I scramble down the stairs, smiling at my parents. It's just that at this moment there are no plans for reviving it. I didnt do it, Amelia chuckles as she crosses her arms over her chest and looks down the beach. Complete, Genre: Friendship, Mythic, Fantasy. I dont have it, never did, Sawyer replies. Better than the three of you wandering into the magic forest to bag a hunk of ham with nothing but a little bitty hunting knife? Ill wait for you there, Amelia shot back, anger and malice lacing her voice to hide the shattering of her heart. So I wrote that letter. A few minutes later I hear crunching in the sand. Do you want to tell me whats going on? He asks. Lost in Sawyer | FanFiction Lost in Sawyer PM . Chapter 5: All alone. Sawyer just lets out a huff as we make it up to the caves. Didnt think you had it in you, Sawyer taunts and Jack punches him again. Yeah well, theres something I gotta tell you later. I try to keep my voice as steady as possible, and am genuinely surprised when I see a look of confusion mixed with something else I cant quite place on Sawyers face. He looks as if hes about to speak when I hold up my hand to stop him. Can you what? I ask quietly, to keep my voice from shaking. Were almost at the beach so I sprint away, admittedly not my most mature move. jaty. The medicine. Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood, Sawyer says to Amelia one day. Do I hear a note of sarcasm in that statement? Amelia laughs, looking in Kates direction as she huffs away from Sawyers latest crack at her. I sink into the sand next to the tree as I swallow the burning feeling in my throat. Gen fanfics are comprised of stories that do not center around romantic relationships at all. All I know is your name. Well, I begin, biting my lip, My name is Amelia Kassman, I am 20 years old, now single, and I know the future. When Jack doesnt answer I continue, resolving to tell the same thingI told Sawyer a few days ago. Shit shit shit shit shit shit. Its not even cold out. Dad dad! Supernatural Lost | Lauren Cohan Josh Holloway James "Sawyer" Ford | Fantasy Romance Lost Island Misfit Survivors Sawyer. Alright fine, your choice, Sawyer retorts, I wanted to know if you knew this was gonna happen! I watch as Sayid kisses Kates hand and then turns to walk away. I slowly lower myself onto the bed, now feeling light-headed from sitting up. Sawyer proceeds to beat Gwen again, punching her so hard she gets knocked down to the ground and dislocates and nearly breaks her arm, only stopping due to learning that she has a photo shoot in three hours. Amelia scoffed at first, but then realized he might just have a point. .We kind ofate it all. Right, no more food. I shut my eyes as Sayid starts with the bamboo under the fingernails. You alright there blue-eyes? The man to my left says to me in a gruff voice, James Sawyer Ford. He was a confidence man. Sawyer! I call, feeling indignant. Hes just playing mind games with me. Peachy, I say, feeling far from peachy. Im ready for movie night! I exclaim as I plop on my favorite spot on the couch. I stare right back, unafraid of him, but afraid of what I was planning to tell him. A note? Sawyer scoffs, More like a symphony!. When I dont see him, I resolve to staring out at the ocean. Dont you like her better? I ask as confidently as I can as I cross my arms over my chest. Sawyer breathes heavily and stares daggers at the cave people. I can watch Jack walk over to Rose and talk to her. For better or for worse, Amelia says proudly to Jack. Meanwhile the group returns to the present from 1977 and Juliet deals with the aftermath of Sawyer leaving her behind. Sawyer turns to me again to speak, Are you sure youre alright- He is cut off by a massive amount of turbulence. Well um, I know that youre making an enemy of people on this Island and I want to be a.. a fall back? I offer weakly. We accept virtually any type of Lost fan-written fiction, essays and poetry for our archives. Thats all you got? I can watch Kate and Micheal emerge from the jungle, and I can watch Hurley and Walt run up to them. A kiss ought to do it.. My backs killing me., Yeah no problem! I answer, taking the bananas and slinging them over my shoulders, Where do you want them?, Kate points down the beach, past where theres a small pile of clothes and a book, Just down there is fine.. I never realized how quickly things got started around here, I guess I was always just so wrapped up in rewatching the series I never noticed. I whimper softly when I make contact with the damaged skin, the pain still a vivid reminder of what I lost. M-rated. You dont know jack, stop saying that, Sawyer spits at me. I know who you are.. Other characters: James "Sawyer" Ford/Juliet Burke, OC, and a lot of other characters from LOST. Do me a favor, Sawyer spat, shooting daggers at Amelia, when you leave today, go straight to Hell.. Ill deal with it later. I do feel guilty every time I steal a line, but how else am I supposed to make myself relevant? Do me a favor, Sawyer spat, shooting daggers at Amelia, when you leave today, go straight to Hell.. Jin helps Sun run. I look wildly around and see Jack holding a bucket looking guilty. Kate shakes her head and turns back to Sawyer, So Im here. Judith Martha Wexler from Denton, TX, guess she was going to catch a connecting flight, Claire says at the memorial. Sawyer finally gets up. Now, all I want is the asthma medicine. "Jack?" We hunt, Locke says simply as Jack reaches over and grabs the knife. Great, thanks, I reply, feeling annoyed. Shut up, Jack says to Sawyer, And stop moving, he says to me. Lost: Juliet Lives Chapter 1, a lost fanfic | FanFiction Chapter One If you believe tales of old than you believe that there is only one other person out there in the world for you who can make you feel certain things. No. Why did you let him do that to me James why why why!, Keep your voice down, Sawyer growles through clenched teeth, And I did it because I didnt think Sayid would actually harm you. I get to my tent and collapse in front of it pulling my knees up to my chest. Youre afraid of your dreams? Sawyer asks, a small ocean breeze fluttering open the tent flaps of Amelias tent. Betcha knew I would do that, Sawyer grumbles. You had sex with my mother and then you stole my dads money all away. Suddenly a knife is thrown into the seat next to the one Sawyer is sitting in. I turn on my back and stare up at the ceiling of the tent. We can hear sounds of rummaging and growling coming from the fuselage. A note? Sawyer scoffs, More like a symphony!. This is my life on the line and not his, Tell him to let go, Freckles. Im sure Jack can help me once everything is settled down. I think Ive got a pretty good idea, I say confidently back. This letter wasnt written to you. Unrated. I tilt my head in question and he looks up ahead towards Jack and Kate. He glances at me and smirks before picking up a book and reading it. I look to my left and try to hold in the sharp gasp that forces its way up my throat. Looking up I see Sawyer. I fucked up royally, and Sawyer was right. I look up at the ocean, my tears blurring my vision. (Also called fanfic.) fanfic writer, trying to instill the love of lost in more people. Read it. Im not meant to be here. I know hes going to the caves, and hes going to get punched. Add to library 100 Discussion 20 Suggest tags. Living room! I am not beautifully broken, Amelia gasps between sobs, I was ripped to shreds from the inside out.. I can watch Micheal as he talks to Sun about watching Walt. Hell, I wondered when you were going to stop asking nice, Sawyer drawls as he makes to stand. James, I shoot back. Never mind what I want.. I know your secret, Amelia bursts out one day. Dont stop now. Birds flew away from the volume of her voice. Ok, here comes chapter 5! Of course I know them, really know them. Lucky for me I know that hes nothing but a big softy with a lot of grief at the end. Shannon her inhalers., You attacked a kid for trying to help his sick sister.. Summary: When one story ends, another begins. Im okay right here. I smile at him through the wet strands of my hair. Why you pretended to have it anyway. I nudge him with my shoulder and say, Nice one, Sawyer looks proudly at me. Its a Tuesday, I know how to restrain myself, Amelia replied just as playfully, enjoying the light-ish banter after all the shit. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don't wanna. Suddenly I hear Vincent barking and Michael shushing Walt to keep the dog quiet. I lay next to him, watching him silently before turning my back to him. I shake off the bonds and quickly scramble to my feet and make it to Sawyer. Russ: Thank you very much! Help me with these will you, she replied, ignoring what he said. I take a steady breath in and pull off my shirt, Whoa whoa-! Sawyer begins but I shush him. Beautifully broken, ripped to shreds, or whole, he loves her. Not too much of a fight, Micheal answers, It was more like me getting gored.. Lost Emotions reviews Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Charlie, Locke, and Sayid all head out to find Claire. Beyond the Island, there is another force at work in the world. But when it comes to love, the Island gets you where you need to be. I try to place myself in the crash timeline when I hear a loud creaking sound and lots more yelling. Summary: What happened after the Island and before "The End?" Probably more Island magic, or maybe its TV magic doing the work in this weird reality I find myself in. Sure jelly bean, we can watch it together, our little thing, He says smiling. Tossing sand on the fire closest to me I decided to return to my tent as well. Sawyer stood there in shock for a moment. Blue eyes is just taking up the top spot as doctor anyways. She's the type of girl that most would overlook if they were to see her in the street, at a party, or in a grocery store. Sayid you can be serious! I loud-whisper to him, pressing a hand to his chest to stop him. In the original series, I explain, Youre the one who gets stabbed. Im not meant to be here, I know it and the Island knows it. When why are you laughing? Sawyer replies, a smirk playing on his lips as he surveys Amelia. Sawyer shrugs and plops himself down on his airplane seat, his tent already seemingly set up. Greninja missed his trainer but then, another trainer comes into his life to fill that void. Characters: Hugo, Ben, Kate, Sawyer, Claire, Rose, Bernard, Desmond, Penny . I look down at my wrapped arm and realize Im only in my tank top. If they had gone with a hard sci-fi explanation, the show would be spinning off sequels like "Star Trek.". Sayid holds a finger up to his lips to signal silence and I scramble out of my seat towards him. Then my stomach turns and I remember Juliet. Published . I think you and me were born with a lot of it then, Amelia muses, not looking up from her book. *This is AU. Shut up, Sawyer says and I flinch at him, You want to know what kind of human being I am? He takes the letter out of his pocket and hands it to me, Read it. This wasn't going to be a typical dance session. I know what you become! Nothin blue-eyes Im just tired. She was standing there now for a couple of minutes all alone. Fine, get your pack and some water bottles and lets go.. I scan the beach, looking for Sawyer. Our food problem is solved, finally. Perhaps a more indirect method will loosen your tongue? Sayid asks and I know whats coming. But Jack ignores me. I hear the soft crunching of the sand behind me and I can tell its Sawyer before I even have to turn around. I know who you are.. No wonder we kicked your ass in the Gulf Sawyer begins to say, until Sayid shoves the bamboo into Sawyers fingernails and he screams. Let me talk to Sawyer, I cut in, stealing the line from Kate. I start to make my way towards where I know Sawyers clothes to be. Its okay. You absolutely do not, Sawyer shoots back and pulls Amelia into a tight side hug, sighing to himself. I keep my mouth in a tight line to avoid from making any pathetic sounds. Sawyer, who was sitting next to me, is nowhere to be found. This girl might be the death of him. Could it be because Im younger? fanfic writer, trying to instill the love of lost in more people . This reality, or whatever, is from a TV show called Lost. Baby, I am tied to a tree in a jungle of mystery. I have to wait for Kate, and I have to wait for Juliet. What is it Sawyer? I say a little too loudly and both Kate and Jack look back at us. Sawyer is the first to get up and come over, and Kate follows after him. My name is Amelia Kassman, and I am not exactly supposed to be on this flight. I cant sleep. Jogging over I grab it quickly before those who are stacking the suitcases notice. I'm glad you liked it. When he recovered, he shot back, More than you apparently. And it was Amelias turn to stand shocked. I sob in pain and collapse into Sawyers lap. Kate and Jack keep me still as Sawyer and help me switch places with him. After Sawyer and I made it back from the caves. He goes as far as to cut Gwen, giving her cuts and scars that will forever remain with her and causing her to bleed. But when she walks out of the jungle looking confused and disheveled a week later, Jack has to wonder: Was she really gone to begin with? I swallow and nod, but he shakes his head in response. Oh god, were goin to die, arent we? Sawyer groaned playfully, knowing whatever Amelia had planned was going to play into the future. When it finally does start, I dont rush back to my tent. I hop my way to the kitchen, pull out the trash bag, close it, then head outside through the sliding glass door. Sawyer sacrifices himself so he can set off the explosive to reset time. Suddenly the world fell apart. Im with him. What the hell is wrong with you? Jack asks Sawyer. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://theothergeneration.wordpress.com/. So he got angry and he killed my mother and then he killed himself, too.. She doesnt look at me, shes staring down at the sand with a hard expression. Okay, Sawyer repeats. Summary: I know youll take care of her Jack. Jack and Kate have been on the island for 5 years. Lucky me I guess. All are multi-chapter; all but one are completed works. Nothing, Sawyer replies, but he pauses as he looos through his stuff, Did you take a book.. I dont sleep, Amelia whispers, My mind has the scary capability of being dark and demented.. But their effect is the same when the shoots are inserted underneath the fingernails, Sayid explains in a menacing voice, and I can feel my heart rate increase rapidly. I collapse in the sand. Sawyer I didnt know she would find it, I say weakly, bracing myself for an explosion from Sawyer. We walk back to the beach, Sawyer walking quietly beside me. Which one? The book they said you found it in their luggage.. Happy? I spit, not realizing until the end how my tone got more aggressive. Its odd how even though I changed things, everything seems to course correct. Hey, Jack, theres something you should know if the tables were turned, and it wasnt blue eyes, Id watch you die.. Favorite Joined Jun 15, 2007, id: 1301576 Favorite Stories 7 Sort: Category . Sawyer.. I plead, brushing the sand off my pants. Youre gonna have to be more specific there, blue eyes. Can you make it stop? Kates voice cuts through the panic that is filling up my head. It was his name. LOST fanfic generally explores characters, relationships, storylines, and themes from the show, that are not explored in canon. I follow not far behind Sawyer. My mom sniffs the air again and makes a disgusted sound. Thanks, jaty. You dont know nothin about me, Sawyer replies with a huff. How could I not? . Dude, Im not going anywhere, Hurley says. Im sure, Jack says, his voice full of malice. Yes, this is really happening. With tears in her eyes, Amelia says, You give out pieces of yourself to people but never let them see the whole picture. I fall to the sand as black engulfs me. While its not a lie its not the complete truth. Maybe not, but itll feel good, Jack replies and then nods to me. I can hear Jack and Kate call out for me, one more kind than the other, but I dont turn back. Hes never going to kiss me. I know who you are! I dont have it, Sawyer says, and then turns his head to me, Blue eyes here probably knew that too.. Um, she wore corrective lenses and she was an organ donor, or at least would have been. Youre a good man James!. Once theyre secured I settle down on one of my airline seats and open the book to chapter one. Hes concerned, genuinely, and I can see LaFleur in him. I cant stand it anymore. I dont want to think about the freighter, or the time skipping, or Dharmaville. I know your secret, Amelia bursts out one day. Why? Sawyer, Im giving you the chance to do the right thing. Are you hurt!? I keep my eyes away from the people in the caves as Jack approaches. I decide not to go boar hunting. What? Kate blanches, looking between the both of us. I want to ask if hes going to the memorial, but he speaks up first. Hope you like chapter 5, too. I let out a cry in pain as well just hearing him. Jack lunges in and punches him. I can hear Sawyer pass me, but then I hear another pair of feet stop in front of me. We both settle down next to one another on the airline seats outside of Sawyers tent. After all thats happened to me?, Sawyer regarded her carefully, helping her pull out a water bottle from her pack. I tried to stop it. I walk away from where we were all standing, and amble my way towards where Sawyer is chopping wood near the end of the beach. When he recovered, he shot back, More than you apparently. And it was Amelias turn to stand shocked. Villains Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Ultimately, Sawyer is killed by Hillary by being shot, who then later dies of her injuries. But the show still garnered both interest and money from fans. Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood, Sawyer says to Amelia one day. What do I want? I think forward to the Dharmaville days ahead, and I hope well be able to do it more. Probably because its his centric episode and the writers have to show what a bad guy Sawyer is. Wouldnt want to hurt his reputation and all. You dont know where Im headed, Sawyer says coolly and I shake my head. Itll probably be worse, He replies but Amelia shakers her head and looks off into the ocean. Ive seen it. I can watch Sawyer give Claire a stack of wallets. Amelia! Just leave, He says to her calmly, before disappearing into the jungle. I run with him and Claire as far as we can before the plane wing falls and explodes behind us, pushing us all to the ground. Amelia scoffed at first, but then realized he might just have a point. This girl might be the death of him. Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood, Sawyer says to Amelia one day. Thats the deal, Sawyer says finally. jaty. Sawyer turns around. Havin to wake up in the middle of the night for some boar. Im dumbfounded and Sawyer continues, Yeah I said it, and I bet you wanted to keep that a secret! I can feel the eyes of almost everyone in the group turn to me. I turn my head as Sawyer is helping me loosen the bindings on his wrist. Do I hear a note of sarcasm in that statement? Amelia laughs, looking in Kates direction as she huffs away from Sawyers latest crack at her. c oneshotcollection abclost +8 more # 4 Hate or love? I can hear someone talking frantically, probably calling the fire department. You bet. Hang on a tick. "Sawyer," Jack says. Sawyer doesnt say anything and I whimper. I was beginning to wonder if he was going to freeze me out. Please let me know if youd like to be tagged in updates! Thats all we have on Harold, his name on a boarding pass I just wish there was something more Goodbye, Harold, Claire says as her voice gets quieter as I walk away. Wollstein, Harold, seat 23C, Claires voice cuts in again. Dont stop now. I scramble to my feet and intercept Kate before she gets too far. Yes, she says quietly, her hair lifted off her face by the breeze. I wait patiently throughout the day, mostly sitting on the shore and waiting for the torrential rains to signal where the trio are in their journey. I know what you become! Bullshit, Sawyer interrupts, You goaded me and now youre facing the consequences. I turn around and I can feel his eyes roam all over my scarred back, and a small noise gets caught in my throat. Just tell me where the inhalers are and well stop, Jack explains to Sawyer. This will be mostly Sawyer x OC in the endgame but other ships may arise. Sawyer seems to know this too. - The rest of their lives, the oddest island wedding ever, the ways they say goodbye, the end. I shiver slightly and I feel Sawyers arm wrap around me protectively and pull me against his warm side. I really need the main cast to believe me. I dont exist.. I know who you are! Im sure he figured out I already knew, but wanted to say it anyway to sympathize. The balance had been thrown, and all that the island protected the world from was breaking loose. Not your fault, Sawyer replies simply, still looking away from me. Complete, Action/adventure, Characters: Hugo, Ben, Richard, Walt, original characters. I dont get it, Amelia pants, lowering herself onto the nearest log she can find. Hes been looking at me the whole time. Ill wait for you there, Amelia shot back, anger and malice lacing her voice to hide the shattering of her heart. Press J to jump to the feed. I wait until Sawyer trails off into the jungle before I go hunting for a book. I shudder slightly as he begins to trace the burn scars with his fingers. Its only when I hear someone stumble behind me in the sand that I turn around. Later on, Sawyer and Trent get into a fight, during which he holds a gun to Gwens head and threatens to "spill her brains". Yeah. Discussion of the show, pictures from the show, and anything else Lost related. Afterwards, it is revealed Sawyer does this routinely, beating Gwen when she tries to hide from him, doing this everyday for weeks. They had both been reading a book silently when Sawyer decided to speak up. Without spoiling, one of the sequels I linked to above (After, by KhamanV) is pretty much hardcore sci-fi, and if you like that notion, you might consider checking it out. Then it hits me, Confidence Man. Let go. Ive seen it. The only thing I dont understand is how I got to 2004 from 2010 I guess thats a mystery for another day. T-rated, Length:2 chapters, 11761 words. He tore his fingers through his hair. The movie begins to play, Incredibles, I havent seen this one before. I see Sawyer standing behind Jack so I stand near him. What? Shannon cuts in. Summary: New protector Hurley heals and rebuilds the Island as Claire, Kate, and Sawyer head back to our world. Yet she didnt forget his words. I move to let go of his hand but he stays put, so I stay content as well. I cant stand it anymore. Sayid splashes water on his face to bring him to. You absolutely do not, Sawyer shoots back and pulls Amelia into a tight side hug, sighing to himself. I guess we both are, I mumble to myself and I notice Sawyer turn his head towards me. This Island isnt actually real, and the show was filmed in Hawaii. (This is actually a Sawyer Hartman fanfic, with a . I know what you become! Suddenly Sayid is running towards us, and back to Sawyer. Hey Kate! I greet as I approach her, Need help with those?, Kate looks relieved as she begins to gather them up and hand them to me, score, Oh would you Amelia? God I just want to sleep. Out loud.. Amelia smiled a little, Youre a manipulator.. Stay awake honey, someone says to me, and I nod slowly, unable to see any defined face. You hit an artery, Jack says and I wiggle around to, Keep still damn it. Who is this guy? Hurley says, saying out loud what we were all thinking. There aren't a lot of LOST fanfiction sequels out there, but here are some. Everyone returns to their spots and I can see them glancing at me. How many times do I have to tell you? Its a Tuesday, I know how to restrain myself, Amelia replied just as playfully, enjoying the light-ish banter after all the shit. Okay mom! Damn right you were wrong, I choke out and lean my head against the trunk of the tree. God I hate the early season!! Im going to kill him, I can hear Jack say as I run up to the both of them. Hell of a book, I hear Sawyer call from the ocean, Its about bunnies. I sigh in relief, the interaction is the same. Lucky for you I aint greedy.. Youre manipulating right now, Amelias smile never falters as she speaks. Its a Tuesday, I know how to restrain myself, Amelia replied just as playfully, enjoying the light-ish banter after all the shit. I know you want to, Sawyer taunts Jack and I try to give him a withering look. At the last moment Im able to roll and only my right arm seems to take most of the impact. Set during the events of "The Incident" at the Swan worksite. The oxygen masks drop and I scramble to put mine on, my hands are shaking so badly that Sawyer has to reach over and help me. Sayid! Jack calls, and Sayid stops. Right behind you, Jackass, Sawyer says next to me. We can find food, Sayid adds, There are plenty of things on this Island we can use for sustenance., Sawyer sits down on a nearby airplane seat and adds And exactly how are we going to find this sustenance.. Now 6 hours into the flight I am clutching the armrests of my seat in preparation. I hear a louder creak as a large body pulls me away, Hurley. Fire licks at my legs as I scramble away, tears streaming down my face as I look at the remnants of my house. Uh Amelia- Its not what it looks like, Boone says, panic clear in his voice. I hear voices call out to me. I know whats inside and try to be as cautious as I can without alerting the other two I know something. Here comes finally chapter 5, hope you like this, too! How many times do I have to tell you? Kate walks a little ways ahead and Jack leads the group. I grumble internally, he didnt have the decency to get me out of my seat. I know Sawyer does, or else he wouldnt have revealed my secret. Being shot, who then later dies of her heart from fans Genre. Shake my head as Sawyer is the inside out Fantasy Romance Lost Island Misfit Sawyer... Are just born with tragedy in their blood, Sawyer says to Amelia one day can. Take care of her heart bad guy Sawyer is killed by Hillary being! Do not center around romantic relationships at all ; Sawyer & quot ; the Incident quot. Her injuries, TX, guess she was standing there now for a book reading. Hell, I dont turn back from sitting up light-headed from sitting up am supposed! 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