Research Finds Who Is Most Effective for Remote Work, How To Search For Canibis Despinsary Jobs, A Single Photo Almost Derailed This Pole Vaulters Promising Career, What Type Of Employment Drug Screening Does Ballad Health Do. Rahu, being a karmic planet would show the necessity and urge to work on a specific area of life where there had been ignorance in the past life. HOROSCOPE / KUNDALI / JATAKA - Reading & Analysis. Business related to hard work, all type of machinery, electrics and electronics, business related, gold, chemical, farming, fertilizer and pesticide, defense, surgery, vehicles, spare parts, business related to maintaining all types of equipment, sports equipment, business related to all type of adventurous work, business related to fuel and mines. If Ketu comes in contact with malefic, so it can give career related to secret affairs like - Male Female escort services, where the identifications of those workers are kept secret. Ketu makes the person a justice lover and compassionate being who believe in the betterment of the whole mankind. Like Rahu, this planet is also mysterious to many people. In other words, it happens when the Moon obstructs Sun's vision on Earth. EarthTaurusVirgo,CapricornVenusMercurySaturnPracticalityThey Believe in Stability and long-term plans. you). Sun, karaka of kingship gives good knowledge of politics and public sector. Just because we have some combinations in our chart doesnt mean we will find success in that field, more over we may find success just by giving our career a little twitch. The planets that show these fields are in chronological order of most important to least important. Statement There are two kinds of related businesses: businesses that are run substantially by volunteers businesses that are linked to a charity's purpose and subordinate to that purpose Implementation 1. Will have knowledge in multiple subjects but their inner fear will make them keep studying and getting degrees to keep their job position secure. We need to see which planets are stronger in these houses. Match with practical horoscopes, you will definitely find those as true. First lets see the most common factors in a chart that shows education and career in IT. Vedic astrology believes that donation is the best way to get rid of the negative effects of planets. Be it a question regarding our professional or personal life, each and every answer is sought from ones Kundli or birth chart in the world of astrology. Their habits can go on for weeks or months and suddenly stop. Get Astrology products, Services and consultations Now: AstroSage Online Store. Ketu is generally referred to as a shadow planet. Ketus body is supposed to be composed of a mans torso in its upper half and a fish body as its lower half. There can be similar issues causing unrest in the business. They believe that one should lead a simple life, but think high. "This together with socio-economic infrastructure upgrade shall be the cornerstone of our new development paradigm in Ketu North," he stressed. Some planets in particular take such blames. Such a person remains serious in his/her studies and focuses well to attain good marks. Their favorite timepass is smoking tobacco or weed. It creates doctors, magicians, spiritual writers, hermits, astrologers, militants, religious professionals, and philanthropists. A well-placed Ketu represents a great philosophical mind that would be very much intuitive too. (c) It Shall Be At The Discretion Of The Clients To Take Any Decision On Any Matters / Issues / Problems Of Client's Life With Regard To My Astrological Consultation. Japa of the Ketu mantra Of course we cant cover conjunctions Ascendant and house wise else it will never be over. In astrology, Ketu is often seen as a hindrance or hindrance, particularly in the physical realm of life. Ketu: Ketu shows spirituality but detachment also. Lunar eclipses, South Lunar NodeBody of Svarbhanu. Jupiter represents educational jobs like teaching,counseling and advising . More professions ruled by Ketu: Ketu represents electrical objects, Career-related to computers. Jovial Jupiter . If one can bear the difficulties, suffering and be non-attached to the events, people in front then Ketu Graha Devta surely provides his blessings and bestows the truth to the native (concerned person, individual, i.e. Writer, Astrologer, Numerologist, Palmist, Vastu Expert, & The Teacher of Occult Subjects Shankar Bhattacharjee, a respected & well known name in the Vedic Astrology field. They try to project themselves as honest persons. They are able to develop it making it their most powerful asset. Sun also makes one good at doing social service. Boateng made a very dangerous intervention there, I've seen that he didn't even get a yellow. Pujya Guru Ji have a vast and diverse Knowledge of Spirituality, Astrological Science, Yantra, Mantra, Tantra, Meditation etc. horoscopes are based on your Vedic Moon Sign . The name Rahu -Ketu actually exists in Vedic Astrology. (i) Clients Are Not Forced / Not Instructed / Not Ordered / Not Compelled Into Any Astrological Remedies That Is Thought To Be Appropriately Suited To Them Specifically & Particularly. Donate milk and sugar. One can only spy if his internal motives are not known to others. But, if it is under malefic influence so it can give unknown diseases or untreated diseases like Aids etc. The eleventh house deals with prosperity, growth, friendship, and social concerns. Like Rahu, this planet is also mysterious to many people. In my article Ketu in astrology a planet of mystery I will only mention those points that I have seen practically in my practice life. Dzodze (V/R) Feb. 25, GNA-Mr Edem Eric Agbana, a former Deputy National Youth Organiser of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), has organised free medical health screening for residents of Dzodze in the Ketu North Municipality of the Volta Region. They will try to project this as trust of management in their abilities. Business related to automobiles, Engineering, Technical Works, Poisonous drugs, pesticides, Fertilizers, Anesthesia, Chemical, Antibiotics, Pharmacy, Pathology, Lab Technician, Liquor, anti-social works, Fraudulent works, Occult, Mines, Smuggling, Luxurious things, Gambling, Speculations, lottery, Foreign Languages, Export & Imports. English / Hindi / Kannada / Marathi, (a) NUMEROLOGY - Consultation Offered, (b) MUHURTHA - Consultation Offered, (c) PALMISTRY - Consultation Not Offered, (d) VAASTU - Consultation Not Offered. We need to understand some of part of road (stars) will be friendly to some of vehicles (planets)How planet occupied sign, star we have to observe with position from ascendant we have to consider it. In case you are also looking out for a suitable career to prepare for after your tenth grade, you can opt for CogniAstro Report. Yes, this also can be a significant factor causing business-related issues. They are driven towards spirituality and liberation. Career Astrology: Profession in Horoscope, VEDIC ASTROLOGY CAREER PREDICTION/ HOW TO DETERMINE THE BEST PROFESSION, Ketu is a fictitious graha and is the south node of the moon, Human Resource Management: A Critical Approach, Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare: Values into Action, Handbook of Evidence-Based Practices in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Companion Encyclopedia of the History of Medicine, How To Use Your Skills And Talents In A Career, What Are Donald Trumps Current Career Talents. Positive placement of Ketu also governs professions involving spiritual and righteous deeds such as charity, orphanages, old age homes, pilgrims, rest houses, meditation centers, donations, and religious exhibitions and museums. How to know if planet Ketu Benefic or Malefic in individual or mundane horoscope chart Ketu in Vedic Astrology rules over your karma balance, spirituality, religiousness, detachment of mind, Near Death Experiences (NDE), After Life, Astral Body etc. Video advice: Career/Professions Ruled by KETU (Vedic Astrology) Hindi. Significance of Ketu in the Eleventh House Ketu in the eleventh house will bring an abundance of money and social height to the individual. In the1980s,the underlying justice of manyjob evaluation schemes wasstill inquestion, as it was argued that many schemes unfairly rated typically masculine job characteristics, such asheavy lifting, to a high degreeandtended to undervalue the softercaring skills fundamental to manyfemale dominated occupations. Ketu in 11th house in Astrology is a neutral position as gains will be received only in Ketu Dasha. Rahu-related careers are not conventional types. (h) Visits To Few Powerful Temples Are Recommended As Per The Time / Travel / Financial Conveniences Of The Clients As Remedial Measures Depending On The Interest / Inclination / Conveniences Of The Client. But then many people come to me asking which is the best house in horoscope and what is the role of different planets in horoscope? Major Vedic Remedies for Ketu. It is a malefic planet but not as malefic as Rahu. Some may become travel guides in religious places. FOR ASTROLOGY CONSULTATION APPOINTMENTS, ( Please - Call / WhatsApp / Message / E-Mail ) :-, (a) MOBILE NO. Vedic Scriptures hold him as Tamasik and malefic in nature, but not as malefic as Rahu. Here is detailed information about Ketu as per Vedic astrology to help you understand the role and importance of the planet. With an imagery of a headless, half-bodied, smoky planet, Ketu is generally known as the planet of illusion, detachment, spirituality, asceticism, secrets, apart from various other things. Ketu Just like Rahu, Ketu also represents Illusion as both are illusionary planets but the difference is that Ketu is also the one who removes the illusion and brings enlightenment. You can also worship Matsya, the fish avatar of Lord Vishnu. All Rights Reserved. Ketu (Sanskrit: , IAST: Ket) is the descending (i.e. Ketu also signifies self-undoing. Rahu is the situation wherein Sun gets eclipsed. The idea of the character comes from the books of Palmer Cox. To know the highest truth about reality of existence, purpose behind the creation of this cosmos and ability to live as a free soul in this world one needs help and blessings of Ketu Graha Devta! Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! There is much lore and mystery surround the Moons Nodes in Vedic myth, and they are considered of paramount importance in chart interpretation. In this post-Ketu,in Horoscope Vedic Astrology I have linked my article page, where I have shared some tips to understand this mysterious planet. It can make the person attain status, power, and wealth in life. Both the planets are inimical to each other. The results of Ketu in the 10th house would entirely depend upon the position of planet Saturn in the birth chart. As Remedial Measures. You need to analyze the result based on the 10th house and its lord and its relations with other planets and houses of horoscope or Kundli. With Ketu in the ninth house of ones kundli, he/she is devoid of addictions, has a religious tendency, is a scholar and philanthropist. Saturn is a friend of both of them thus if Saturn will be favorable then both will favor.To get favorable results one should give almonds to small girls. 4. Such a native is often travelling abroad or gains monetary benefits from overseas. Rahu makes a person indulgent, stuck in materialism and worldly comforts while Ketu helps to get detached from hollow endeavors. Remember in the case of these two planets we do not have any other way without our experiences, to know about these planets. Such a person feels deprived of any luxury despite having a prolific financial background and may think of earning his/her livelihood through sinful activities. Of these nine planets (Navagrahas), seven are physically existing; Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, whereas two are physically non-existent; Rahu and Ketu. All of these planets influence human life in various ways, and some planets are beneficial while others are malefic. Specialization: Astrologer Shankar Bhattacharjee is specialized in Predicting the Future through Vedic Parashari & Nadi Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry, Vastu & the ancient Horary System. At the same time, a malefic Ketu can also produce immoral people, those with strange behavioral tendencies. 1. General doubts keep note and later articles will automatically clarify doubts. Determining the right profession can be tricky, but it can be made simple and easy by following a step by step approach . Your email address will not be published. (e) BIG & ELABORATE POOJAS / HOMAS Are Recommended As Remedial Measures Only In Very Rare Critical Cases. Ketu7. In the sense of spirituality and purity, Ketu is a benefic planet but if you want to see its materialistic effects so obviously you will find it a malefic planet. Kesar/saffron is a good remedy for Ketu - eat it, apply it as a tilak mixed with raw milk, drink it, use it anyway you can. Ketu is generally referred to as a "shadow" planet. Your email address will not be published. Ketu is responsible for Viral Diseases and controls all viruses in our food or body. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Effects of Rahu Benefic or Malefic in Horoscope, KalaSarpa Dosha or Yoga Mystic Powers and Effects, Effects of Jupiter Benefic or Malefic in Horoscope, Effects of Saturn Benefic or Malefic in Horoscope, 2015 Financial Predictions for Moon Signs, Prophetic Dreams of King Bimbisara in 19th century BCE, Trojan War is Brihaspati-Tara-Chandra story, Origin of Lunar Dynasty, World before start of Satya (Krita) Yuga, Solar Dynasty and Beyond. Depicted as the body without head. But there is a deeper meaning. It is mentioned that if Ketu occupies the 12th from Atma-karaka Lagna or ascendant in D-9 so the person will get liberation in the present life. It shares a friendly relationship with Mercury, Venus and Saturn and is enemy with Moon, Mars and Sun. These people try to help others without expecting anything in return. Ketu is for Moksha or liberation. Rahu is about enjoyment and worldly comforts while Ketu is about enlightenment and wisdom. However, in terms of astrology, Rahu means a lot. Ketu, a very mysterious planet in astrology, why it is mysterious? If Ketu is in the malefic house so the effect would be more. So let us try and understand why Saturn is one of the most significant planets and how it affects the zodiac as it changes the houses, careerwise. Determining the nature of your profession or the sources of income is a very tough task for any astrologer. As a report into Tower 7 prepares to publish its findings, Mike Rudin considers how this conspiracy theory got to be so big. The house is generally related with children. Are Recommended As Remedial Measures Depending On The Interest / Inclination / Conveniences Of The Client. So the works which are related to Mars are also related to Ketu. Ketu resides in dogs, so as a remedy people should take care of dogs. Moon2. They have a strange habit of growing beard and moustache for weeks and suddenly shave them. banking, accountant, or good business organizations, Saturn is exalted in Libra and is capable to give strong profession unless combined or aspected by Mars or Ketu. In case you are also looking out for a suitable career to prepare for after your tenth grade, you can opt for, If you are also intrigued about your future and wish to know what career/course to choose from after your school, you can take the assistance of, Malayalam Peru Anusaricha Jathakam Porutham. Finance and solidarity focused and very stubborn. Many times, these planets bring positive results in our life when they are in an auspicious state in the horoscope, but then sometimes these planets also become the cause of disturbance in our life. It is believed to have a tremendous impact on people's lives and also on all of creation. On this note, we would like to know about the grey planet Ketu, its presence in the horoscope and its impact on our careers and professional lives. Business related to advertisement, transport, Publisher, Book Seller. To balance the apparent dissatisfaction one has to go that extra mile to provide a satisfactory settlement in the present lifetime. Due to the presence of Ketu in the second house of a natives kundli, then he/she pursues a business venture related to travelling. They can be anything from a psychopath to a serial killer. The person may lead a simple lifestyle despite having all the luxuries around. : + 91 - 73494 - 01798, (b) E-MAIL : Ketu In Astrology A Planet Of Mystery : Ketu, in other word The south node. Selection of a business is a very important decision of life. It causes extremely angry and violent behavior. For ex - If Ketu is badly placed in 11th house then:-- One will find problems related to money. Ketu is considered to be spirituality, disinterest, and salvation science. Such a person either plans his business strategy with friends or gets into a partnership with them. Saturn, Mars, Rahu, and Ketu take the maximum blame here. In some special circumstances it helps someone achieve the zenith of fame. Ketu is often depicted with a gem or star on his head signifying a mystery light. So, now the question is how to know about this planet! The sign Pisces belongs the the guru, Jupiter, and Ketu also has dominion over it. Such a person is artistic by nature and works in the areas related to drama, entertainment, music, dance, Stock Market and so on. Such a person is most likely to work at a charitable or correctional institution, prison, refuge and hospital. In IBPS Clerk, whats going to happen should i be allotted a financial institution which has zero vacancy? Mr Agbanyo said 2024 offered a new dawn for Ketu North, saying he was ready to give his all to transform the Municipality with opportunities for the young, medieval and the old and urge the . (k) If My MOBILE PHONE Is NOT-REACHABLE, For Some Duration For Whatsoever Personal Or Professional, Reasons - TEXT Messages / WHATS-APP Messages / E-MAILS, Can Be Sent In Such A Case In Order For Me To Respond At My. Navagrahas - 9 Planets in Vedic Astrology. It is believed that Planet Ketu extends its influence on the soles of the feet. Never commit something which you can't fulfill.3. As I have mentioned earlier Spirituality is totally under this planets influence. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. After judging many horoscopes till the date, What knowledge I have gathered I will share with you those only and side by side I will add some of them which our Maharshis have told us about these two planets. Business related to automobiles, Engineering, Technical Works, Poisonous drugs, pesticides, Fertilizers, Anesthesia, Chemical, Antibiotics, Pharmacy, Pathology, Lab Technician, Liquor, anti-social works, Fraudulent works, Occult, Mines, Smuggling, Luxurious things, Gambling, Speculations, lottery, Foreign Languages, Export & Imports. 2. Generally, to understand a persons behaviour, expressions, thoughts, feelings, emotions, nature, you need to know his face, appearance, body language, eye movement and such bodily attributes, but how will you know anything clearly about a person who does not have an upper body? The native is rewarded with high insight and will be talented in many works of art. This article is written by a guest author who is currently undergoing and is right in the middle of his own Ketu Graha Devtas Mahadasha period. Rahu makes one very adept in scheming, cheating and deceiving others. Ketu doesnt have any own signs . Most of their life will be spent in useless activities like illusions about others, misunderstandings, fear etc. On the one hand, Ketu represents our attachment . Saturn can be pleased with the help of Mercury as Ketu and mercury represents the Sixth house. This house is also called Putra Bhava. Sun also governs sectors like government, administrator, Municipal Corporation, maintenance-related, brokerage or commission, law and order and enforcement related any dignified position, and Forest Department. It can also represent finance, banking and law . When Ketu is placed positively in the horoscope in the 10th house, it leads to success in career. In this post-Ketu, Jupiter Remedies In Astrology-Weak, Debilitated,Afflicted, Combust, Medical Profession/ Career In Astrology-Doctors Ultimate Guide, Moon Jupiter Combination/ Conjunction In 7th,8th,9th,10th,11th,12, Moon-Jupiter Conjunction/ Combination In 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th, Taurus and Cancer Horoscope 2023 Yearly Prediction, Moon Mercury Combination/ Conjunction In 7th,8th,9th,10th,11th,12, Moon Mercury Conjunction/ Combination In 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th, Mercury in 11th HouseCareer, Gains-Loss, Marriage, Friends, Aries Horoscope 2023 Love Life, Career, Marriage, Health, Divorce Or Separation In Astrology-Horoscope Prediction-Ultimate, Late Marriage/ Delay In Marriage In Horoscope and Remedies, Effects Of All Planets in Rohini Nakshatra in Horoscope/ Kundli, Ultimate Guide To Sun-Ketu Conjunction/ Yuti/ Combination/ Yoga, Ultimate Guide To Sun-Jupiter Conjunction/ Yuti/ Combination/Yoga, Ultimate Guide To Sun-Rahu Conjunction/ Yuti/ Combination/ Yoga. Vedic enigma is a platform for people who are interested in learning the art of Vedic Astrology . Thank You so much for connecting with AstroSage. They will have few good friends and many followers. This planet can be either positive or negative depending upon other planetary placements in the horoscope chart. ASTROLOGY Tarot Monthly Horoscope (March 2023): Let Tarot Unleash The Hidden Secrets! Business related to religious rituals, religious products and work where you will have many followers, Business related to hotels and restaurant, Motels, Business related to education and NGO, Business related to all type of food products, Business related to milk products, oil, Business related to Chartered Accountancy, Banking, Business related to publishing and Offset work. Ketu is said to be exalted in Scorpio and Sagittarius, as opposite to Rahu and is regarded weakest in Taurus. In certain circumstances, it helps someone reach the pinnacle of fame. Ketu Within The Eighth House: Vedic Zodiac. Learn astrology for free. There would be lack of trust in their marriage and relationships. Lets start our discussion: About Ketu, one thing you have to understand is that it doesnt like materialism. Positive Ketu also governs professions like charity, NGO, old age homes, orphanages, rest houses, meditation houses, donations, religious exhibitions, and museums. All even with a little knowledge of astrology would know that a horoscope consists of 12 houses and 9 planets as per Vedic Astrology. If Ketu is in the fourth house in the birth chart of any native, then such a person earns money through business, gains profit from animal service, is interested in carrying out religious works or singing and music and is a good speaker. Sun represents people in a profession like promoting, owner, manager, and physician. can help you with this. All Right Reserved. You may also like Detailed Horoscope Reading. Like Rahu, Ketu is also a shadow planet. Remember in the case of these two planets we do not have any other way without our experiences, to know about these planets. Ketu is also considered similar to Mars. What is the reason behind this? Ketu or South Node of Moon stays in each sign for about 1.5 years and usually takes 18 years to complete a zodiac cycle. Vedic Astrology uses Moon Sign based predictions based on your date, place & time of birth for greater accuracy. Stay . because how it exactly works no astrology scriptures have told us clearly. The Below Mentioned Personal Data & Information, Conveyed To Me By Any Individual Or Individuals [Client Or Clients] Contacting Me Regarding My Vedic Astrological Consultation Services Through This Website / Any Social Media Platforms / Any Other Source Shall Be Maintained Absolutely Confidential & Private From My End :-. Rise above the s Ketu, the planet of detachment! Ketu is religious planet hence if placed in the 10th house indicates secret professions, religious deeds, astrology and other related professions. He/She gains money through his/her spouse or anyone of the opposite sex or works abroad or in an MNC. We all know in astrology, the fifth lord in natal chart indicates what to study. Ketu in Pisces can give highest order spiritual knowledge. He/She is knowledgeable, has a sharp memory, is a strategist, fortunate, has a muscular body and an intellectual mind. This planet is always sitting in the opposite direction of Rahu and in nature also they are poles apart. The Cat's Eye gemstone is commonly known as Lehsunia. Pishacha Yoga: Mars + Ketu. Ketu represents egoistic and selfish related deeds in the past life. After judging many horoscopes to date, what knowledge I have gathered I will share with you only and side by side I will add some of them which our Maharshis have told us about these two planets. These planets in the horoscope of a person give the right direction to ones career and also prove to be helpful in showing the natives the right path. If Ketu is in the seventh house of the birth chart of any person, then such a native develops sinful thoughts, remains ill due to excessive sexual habits and suffers from health troubles. Ketu is also known as a shadowy planet like Rahu which on its own have no physical appearance. Rahu can remove all negative qualities of every planet while Ketu can emphasis every positive quality of the planet. This powerful astrological planet, when placed unfavorably, can bring a lot of problems in the life of the native. The south node of Moon stays in each Sign for about 1.5 years and usually takes 18 years complete. In career with practical horoscopes, you will definitely find those as true or gains monetary benefits from overseas always... 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