(I saw the new Superman comic and I am mad so here is me venting/processing so I don't explode. We explain the confusing circumstances of Kara's age. ", "I had to pick up some stuff from my desk why are you here? Kara then quickly excused herself to go back to Earth and Mon-El followed. He also asked Chloe Sullivan to create an Earthly history for Kara. Zor-El (Father) Alura Zor-El (Mother) Jor-El (Paternal Uncle) Lara Van-El (Paternal Aunt) Astra (Maternal Aunt) Adoptive Mother Adoptive Father Adoptive Sister Mon-El (Husband) Rose Zor-El (Daughter) Unborn Twins Clark Kent (Cousin) She simply recalled that she had been sent to Earth, that Zor-El told her that "Krypton's salvation lies on Earth" and that she and Kal-El were the keys. When she was fully locked on by the ship, Mon-El quickly sent the ship a message telling them that he would surrender to them and they laid down their weapons. These are the people who know Supergirl's real identity: He's a part of the Supergirl family@COMA but, Fortunately@COMA at the time@COMA 'Supergirl' was on a hiatus as production was paused due to the COVID-19 crisis. When a car crashed close by Kara ran at super-speed to the rescue saving a mother and her child with her super-strength. Considering her options, she wanted Clark to be happy and fulfill the role that Jor-El had in store for her. Unfortunately@COMA their plan was disrupted when a torpedo hit and damaged their ship waking Mon-El and eventually Imra. They go through they're ups and downs but Kara breaks up with him in 2x16 (Star Crossed)@COMA which is the first part of the musical crossover with The Flash. I am Supergirl. A declaration of their power, echoed in the militant footsteps that each chose to strode by. ), Part one of new version of Second Chances. From the moment he was 'born', Connor would forever walk in the shadow of a man they hailed as 'Super'. Mon-El told her that she was the reason why he was now a better person and they shared one final kiss before he entered the pod as his condition worsened. According to her, Supergirl wasn't born when Krypton was destroyed. Kara's main arc is finding out humans aren't that bad, Cat Grant Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Kara Danvers is still getting a hold of things, Kara Danvers & Original Female Character(s), And the Super Friends will end up helping with that, J'onn adopts another daughter and he's not quite sure how, References to a shitty alternate universe, Clark's Dad Mode also gets activated when he meets her, Alex Danvers & J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover Event (CW DC TV Universe), Kelly Olsen Finds Out Kara Danvers is Supergirl, Alternate Version Of Crisis On Infinite Earths. In the far distant future, the Legion of Superheroes has fallen. Warning Superman/Harem. In the Arrowverse timeline, Kara Zor-El was born on the planet Kryptonin 1966. Furthermore, while the series does have plots that revolve around Kara being an alien, it does not seek to show how difficult her adjustment to Earth would be. Three years after, he washes up on the shores of purgatory. Kara Zor-El is the daughter of Superman's uncle Zor-El and his wife Alura In-Ze. He learned that Jor-El was a good, honest man, not a power-hungry tyrant like he once believed. The Arrowverse's timeline generally unfolds in real-time concurrent to the real world so by the end of Supergirl season 5, Kara has been a superhero for five years. Lena has spent her life plotting revenge against the man that murdered her mother. Kara Kent is Clark Kent's elder Kryptonian cousin. Kara stared speechless as the couple approached. My name is Clark Kent, but that is not the only name I'm known by. Though Mon-El and Kara couldn't make it work@COMA, Chris Wood (Mon-El) and Melissa Benoist (Kara Zor-El). "Get OFF me, you bastards!" Naked save for her undergarments and helpless, Kara sputtered as she was dragged down the dark hallway into the foul depths of Jabba's Palace. When Alex arrived in the hallucination, Kara knocked her out with a sculpture, having no memory of her life on Earth. People worship you like a god. Superman reveals the truth about Faora to Supergirl and Cosmic Boy. It isnt until she meets Lena that she feels the urge to do anything to make sure shes okay. Instead, she grew up as Kara West, adopted daughter of Joe West, with a sister and the boy that she doesn't know she has feelings for. After she learned that she was in suspended animation for eighteen years and was released by the accident at Reeves Dam, she began to trust Clark and learned the fate of their home planet Krypton. As a child Kara went often on vacation with her parents in different planets]such asStarhavenandSedenach. While she is 11 years younger than her cousin Clark in Earth's chronology, in Krypton years Kara is technically older than Kal-El, who is 41 in 2020 since he was born in 1979, the same year Krypton was destroyed. Kara asked why Mon-El was surrendering to them and he told her that he wasn't worth innocent lives. She was roughly 25 when she donned Supergirl's colorful costume and she is now about 30 years old when Supergirl season 6 begins.There's a significant discrepancy with her age since Kara is actually much older than 30 - in Krypton . He also writes about a wide range of his interests from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, House of the Dragon, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, AEW, and Cobra Kai. For today, they would be bury their own.". While Clark was raised on Earth as a newborn, Kara lived on Krypton into her teenage years, yet CW's Kara is portrayed as pretty well-adjusted to an entirely new culture and planet. Some even say that they are psychically linked. Emerging from a capsule,Supergirl told the harrowing story of her escape from Argo City, one of Krypton's last remaining civilizations. Suddenly, Mon-El froze in his movements before he charged for Kara and then started to attack her on a rooftop across from her building. Some time later,Kara returns from the 31st century, and both cousins reunite for good. His other great nerdy love is British TV series like The Crown, Downton Abbey, Sanditon, and Killing Eve. While the Silver Age story established Supergirl as being bornafterKrypton's destruction, more modern takes on Kara have presented her as a teenager at the planet's pivotal moment. Though Mon-El and Kara couldn't make it work@COMA the same can't be said for their real life counterparts. Her very last words on Krypton had been Kara swearing that she would not fail. Kara arrived in the future where she was welcomed by Brainiac-5 and the Legion into becoming an honorary Legionnaire, her first mission was a diplomatic one that result after the discovery of Argo, the lost Kryptonian colony, but was sabotaged by someone from EarthGov and that event was the start of the war. Kara was born on the planetKrypton, in the prestigiousHouse of El, to her parents; scientistZor-Eland judicator (judge)Alura Zor-El. Go through each of the hero's struggles in a setting from their usual comic rouge. Clark and Kara reunite in the Phantom Zone. She was determined to get to the bottom of the mystery and go home. A journey between Kara and Lena, from complete strangers, to 'best friends', to a couple and to a married couple. When they grew into adulthood, Kara and Alex both moved to National City; Alex joined the DEO while Kara became the executive assistant of Cat Grant (Calista Flockhart) at CatCo Worldwide Media. Kara wondered why Oliver was looking for the bow and if Clark knew that he was, but Oliver was reluctant to give a straight answer. In 2011, DC rebooted its universe. However, Kara's ship was caught in a meteor made of Kryptonite, which she believes kept her in a state of suspended animation for decades. Of course, our emotions will be all over the place. The Arrowverse's timeline generally unfolds in real-time concurrent to the real world so by the end of Supergirl season 5, Kara has been a superhero for five years. After moving in at the Kent Farm, Kara taught Clark about her mission to protect him and explained to some background concerning Clark's own family. Old story from 2014 not posted here until now. After being told to get some rest by her mother, Kara researched Hellgrammites. During the Invasion Mon-El and Kara had an affair which led to Kara's pregnancy with Mon-El's child. Kara was weakened and beaten down by Rhea until Mon-El arrived with the switch for Lena's atmosphere device. The third in the X Male Reader series. Supergirl There's a significant discrepancy with her age since Kara is actually much older than 30 - in Krypton years@COMA Kara Zor-El is, Rose Zor-El also known as Rose Matthews is, Cat's last appearance was in Supergirl's season 2 finale@COMA @COMILLASNevertheless@COMA She Persisted@COMILLAS and Cat finally admitted that, They decided to set their ship into cryo-sleep and have it wake them back up when they eventually returned to the 31st century. Superman enslaves dc universe with the help of Wonder woman, Supergirl, Powergirl, Donna, and many injustice style lots of sex, Spank, rape, Superman/multi. As mentioned, Kara did not have the luxury of not bearing witness to the death of everything she knew, as Clark did when his parents sent him to Earth as a baby. Kara was ready to stand in their way and went to confront the ship but they deployed their weapons against her. After someone knocked on the door, the girls were sent up to their room, with her mother telling Kara not to use her super hearing to listen in on their conversation. The two moved to kiss, and it seemed that after a long time Kara could at last be happy. Instead of Lex being the Luthor to be involved in the fight, it was Lena who came up with the antimatter cannon. Once in the pod, he gave her one last look before Kara watched him leave the Earth. The Kara Zor-El article uses material from the "Kara Danvers" article from the Arrowverse wiki at FANDOM and is licensed under the Commons Attribution-Share Alike License. Kara then tearfully gave Mon-El her mother's necklace for him to remember her by before she told him that she loved him. Kara Danvers She is also willing to look past Lena Luthor's ties to the Luthor family seeing her as her own person, whereas many are unwilling to look past her relation to Lex Luthor. Obviously@COMA this is all to do with the super cousins' power sets. Due to space and time shenanigans, Kara arrived on Earth to find a Superman older than her, who no longer needed her protection. She later panicked as she did not have her powers or didn't understand what was happening. The two cousins left things on good terms, although Kara had made Clark even more unsure of himself, but knew he had to overcome this in order to defeat the oncoming threat of the darkness. In order to stop Lex's new plan, the team must travel back in time to before Krypton was destroyed to get the technology that they need. However, Mxyzptlk thought she was just playing hard to get and told her that he liked a challenge. *these characters are not mine. Mon-El kept the child a secret from his mother. Goes with my other work, My Stories, and is set right before the twins go to Stanford. Kara quickly and gently told him that she was flattered but she wasn't going to marry him. Source. Kara reveals to Clark that she allowing herself to be captured by the EarthGov regime to gather useful intel as a spy for the Kryptonians. Why Supergirl's Heat Vision Is Blue In The Arrowverse, Yellowstone's Dutton Family Tree Explained In Full, The Conners Just Made Jackies Andy Retcon Even More Confusing, Young Sheldon S6 FINALLY Confirms Georgies Ludicrous TBBT Missy Story. Kara was given a spy beacon by her aunt, Astra, which could be used to call her. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - [Kara D./Supergirl, Lena L.] [Alex D., Kelly O.] Kara Zor-El is the last survivor of Argo City, which had survived the explosion of the planet Krypton and drifted through space. Instead, Superman took Kara to live with the Danvers family in Midvale. Imra Ardeen appears in the third season of Supergirl. but he told them that he wouldn't talk. Kara Zor-El (born 1966) is the daughter of the scientistZor-Eland his wifeAlura. Part 7 of Second Chances. Superman and Supergirl appear on the scene defending Cosmic Boy and Saturn Girl. So while it may be fact that Kara was born first, the reality is that their relationshipis reversed thanks to an unfortunate set of circumstances. All of this makes it terribly easy for Kara to be stuck within Clark's shadow if not assisted by writing that seeks to differentiate her as a character outside of him. @COMILLASHuxley Robert Wood got here a few weeks ago ?? Its what Clark Kent said to his baby cousin as he hung up the phone with her, quickly getting up to find his shoes. Lex adds to this by telling her that Clark and he were friends, something Clark hasn't as of yet mentioned to Kara. |Tro Clark Kent/Kara Zor-El/Jason ToddBreve amor no correspondido de Jason con Bruce Wayne. Three years prior, Barry Allen, all eleven years of age, woke up to a whirlwind of gold and scarlet and watched as a man in a yellow suit ruined his life. Together, Clark and Kara took the spirit of Faora out of Lois with some help from Martian Manhunter. Benoist and Wood began dating in 2017@COMA and announced their engagement in early 2019. Kara was charged with protecting her infant cousin Kal-El and they were launched to Earth in separate ships before Krypton exploded in 1979. The DCU's gritty adaption of Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow will allow Supergirl to fly far outside the shadow of her Kryptonian cousin, Superman. Kara Zor-El, age twelve, had neither luxury. Kara begins to wonder if she ever had an earth family to begin with. My Hero Academia is in a theater to watch Supergirl and other heros too but mostly Supergirl. Jor-El summoned her back to Earth to defend the planet from an evil Dark Force that arrived with the intention of destroying humanity. Being a conscious survivor of an apocalypse hangs over her in a way it never can for Superman, and it produces a grittier character that will be refreshing for audiences. Towards the end of September 2020@COMA the actress took to social media and announced that, During the Invasion Mon-El and Kara had an affair which led to Kara's pregnancy with Mon-El's child. However, she carries the difficult challenge of being created after and in the mold of the most iconic superhero in history. But since she was unconscious in the Phantom Zone for 24 years, Kara only has the experience and memories equal to her 30 years of conscious life, which amounts to 13 years on Krypton and 17 years on Earth. Kara loves musicals and was happy to recommend one when a transmission came over television from alien visitors demanding Mon-El be given to them. In this alternative universe, most of the comic book canon for Superman and Supergirl remains unchanged. All of that and more you will find here.Short chapters.PS: Looking for some help to build the verse. She didnt get to see him often due to Jor-El and Zor-El being at odds. You are but the last daughter of Krypton parading as a God on this planet., Kara Zor-El of Krypton, it called out, you have great rage in your heart.. This will be 25 chapters long so I hope you enjoy. Along the way, she'll help the man she loves and prevent some of his worst tragedies. Eliana Kent's life started out well, until draconian anti-alien/anti-meta laws on her Earth ended up killing most of her family and she was evacuated to another Earth for safety. John can be found on Twitter @BackoftheHead if you want to see photos of the food he eats. After all, surely whatever a mere mortal like Lois did to make him happy, the two of them can do even better Como casi todas las cosas importantes de su vida: comienza con l de rodillas, derrotado pero esta vez por su propia voluntad. The pause in production allowed Melissa to give more time to herself. Later, Clark found Kara looking for a child named Kal-El and once he revealed his powers to her, she realized that he was in fact Kal-El, but was confused because she thought Kal-El was a child, not an adult. #alexdanvers With a couple of notable exceptions: 1. She is also sometimes short-tempered and sometimes lets her emotions get the better of her. Superman and Supergirl go up against EarthGov. Supergirl Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. During the process of engaging these soldiers Clark learns that Kara doesn't share the same compassion views he has towards humanity. She was in stasis for about 30 years but he was a baby when she went in. I am Superman. Kara made Clark realize that he was responsible for releasing the darkness when he used the Book of Rao. Mon-El was starting to suffer under the effects of the lead as well and Kara quickly brought him to his space pod. 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