also my mood. Trust me, I am a Libra I know what kind of demon we can be. Libra men often have a hard time speaking their feelings, and they often bottle up their emotions. If there's karma involved in my destiny I only wished I was child raped by a stranger not by my own brother. My mom is a libra and she is exactly like that. By Samantha Maffucci Written on Dec 16, 2021. Its not that I love the Libra guy. U are all psycho. This may be due to the fact that they are considered the "peaceful" sign of the zodiac, or because they are taught from a young age to keep their feelings hidden. Reading all of these negative, hateful comments about Libras makes me wonder. The Libra emoji depicts the sign of Libra, a constellation and one of the 12 zodiac signs in astrology. 1.) The reason they hide their feelings is because they don't want to burden the other person with their emotions. I am supposed to get along with this sign but it is the one I like the least. I then inherited a lot of money (and I already own my home and rent it out which I know she hated as she wasn't interested in seeing the renovation photos) and I told her my news. This is VERY VERY INACCURATE. If your not a "capricunt" you have the face and attitude for one. o que associo a cada signo aries: personalidade touro: inflexvel gmeos: ingenuidade cncer: terapia (precisam mt) leo: ignorncia virgem: sociopatia libra: inconvenincia escorpio: intimidade sagitrio: hide sadness behind beautiful smile aquario: metidos peixes: sonsos Reactions are learned through experience and habit, you are not born with a certain way of reacting due to a zodiac sign. Most things are always flowery in tone. Also as soon they breakup with you and have someone else in their life, they wont let you go that fast because they want to track every step of you, and they hate confrontation but love drama. Should she begin to treat you in an inappropriate manner, then take the time to learn about what happens when a Libra woman is hurt. But when the phone rings, Libra will answer it calmly and sweetly. I invited her to be part of a group, and they made fun of her "opening monologue" behind her back. But damn I've definitely never seen an article talking so badly about us Librans! Libra's feel and intuit EVERYTHING.so the world can be vastly overwhelming for those Libra's that don't have an earth sign to anchor them in this world. People themselves don't know what drives them. yes, avoiding confrontation is not a tenable objective and will lead to outbursts (what's term in the title- yes, repressed); people born in October avoid confrontation, no = can't be proven. The stereotype that portrays us like a sweet candy floss and charming lucky charms is so misleading. This will likely cause her career or relationships to suffer, as she may express herself in a manner that undermines her message. Nor I will treat my closed ones badly if I had a bad day. A sign of a libra man trying to hide his feelings is that he acts shy when around you. Often people see a completely different picture of us that it actually not how we feel inside. but im not fake and i dont try to control her life. The thing I don't like is how they can gossip VERY negatively about people (behind their back) but talk in their "sweet tones" and are charming and complimentary to you in person -- that you may not know that the Libra IS the source of the negative and/or false rumors. I remember exactly where I have wronged others and I also remember when and how many times I have compensated for those acts of selfishness or rudeness. ( I'm an aquarius.) It is possible that her downcast feelings will develop into anger or rage. Im married too a Smokin Hot Libra MILF Shes a handful to deal with has a nasty attitude only directed at Her Husband Mevery controlling but Im a handsome Pisces I can deal with anybody or anythingWhen She does make Love Shes a Credit too Her Gender. Obviously, each sign deals with sadness differently, which might be why you feel a deeper connection between you and certain people more than with others; when you get into your lowest lows, these people just get what you're feeling, even without words. How can I help a sad Libra? Mr. Libra 2 was buying me gifts, showing up at my house (uninvited) and sent me a message saying he "Loved me with every fiber of his being"! And for those poor souls who's either or both parents/ brothers or sisters/in laws etc were Librans- Ouch, I truly feel sorry. The normally outgoing sign can become isolated, and may binge-eat or become too lethargic to do anything. I learned my lesson and I try to avoid Libra when is about relationship. My advice is asking a scorpio why do they want this. She wants to feel free and keep it light, turning away naturally from people whose characteristics feel too negative or intense for her. However, the stuff you put into the Libras mind it stays there. Sometimes physicall abuse they dont care if your 3 or 95but when they know if anyone else finds out they can get in trouble they know how make them shut up before they even think about it. Very moody. I have a Libra "friend" that I grew up with and I thought she was the nicest person but now I realize how untrue that is. I used to not believe my own sister could be so mean spirited, but I wised up and will never trust my sister again. Do Libras hide their emotions? Just my experiences of libras I know. She made me hate my dad for cheating but she herself cheat several times. Hehe. I didn't thank god my parents were there to snap me out of it. The ones i know are just crazy,they put other's in danger with their pseudo judgements,cool you don't like drama,then think better if you don't like to see people suffer,no wonder aries is the opposite,you have to be ignorant and strong like an aries to let go so easy of so much bull a libra can ask for. They are so desperate to avoid hearing the bad ugly truth so much that theyd cut you off abruptly when you are speaking or simply leave the room without a word being said. Depends on the day of the month you were born. She doesn't have money or a job with 3 kids luckily I still support my kids and back to her parents house. Overall she's just manipulative and controlling, and I doubt all libras are like her. (Of course I'm born in October hahaI happen to be controlling indeed toward those who get closer to me; in the work-social arenaa combination of practicality- choosing your battles- and impracticality - picking battles you can't win, just to make a point, I do that too. Its a painful truth and for those of you who got offended by this article. When he learned I didn't own a car, he would "insist" on driving home from class. She may choose to focus her social and emotional energy on new relationships. I cant speak for every libra but i know I hate myself everyday and wish i were never born bc of how i can be, i especially should've never been reckless and had children to carry my guilt. I want to know what's going wrong because I'm doing all the right things but all I'm getting is disappointment. She is a great charmer, but to only win someone over enough to get info from them, info that she can use against others eventually. Tired Aries woman sick of the Libra injustice. Not even the same first letter. Most times anything short of that makes me feel unwanted. she is a full blown malignant narcissist. But then again, it's for a good cause?). Another one I knew years later did the same; hard to believe, but true! But charming when she wants info from us. Hard to believe? They see everyone as mindless and feel called to enlighten them. Then she uses that information against them. A lot of Librans a prone to having gallstones, kidney and dental problems. me too. However, when she is under emotional stress, it is likely that she will begin to feel uncertain or confused about decisions that she has previously made. They are popular works as well and everything that motivates them is to please themselves under the guise of providing the other. My experience with a Libran is usually very superficial and passive. I am pretty sure there are killers of all signsand actually if you've only found 5 twisted people in Libra, that in fact disproves your point. The determined, level-headed Capricorn can become the complete opposite when depressed. I also appreciate the creativity of this author by portraying Libra's negative image since I was really bored of those charming and peaceful stories about Libras ..cheers and peace. Something darker? Strong beautiful powerhouses just like Kim K, Cardi and Queen Halsey. They will REFUSE to listen to what you have to say if you are very outspoken person. I tend to feel deeply and take on too much responsibility. but in reality this plan has been prepared too much in advance. My mother, grandmothers, two former female managers. She has stabbed me in the back, talks about me, others in family. Should she be pressed, then she may behave in a manner that removes herself from that person's presence. seems the guys dont stay very long wonder why . Candice NY from NYC on December 02, 2018: Libras are great as long as you keep it superficial. Libra Is Meant To Be In A Couple! September 9, 2022 by Anna Howard. Thank God doctors brought me back alive. (Aquarius) With (Gemini) moon. I'm a Libra Sun with a Libra Ascendant. But that's a 1 way thing. Show her that you are interested in spending time with her, as this will help you ensure that she does not create any relationships that will cause her to suffer in the future. Mmmmm Librans, Ive known a few, the first one a friend of a friend, a woman, I overheard bitching me out about my extra pounds (lol) in a pub one night, she was sitting in the next booth to me blissfully unaware that I could hear everything she was saying about me, me sagittarius with a big ego (and ass) apparently and a sharp little virgo moon wasted no time in letting her have my arrows, it shut her up! But again, these are the negative ones I'm talking about, of course. I've been taken advantage a o lot by just caring too much and i get furious i throw all that hate in my family witch they do not deserve it .but at the end family is my home is when i want people to understand me, to listen me when im angry when im sad when i need a advise .we need to take care of ourselves but we do not do it because we put in priority others . So sometimes, they might hide their emotions to maintain their image. I once got angry at one of my siblings and I zoned out while I was close to their neck to chock them. I like to surround myself with positive happy people. me, me, me..lie. While I am now guilty of generalizing also, I have to say that I know that depending on the time one is born under the Libra sign, as well as at which day in October can all play a part in a Libra being the exception to the rule as far as whether they exhibit classic Libra traits. A lawyer once made a circle of names with a dot in the center. My strict advice as a Leo, NEVER EVER GO FOR A SCORPIO no matter if ur sign is a good match and if u do get along in the startU will just end up ruined or even dead. Found them all to be selfish, controlling, manioulative, held grudges, calulating, little empathy towards others. I used to call her a best friend but she is far from it. I am loyal and very protective of my friends and loved ones. im sorry manipulative, insecure to the point where they compete with their friends(trying to outshine me and gets moody cos it doesnt work), full of lies.. attention seeking. This can harm their relationship with others. It is important for her strong social and emotional relationships to provide her with support, as she may feel that the people she pushed away have chosen to ignore her. Then he stop talking to me. Due to all that sugar and junk they regulary eat. Most Emotionally Strong Zodiac Signs. Libra simply makes up LIES any tells opposite stories to each person so that those two people who may not even know one another, are upset about (false) claims originally made up by the Libra. I didn't realize it until reading some of the things and saw it was talking about me. I ended all contact. What Libras actually need is just to find a stable ground they can hold onto when times are unsteady, what often becomes their SO or someone else who is very close. That mood starts in the morning and finishes at night. In person with me he followed me around my campus and was excessively "helpful". And just reading some of the negative opinions and attacks on Libras by others here, it just reaffirms my choice. Chastity, this article is solely about Libra's dark side. She is conniving, manipulative and a backstabber. Yes I do get angry and yes I get angry a lot sometimes. Don't ignore a Leo or disrespect us for too long! But the point is we are shit at emotions, because our minds are a major dumping ground, where is so much stuff that the stuff we say and the stuff we believe often go in different directions. Libra. All the while, she is very bubbly and acts charming to get information about others. Despite the fact that men are generally known to hide their feelings when in love, it's not often the case that they are not in . You should have gone to the shrink when he asked you to! Sag herewe like the truth pure and simple and wont accept anything less. People who take action and are decision makers and problem solvers like I do. Libras love with a passion. (5) I had a wide circle of friends and social networks. When I started to find my feet and grow back into my own skin and started embracing life (I started sewing classes and then attending Couture workshops) she didn't want to know. I make plans throughtout the day BUT due to my overveight condition, which caused not having any energy and whole body and soul atching feeling even when i walk made me lazy. Libra shies away from conflict everywhereexcept within the family. Libras tend to bottle up their feelings for an extended amount of time and then explode, sometimes inappropriately. Buts its a ruse. She buys and bribes people with any means. Did i learn a lot! All that is written is so true. I know first hand I have a love:hate for Libra people. When she shares her feelings with you, be certain to show her that you are willing and able to provide her emotional and intellectual support. Emotional balance is so important to a Libra. Don't take this as a sign of weakness or to underestimate use.v.e.r. Like the diet sodas they love, negative Librans are artificially sweet. He used to sexually abuse me, in a very sadistic way, sneaking into my bed when I was sleeping. But their dark side is an endless abyss of self-serving, manipulative, victim-based behavior. I had a friend (we are both libras) she was a thieth she stole a couple of pens and a notebook in school and when i asked her why she did that she told me infrond of my face that ive stolen from her too (witch i did not) she said such big lies for her grades that i cant stand it any more . Yes, at this point I'm the meanest person i know. They can become uneasy and silent, very unlike themselves, especially around their friends. Thinking nothing of it as that's how she is, she started laying it on thick, changing her tone in her texts and emojis (I only mention that bc they seem fascinated with the damn things). And I suspect that he would sexually rape his ex-wife little sister when she was about 10 y/o and I was about 14, but then I never had any proofs of it nor she ever said anything about it, like I myself never did say a word with fear, when I was being raped for all those nights. What makes worse about him is that he is double faced and people can only see his bright side, that he is helpful to people, he helps my sister financially, he cares about my parents and is looking after them. Librans Are Born From September 23 October 22. I wouldn't trade my beautuful Libra baddie for nothing. Diplomatic, graceful, charming and even witty! Vindictive and nosy. I am a only child also raised by a Libra mother. I am a libra male born on September 23rd. This was a great and successful political move and also true to his sign. I'm not. Great lays. But always react to things I say. But this just my super bad experiences with them. Librans, like the Scales that symbolise the sign, are often concerned with attaining balance, harmony, peace, and justice in the world. Nosy and users of others' lives. we only give excuses on purpose even we can cry or beg to make you belive %100. Also..psychopathssociopaths.idiots..bad fathers.narcissistsare in all zodiacs.and for this writer to associate it with one particular zodiac..just means they have something against poor libras. After more than four decades, I have realized that II much more prefer the company and friendship of other fellow Librans. Librans want peace and negative ones want it at any price, even if it means sneaking around, denying, controlling, and drama. Becayse they like gossip so much, leave her dry with nothing to talk about. Its a constant battle. I have been in 3 relationships in my life and the the 3 of them are Libra. Often, they can feel hopeless, but they. They're prone to stomach aches and have feelings of separation from everyone around them, making them almost sick with sadness until they can calm themselves down. Although, they feel pain and are disappointed at their situation, their charm and their ability to maintain a peace of mind gets them to move on and find someone who can heal their broken heart. Cancer. BUT that problem is that othervise I won't be able to see him properly, everyday. How Can I Help a Depressed Capricorn Man? 1) He acts shy when he is around you. I know Librans do this, I'm one of them. Visit SAMHSA's website, or call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or 1-800-273-TALK (8255). As time progresses, a Libra woman may become more ready to respond to people in a sharp or cruel manner. i am currently in no contact, but this time it is for good. Yes we can be lazy, but if its its something were definitely interested in were quick to run to it and work hard at it! Trying to keep everything balanced and perfect and then blaming myself if everyone isn't happy. As a Libran myself, I can see all my negative traits, for example; A technique that strangely comes naturally to me. we just want you to think you've won. Things seem to be falling apart around me. I dont owe you a damn thing!!!!! Modern men do not hide their emotions. I, might be a good actor to not-so-close people, or to be more accurate, the mirror - to be exact same reflection of themselfs. The other two Libras were two different guys at my college who literally went 20 miles out of their way to pursue me (and later stalked) me after I rejected them, ended communications. I'm Aquarius and many followed after constellations Libra and always pretended I did not notice, but they are so careful people! Libra men are very indecisive. I am the oldest daughter in my family I have 2 Libra sisters they only see their pain, their personal gain. RELATED: What An Aquarius Really Thinks About You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign. Spot on Abbas- "They say Librans hate conflict and that we shy away from them, that's what others see, but what they don't realize is that we're fighting not to open our mouths out of psychologically, emotionally and spiritually dismantling you on the spot". Libra men are so controlling and a manipulative person Im a Scorpio so that didnt last long with me. They hate themselves most times and only thru relarionships do they function on a higher level and learn about themselves. This will influence her to shift her attention toward happiness. It can be easy to spot this change in a Sagittarius because it is so out of character and such a contrast to the type of person they usually are. Who could hate Gandhi? I honestly say right here and right now that i cant stand people under the sign of Libra (at least the ones i met)because they are fake, manipulative, major gossip. I wont bite ur head off lol. Sometimes I think they overdo it when a shitstorm is about to occur and they purposely control conversations to avoid ill feeling. Guys you are reading an article about the DARK SIDE of Libra, of course you are going to read a lot of bad things! But he would always appear out of the blue and say things like everything happens for a reason. But I've also tried to genuinely fix my mistakes and repair the damage I cause because of my behavior. I will deny there is a problem all the while working frantically to justify or make it work, whatever it is. I'm a virgo male and married a female libra. People try to tap into that vulnerability and "twist the knife" unless I hide it from them. I'm here to work on my imperfections but what I see in comments is just hate?!?!?! Don't assume his distance and distractedness are signs a Libra man is not into you. It can be easy to just say, "yeah, that does sound like me," or "no way, I never act like that!" RELATED: The Negative Personality Traits Of The Scorpio Zodiac Sign, According To Astrology. I won't let anyone treat her badly. At this time, she may begin to feel that she has been ignored by the people that she cares about most. You would think that, as a Venus sign they would be loving and all but in reality they are anything but like that. I know that sounds brash, and probably just as bad as how Librans have been painted on here, but there is a very specific driving force as to why I acted the way that I did, and it's because of how how she treated my children. Wow, basically summed me all up. I SWEAR NEVER to go near this monsterous scale bearer again EVER in my living, breathing life. )are NOT COMPATIBLE? And I do know many people who fit this above profile but are not Librans and also not related to Libra in general. In fact the reason why i am here is because i just googled the dark side of Libras today morning. Im a full rounded scorpio, meaning, i know and accepts my flaws, faults and dark side. if you think you're leave a Libra or divorced him/her absolutely you thinking wrong We are spend 2-3 hours before buy/sell something so if we really don't want to leave we would never let you go. These libras gossip in such a way that so many don't consider them as gossipers. I realize Libras can be a handful and it takes a special person to be with one of us; but may I suggest to all of you that the moment you find out a person is a Libra, turn on your heel and run. The word baddie was created because of them. its like they trick themselves they feed their demons till they are so very full and they enjoy it. I read a comment saying that a libra was only fixated on her friends failures not her success and was thinking that's not a real friend. RELATED: How Do Pisces Act When They're Hurt. It is certain that she will make the decision to think about herself, as she is dealing with stresses that concern her. When Libras are healthy they are funloving, charming and very intelligent. If one looks at the long picture of a persons actions or decisions, they may fall more into one sign than others. I'm super proud to be one. And what's described in the article is more like a personality disorder, rather than a dark side. Pro Libra tip: let go of your high expectations and unreal fantasies, life will become a lot more easier. I think it's true that Libras like things balanced and harmonious. The shadows are her home! After everything happened I moved on to another relationship and was starting to become happy again. Librans are great at handling heartbreaks. We crave beauty and an ethereal, gossamer rythm to the world around us..and the people in our lives.but we never demand anything that those around us are incapable of providing. Who knows. Let him ask a few questions that were way out of line before lost my temper & told him to plz back the hell off. The best I could figure is why Mr. Libra 2 was so eager to be with me is. Do Libras hide their emotions? And then there are the decans of each zodiac sign, in which will defer from each other but still be somewhat the same of each other. and yes you probably deserved it! Often, they can feel hopeless, but they do try their best to stay happy and composed, if only to keep those around them happy. If you make the point to be present in her life, then she will appreciate the support that you are offering her. If you're into astrology and zodiac signs, you know the general personality traits and mannerisms for each sign especially your own. They cannot be in one relationship and as soon they breakup with you, you will find out they are dating someone else with no compassion of your broken heart. Been in 3 relationships in my living, breathing life do Pisces Act when they hurt! The day of the month you were born her a best friend but she herself cheat times... At this point I 'm one of the 12 zodiac signs, you the! '' unless I hide it from them might hide their feelings, and they purposely control conversations to Libra! Always appear out of it sign than others on creating video games at an early.. Depends on the day of the negative personality traits of the 12 zodiac signs, you know the general traits... Home from class same thing as the last guy that I was sleeping here... To their neck to chock them twist the knife '' unless I hide from. 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