I'm going to start a thread soon on palm garden design. Spines are similar to thorns, in that they feature internal vascular tissue, but they arise from leaf tissues, not shoots. Your previous content has been restored. Although Blackthorn or date palm thorns cause most reported cases of plant-thorn synovitis, the thorns of numerous other plants can cause it too. Without treatment, plant thorn arthritis may develop into chronic arthritis. Its a real thrill!". Just a few of the escapades in the garden. Yearly Minimum - 26 (-4C). I always manage to get stabbed by those needles, usually many times in each hand. Which plants cause plant thorn arthritis? Harmful Effects from Use of Polythene Bags, Gluten Free vs. Carb Free for Weight Loss. Seems the innocuous looking palms are the ones to look out for. The. Sorta like Cameron in Ferris Beuller. All of this sounds so familar, a wrecked back from dragging heavy pots around, spines under the fingernail, Chamaehrops spines in the scalp, punctures, scrapes and wounds. Terms of Use. It occurs when the fungus gets into the skin via a small cut, scrape, or puncture, such as from a rose thorn. By Sasha Degnan. Sago palms are often called cardboard palms, fern palms and coontie palms. I hated it obviously but it could have been way worse. Of course it was the first day of a three-day weekend. Pelvic fractures are typically the result of high impact injuries. The vein collapsed and is now gone and the hospital still think I am a drug addict finding unusual places to inject. I was pulling out little splinters for days. Phoenix sylvestris spine that went right between my finger and finger nail. Antibiotics can often effectively treat actinomycetoma. Dig up dead foxtail, insert C. gigas in it's hole. The guy turned out to be a building contractor, who apparently had some kind of trouble with goons. The most common form, cutaneous sporotrichosis, is often found on the hand and arm of someone who has been handling contaminated plant materials. Products with electrical plugs are designed for use in the US. Airlie Beach, Whitsunday Region. First time I have ever seen that phrase written though. So, I learned a bit, including about being wary of stereotypes, but, well, some of them are at least partially true . I once got brutalized by a big trithrinax campestris.. Over the years, I have been stuck,poked, ripped, scraped, and any other action word that ends in "ed" that you can think off. One cheek of his buttocks was completely impaled from the 'plumbers crack' all the way through to the outer side. I've noticed that they leave little fibers in your skin that fester and stay in there for days if you don't get it out and it's painful. Know the symptoms and what to do if you experience them. It is best not to walk through a Calamus laden jungle with flip flops or any sort of open footware. I was just getting enthusiastic about palms and this guy had a really nice, young, mature Chamaerops humilis in his front yard. Then there's the eye pokes from the emerging spears of Bismarkia, Rhopalostylis, Archontophonix, and Caryota. Fortunately a couple landscaping rocks broke my fall. So I stayed on and the operator said I could wait til morning (as apparently thorn injuries alone can really hurt) or if I was really worried to go to a&e. 4 km inland from Indian River; 27 N (equivalent to Brisbane), Central Orlando's urban heat islandmay be warmer than us. Plant thorn arthritis typically only affects one joint. I have been jabbed many times but the worse was when I was pulling some weeds near one. DOI: Tung C-H, et al. I got stabbed with a palm tree thorn on my ankle at 11am and within an hour I started having a lot of pain, followed by swelling in my ankle, and now very limited mobility it's now 9:40pm. If this is your first visit, be sure to Substantial levels of it can lead to liver failure. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. Its great growing palms! You cannot paste images directly. It's a love-hate relationship growing these things! I decided to plant/transplant five 15-gallon sized plants on a Saturday last March all by myself. Cureus is on a mission to change the long-standing paradigm of medical publishing, where submitting research can be costly, complex and time-consuming. Needless to say I succsessfully covered the incoming grenade w/ my body and saved all my men. It was worth it. After screaming several expletives at the campestrus, my garden guy said he would never get near that palm again! Wish I had Cape Fear, I'd grab one with DeNiro in that hawaiian shirt. Hurt worse than I was expecting. Zone 10a at best after 2007 AND 2013, on SW facing hill, 1 1/2 miles from coast in Oceanside, CA. Plant thorn arthritis can occur if a thorn from a plant, such as a bramble or a palm tree, punctures a joint. (it's like a very small thorn)? I got stabbed with a palm tree thorn on my ankle at 11am and within an hour I started having a lot of pain, followed by swelling in my ankle, and now very limited mobility it's now 9:40pm. A truly permanent imprint that will never fade or lose its glow. The credits are the best, with the Build me up, Buttercup sing-along. An ultrasound examination revealed a foreign body in the posterior lateral aspect of the right knee. 1989 Record Low 6 (-14C). The spine came through the top of her foot! How Viagra became a new 'tool' for young men, Ankylosing Spondylitis Pain: Fact or Fiction. Carlsbad, California Zone 10 B on the hill (402 ft. elevation). I've cut my fingers on the petioles of my sabals and my Bizzy. Cycasin can irritate your digestive system. My brother in law had a long time infection from a Phoenix Palm though. I've gotten lots of little spines from palms like Livistona, that embed themselves in your skin, then make little lumps, which eventually disappear as your body "eats" them. Temps range from -1C to 46C. Initial treatment may involve antibiotics to help prevent infection from the thorn. As many of my palms as he has killed with that damn lawnmower though, maybe this was a little revenge from one of them, lol. Solid zone 9, I can expect at least one night in the mid to low twenties every year. link above. Well the bird started falling in a bad direction (towards the power lines) and, full of adrenaline, I jumped around to stop it and my arm swung into the crown of the roebelinii. Puncture injuries may look harmless, but bits of thorny debris may lodge inside the wound. The next would be, getting stuck with spines on a Aiphanes palm. I could just barely reach it. A thorn stabbed my knuckle on my thumb and I pulled the thorn out almost immediately. It took months before the pain finally went away. It happened to be right next to a Phoenix roebelinii. (2007). It may affect any joint a thorn can come into contact with, such as the finger or knee joints. But they all offer, only to not be available on the days that I need them. i got a thorn on my palm. "Kokoda" is the movie. Shortly after the puncture, he received antibiotics that temporarily relieved his pain and swelling. Plant thorn arthritis can affect joints that come into contact with a plant thorn, such as the finger, knee, or ankle joints. Palm trees can be dangerous if you touch them in the wrong spot. I (unknowingly) had a 1/2 inch thorn imbedded in my ankle for 6 months Summer (May-Sep) Highs - upper-90'sF (37C) Hot Humid, Winter (Dec-Jan) Lows - upper-30sF (3C) Mild/Cool Humid. And, a really unpleasant surprise, a poke in the eye by the new spear of a Rhopalistylus cheesemanii that left it really blood-shot looking -- but got better. The unexpected nasty injury was a cut from an Archontophoenix petiole I grabbed and tried to yank off a palm. GADZOOKS, those expletives are spiny and nasty. He couldn't sit down for several weeks. Any data in this post is provided 'as is' and in no event shall I be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, damages resulting from accuracy or lack thereof, insult, or any other damages, Ooh and how could I forget! and he hauls back and kicks-a-heem. i got a thorn on my palm. (2008). Just-a kick-a heem', like a dees!" before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. You might want to use some hydrogen peroxide and betadine on it. What's this inside my palm? what's this inside my palm? The patient underwent two arthrotomies and was treated . If people are gardening or taking part in activities that may increase their risk of coming into contact with thorns, they may wish to take the following precautions: People should contact a doctor if they have any of the following symptoms, particularly if they know they have had an injury from a plant thorn: People should let a doctor know if they have had a thorn injury and the type of thorn they think it may be. Warning, it may differ from "your" opinion. Hot and cold Med. I knew they were sharp but I didn't realize that they leave you with little splinters that cause irritation. Alot of times, they just break off in the skin and have to be removed. If you notice redness, swelling, itching, or other discomfort in the area of the thorn puncture after a few days, you may need to seek further treatment. Some of the reason is the footwear they choose that has heels higher than the sole, and also it seems the ladies like to go sans shoes moreso that men. If the thorn of a sago palm tree punctures your skin, get medical help, just to be on the safe side. I did NOT kill the offending palm. Wal, what about the ball sack caught in the zipper from There's Something About Mary! If you're ever walking with children or pets in these types of settings, keep your eyes fixed on their hands and mouths. Plant thorn arthritis is a rare type of arthritis that can be difficult for doctors to diagnose. Sharp thorns on their branches, trunks and the undersides or tips of fronds can puncture the skin and cause bacterial or fungal infections. You can post now and register later. I pulled it and pulled it and a few millimeters later, it came out! The leaf didn't want to come off and the razor-sharp edge of the petiole gave me a nasty cut on my fingers. The thorn may contain some toxic substance, probably an alkaloid substance, which are presumed to cause osteolytic reactions in the bone. Never will do that again. how can i take it out? The stab causes an acute local inflammation even if no part of the thorn remains in the affected tissue.2 Periocular date palm thorn injuries are relatively rare. Infections are particularly likely if the debris carries fungal toxins or soil bacteria, such as Pantoea agglomerans. Paste as plain text instead, Doctors may use an ultrasound scan to view the thorn fragments in the joint. 11.8k members in the arborists community. During a recent discussion, it came to my attention that I am not the only one who has been stabbed, more than a little, by a palm. Like through the palm and out the back of the hand. This is because the thorn fragments can be minuscule, making them hard to identify with imaging tests. Dogs especially seem to enjoy the taste of the plants. "Genius is nothing but a great aptitude for patience.". Plant thorn arthritis may occur if people come into contact with thorns, such as through gardening, and a thorn punctures a joint. I was stabbed by a palm tree thorn!? I cleaned it with alcohol and put something called black salve on it. If so, please do not feel insulted, just state your own if you wish. It really husts like hell most of the time and I have the upmost respect while trimming these leaves. Please check compatibility before purchasing. Minimum 3.C -------- maximum 43.C Average Annual Rainfall 1700mm. The beautiful rose flower tops a green stem that has sharp outgrowths. Sago palms grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 10. Although eumycetoma is commonly treated with long-term antifungal medication, treatment may not cure the disease. Well show you. There was a problem completing your request. The seeds have. Also never assume a plant only goes by one name. Resident of San Diego, CA and Pahoa, HI. One that might surprise some people for never really hurting me is the ferociously-named saw palmetto. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Livistona Decipiens is just plain gnarly, I've had to pick the recurved spines out of my arm a few times. Sporotrichosis is a relatively rare infection caused by the fungus Sporothrix. Kona, on The Big Island Duerinckx JF. ", Zone - a wacked-out place between 9b & 10, Elevation = 44' - not that it does any good, (BS, Man about Palms @ Jan. 04 2007,21:03). My hand started having spasms and I looked and saw a bloody entrance wound and then about an inch a away from that was a lump where my skin was raised from the back end of the spine that was lodged in my forearm bone (not sure which one). Managed to break the tip off under the skin too, had to dig it out with an exacto knife and tweezers. Having read the stories of Phoenix stabbings (and watching the travails of a worker who fell into the crown of a CIDP from a skyscraper ) I'm super careful around them. All parts of the plant are toxic, including the thorns. The rest of injuries center around being stabbed or scraped by Trithrinax, Phoenix, Livistona, Licuala, and even Butia. Allright, I'm out of here. He doesn't feel pain, though like the rest of us; his older brother cried almost all night when his mom told him to hide under the berteroana, during a hide and seek game, at night. Jim in Los Altos, CA SF Bay Area 37.34N- 122.13W- 190' above sea level. Pain and blurred vision got worse throughout the day - and back to the ER we went. Immediate, basic first aid should be performed on any puncture wound, and especially those from palm trees, to prevent infection. If you ate part of a sago palm and have any unusual symptoms, seek immediate medical attention. to be about 10-12 ft . It occurs when a thorn from a plant punctures a joint. Plant thorn arthritis is a rare form of arthritis in which a plant thorn punctures a joint, causing inflammation. Hello, sign in. Must be an italian thing because the cincituckians don't share much in common with those folks from up in the north. A perfect birthday gift or Christmas gift. Plant thorn injuries in joints and tendon sheaths produce a severe, protracted sterile granulomatous inflammation termed 'plant thorn synovitis'. . I was convinced I'd pulled a groin muscle or a hernia for several months. Next time was a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving. A surgeon will make a small incision to perform keyhole surgery or use open surgery to remove part or all of the inflamed synovium. My brother in law got an infected hand from Phoenix roebeleni and it stayed sore for well over 6 months or more with medication and several doctor visits. - Great Birthday Gift for Coworkers, Men, Women, Dad, Son, Daughter, Husband or Wife.- Reusable Coffee Cup can be used for coffee, tea or any liquid, - High quality print to ensure quote sayings arent easily removed. I'm lucky! MattyB, We avoid using tertiary references. Discuss Everything - Uncensored Offtopic Discussions and Debates Forum, If this is your first visit, be sure to The accuracy or reliability of the data is not guaranteed or warranted in any way and I disclaim liability of any kind whatsoever, including, without limitation, liability for quality, performance, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose arising out of the use, or inability to use my data. Dypsisdean, Woman have many more issues with calf cramps(spasms)/Achilles Tendonitis and Plantar Fasciitis that men. . The guy sees what's happening, and says to me, "Don't take-a 'dat cheet' from dat' leetle some-ba'-beech! Poked by a thorn of the palm tree can cause severe tissue damage and lead to irritation, skin burns, swelling and infection. Tropical Queensland. People may require a synovectomy, which is a surgical procedure that removes the damaged lining of the joint (synovium). With a closer inspection I had tiny little splinters in each spot that he leaflet tips touched. Palm tree thorns can readily penetrate the skin of humans and other animals. When my kids were young. (Think it was synovitus from googling) He was v.poorly and he can't straighten his arm. Thank You Present For Flight Attendant Appreciation Retirement Mug. . To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. If any of you guys have ever wondered why palms even have thorns you only need to look in the mirror. Display as a link instead, We report the case of a 14 year old healthy boy, who was admitted six weeks after being injured by a palm tree thorn, with limping caused by pain and swelling in his right knee. I have. Currently, the only treatment for plant thorn arthritis is surgical removal of the thorn fragments and a synovectomy to remove the inflamed joint lining. There was about 45# of force behind it. East of Mount Soledad, in the biggest cold sink in San Diego County. Well, I haven't but here is what I found in a search. and honey locusts (Gleditsia triacanthos), among others. I was fussing with my newest treasure - a Thrinax morrisii! His leg obviously hurts and he thinks part of the thorn is still in there. I was a bloody mess and mouth was completely numb. check out the FAQ by clicking the What's this inside my palm? Those things don't mess around they dig in then snap off when you pull away and lodge into your skin. Spines adorn a number of shrubs, including barberry (Berberis . . Mycetoma occurs when these specific fungi or bacteria repeatedly enter the skin through a puncture, scrape, or cut. Plant thorn arthritis can cause inflammation of the synovium, which may damage the joint or surrounding cartilage. Phoenix can be nasty too. and a frond hit me right in the eye. Please note that by doing so you agree to be added to our monthly email newsletter distribution list. It's specially designed with a large handle to provide you with a comfortable grip. I have one, too, and it's going to be either moved, or re-moved. Please try again later. MS: Can the Mediterranean diet help preserve cognitive health? "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Case report: Subacute synovitis of the knee after a rose thorn injury: Unusual clinical picture. A couple years ago I was taking down a giant bird of paradise that was mingling with the power lines. Fortunately I held the end on, and the wound has healed, but I was really cursing when it happened , for the pain, as much for using the wrong tool for the job. Wide mouth and large C-handle allow for easy, every day use. link above. Date palm thorn injuries require a high level of clinical suspicion and careful management as they can lead to severe complications, such as tissue inflammation, synovitis, and extensive haematoma. yikes. It took me off line for a few days. In this surgery, the connective tissue of the joint is removed. (0 members and 1 guests). Nothing gruesome, but still worth sharing. I'll have to remember that. He's more tempermental than a French chef, another thorn in my garden! My brother in law has a terrible reaction to phoenix spines, especially Roebelinis. My Dad was there in the real deal. Never make assumptions about the safety of plants. Like ageing, palm culture is not for sissys. Zone 10b (Zone 11 except for once evey 10 or 20 years), Last Freeze: 2011,50 Miles North of Fairchilds. It works. Strange Climate. I usually get a few scratches from my Butias when I trim the old, dried fronds. Phoenix are a some-ba'-beech, as an old Italian guy in my ancient hood might have said. Maybe the sylvestris wanted to stay in its pot? While sago palms (Cycas revoluta) might look innocuous and inviting, the hardy plants are highly poisonous to both human beings and pets. Ouch.I did a quick Google search. My dad was working on a job today and he got stabbed in the lower thigh by the knee by a palm tree thorn i think it was a date palm tree im not sure. Is this something that should resolve on its own? November 26, 2005. It also seems like everytime, I go to weed one of my Copernicias, when I pull back, I have at least two or three petiole spines, come off recurved into my arms--anyone else have to pull out Copernicia thorns from their arms and fingers? The worst was a nasty cut from a Copernicia alba; the recurved thorns on its petioles are like cat claws. Current USDA hardiness zone 10a I finally put the sylvestris in ground and was in the act of repositioning it, I tipped it forward one way and let it come back towards me- bam! Walked over to start the process and got a full 20 cm spine up a vein in my leg. Tying up the fronds on my largest washingtonia, cut my thumb the bone on one of the spinesprobably should've had stitches, but stuck a bandaid and called it good. Now my foot is throbbing! The British Medical Journal noted in a November 2002 issue that the fronds of date palms are "particularly dangerous," because the sharp, narrow tips of their spines dry quickly and break off easily when they puncture skin. It took two ultrasound exams to locate the tiny bits of palm thorn debris causing the infection and limiting the range of motion in the boy's knee. The Admitting Nurse asked how I'd gotten the scratch.. She said, "I'm not laughing - we get palm injuries a lot. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. Sago palms are fixtures in rock gardens, sand gardens and lawns. . I am terrible about having chamerops thorns in my fingers as I do not like wearing gloves regularly. I try to only plant thornless palms now.. and I stay away from the Phoenixes for this reason. To help prevent plant thorn arthritis, people can try to minimize contact with plants that have thorns. Upload or insert images from URL. Out-of-pocket costs may apply. Pantoea agglomerans was identified in the synovial fluid. A perfect birthday gift or Christmas gift. The worst case though was a work colleague who on bending down doing weeding, got poked in the eye by a young alex spear. Although rare in the United States, it often develops in people who live in rural areas of Latin America, Africa, and Asia that are near the equator. It occurs when the fungus gets into the skin via a small cut, scrape, or puncture, such as from a rose thorn. Long Island, New York Zone 7a (where most of the southern Floridians are originally from), Summer Highs : 85-90f/day, 68-75f / night, Winter Lows : 38-45f/day, 25-35f / night, Extreme Low : 10-20f/day, 0-10f / night but VERY RARE. Less lucky with the fire ants living on the palms, however. That's me after some severe planting on a very wet day. . To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. Good topic, Dean! All designs are lead free. Stretch the affected skin area gently and apply an adhesive tape or a simple cello tape over it . By My infatuation with Livistona decora has caused me injury on numerous occasions, love it, like war wounds to brag about. So far, no need for trips to the doctors, though that cut from the Archie came close. If you have a severe form of sporotrichosis, you doctor might start your treatment with an intravenous dose of amphotericin B followed by an antifungal medication for at least a year. The best was having a couple spines from a Chamerops actually break off the petiole & embed in my head, while I was pruning it. I was stabbed by a palm tree thorn!? Some foods may increase inflammation or trigger pain for people with arthritis. Garden Photos, Andrew when I was in Australia I had this dream of buying or ideally salvageing a sunken 60-70 foot sailboat off the reef and captaining it, like a floating bed and breakfast, and I imagined being stationed in the Whitsundays, and surfing the Great Barrier Reef, ok now back to being tortured by palms. about 95% of the time. He had some nice scratches on his head and respects Copernicias like he does Aiphanes(his favorite palm), now! 0.6 Acres of a south facing, gently sloped dirt pile, soon to be impenetrable jungle. Just a few hours ago while I was ready to hop in the shower, I noticed a tip of the spine was stuck in my arm. The armament on the petioles shredded his chest and arms pretty good. (0 members and 1 guests). Outlets and voltage differ internationally and this product may require an adapter or converter for use in your destination. MattyB, your my hero. Yes, carrying trimmed Livistona and Washingtonia fronds is not something I do carelessly anymore. Help! There are too many other palms to plant. Fell into the crown of a CIDP from a skyscraper! The culprits were D. lutescens and Thrinax morrisii (yeah, the one I'd been coveting for years). DISCUSSION. It really hurt! If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Common sweetener erythritol tied to higher risk of stroke and heart attack, Gout: How metabolic syndrome may increase the risk, A new therapeutic target for the prevention of heart failure due to aortic stenosis, Skipping breakfast and fasting may compromise the immune system, Tips for recovery of an ankle replacement, wearing protective clothing and boots that cover the body, using tools for digging rather than their hands. Average Annual Rainfall 1700mm palm though medical attention treatment may not cure the disease completely impaled the! Over to start the process and got a full 20 cm spine up a vein in my leg from )... 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'Tool ' for young men, Ankylosing Spondylitis pain: Fact or Fiction tissue damage and to. And respects Copernicias like he does Aiphanes ( his favorite palm ) among! My Bizzy to not be available on the palms, fern palms and this product may require a synovectomy which...
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